Do you consider yourself to be overweight?

Well you can write to me on your steam profile and as I usually check the Steam community website a couple times a days I will respond as soon as I can. You can even send a private message through Steam chat if you want it to be private. That way we can keep this out of here where it is offtopic.

In general my advice is not try to hard nor force yourself doing the exercises, instead try getting used to and appreciate the exercises, make it a form of hobby that you actually enjoy doing and have fun with instead of something that you feel is a chore that you dislike as a result and are not motivated to do.

Also helps if you listen to something while you exercise and it can be also useful providing two benefits than just the exercise itself. You can listen to educational and documentary videos about different stuff to learn new stuff or just something fun to occupy your mind and not being so focused on the chore aspect of exercising. Could even listen to audio books as well to “read” while exercising. The possibilities are kinda limitless as nowadays there’s basically a video for and about everything and anything.

Sure thing. But really as long as you did well the goal of the exercise is accomplished. :wink:

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You can do it! :laughing:
Also, go on YouTube. Plenty of exercise videos and motivational ones too.

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Motivation is stronger when it is coming from someone who can be trusted.


Maybe @Anne_Pollard could be your motivational speaker, she is my Jita thief alt. :upside_down_face: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :innocent:

For the small fee of 1 bil ISKs. :face_with_monocle: :smiling_imp: :blush:

I agree.
You pay to sit on your butt to play games, logic demands you pay someone who knows what they’re talking about to get in shape. Unless you know what you’re doing and feeling great is motivation enough.
Take care of yourself, no one is going to do it for you, friend.

I actually convinced Frosty that Anne Pollard would become a good investment and tried to add her to our Corporation Contract so we can then send 1 billion idk yet we are blocked by this error message.

If you send me 2 bil ISK I let her know she should remove that limitation from the Frostpacker clan. :wink: :smirk: :blush:

There’s you’re motivation.

You can trust me , I’m a Doctor. Now lets work on that belly.


When I was young I was overweight BUT at 40 I realized I had to change my mind about everything I had been told about health, realizing most of what I had been told as truth was just bullshXX… went keto and began running 6 days a week and pushed lots of iron around … … decades later at 60 here I am … just saying , oh and I love eve , though as a care bear … peace


He loves yellow.


Does this mean the below one is his favorite ship and SKIN in EVE?


:thinking: :smirk: :blush:

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Yellow Submarine