EVE Is Dangerous. Yeah Right

not relevant,that can be changed

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Wrong, itā€™s entirely relevant.

You donā€™t just change lore and wipe out 15 years of history, especially when that history means that Eve gets the kind of mainstream press coverage that other games would give limbs for.

480K was the last figure anyone at CCP mentioned (2013 number, so very different to now).

Where did you see CCP brag about 200-300K?

Yes you do,you can and it will happen because it HAS TO.

The consequence of not reacting would be shutting down the server,but if that is the goal you want to reach while fighting your holy war against any changes to more mainstream then ,i can asure you that,you will reach it with easeā€¦

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I disagree.

The lore and history are an important part of Eve, if you change or wipe it out it changes the game, it would no longer be Eve, it would be another game with the same name.

You chose to create a character in a game that is known for being entirely PvP oriented and with a reputation for catering to the dark side of human nature. You choose to come onto the forums and try and change that game into something entirely different, because thatā€™s what you want; regardless of what others may think.

Metaphorically speaking, youā€™ve come into our house, and dropped a dirty gurt turd on the living room carpet. Thatā€™s kinda rude.

Youā€™re selfish, arrogant, uninformed, dogmatic, and above all holding a forlorn hope that CCP will share your dream.

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Balos, you should talk to that guy. Maybe if you reimburse the 800+ million he just lost he might help support your ā€˜high sec safe for everyoneā€™ initiative.

Donā€™t worry though, heā€™s just the first of many. Iā€™m sure others will drop some more on your doorstep in the weeks to come.

Grassroots that stuff! Help out the little guy! Keep on fecking that chicken!

And you can live this in low and 0.0ā€¦just not in highā€¦

Or you could just accept that you chose the wrong game in Eve and move on, because itā€™s clearly not the game for you.

So, you basically want players who are ā€˜undesirableā€™ to move to regions outside of your gated community.

You are LITERALLY driving for gentrification in EVE, you insufferable little shitlord.

I am going to very much enjoy killing people in your name over the next month or so. I will make double sure that they know YOU are the WHY behind it as well.


You knowā€¦itā€™s easyā€¦

Thing like this shouldnā€™t happen.

If he would be caught in low,complete different story but this is exactly what iā€™m talking aboutā€¦WHY is this even possible?

Shouldnā€™t be,couldnā€™t be and hopefully will not be in the future if all comes like it has to.

And about ā€œEve beeing another game with the same nameā€.

Yes,why not?

If the game obviously not works well enough and they reconstruct it than it has to be soā€¦all your whining about tradition is useless if the owners decide it is time for a change.

Itā€™ll be artisan coffee shops in Jita 4-4 next.

The reason itā€™s happening is that most PVE players are closet PVP players.
You have to push the right button and then WHAM they reveal their true nature and try their best to murder you.
They LIE to themselves and say they are peaceful, but the moment someone swipes a single metal scrap itā€™s all simian screeches and laser beamsā€¦ why? BECAUSE THEY THINK THEY CAN WIN.
Cowardice needs no protection from itself.
The ones who take the risk and lose are still far better than those who cry for complete safety.

What you donā€™t understand is that he shot first. I provoked him, and he shed his carebear super pve skin to try and murder me.


If this is wanted by the market why not? :slight_smile:

Iā€™m LITERALLY driving at the right side of the road because it seems to be obvious for every other than an extremley conservative and dogmatic person that a change to mainstream HAS to be made or the game will perish.

Not seeing it is in no way a proof for not needing it.

So bad he had to post it twice.

Have we broken him?
Will he reboot and recover?

Who knows, more importantly, who cares?

Just a wrong answer to the right postā€¦keep calm :slight_smile:

You still havenā€™t explained how we make this change to make eve mainstream, nor how eve is supposed to survive the change or how CCP is supposed to finance a complete rewamp of the entire game.

Can you please elaborate?

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Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

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I will keep shooting the man next to you until you stand down.
I hope others will follow in my footsteps.

and lot more subscribers.

and that is all that matters :sunglasses: