I asked the CSM 18 Candidates these 8 Questions
- What has CCP got correct?
- What has CCP got incorrect?
- What do you wish existed in-game that doesn’t?
- What exists in-game that you wish didn’t?
- What exists in-game that you think ought to continue to exist?
- What doesn’t exist in-game that you hope never comes into existence?
- How would you improve PI?
- How would you improve the entire corporation UI?
About the question set:
Questions 1 and 2 are priming questions designed to set a frame and get candidates thinking about CCP’s performance.
Question 3-6 are a special type of question that force your brain to do some critical mental gymnastics they’re a linguistic device used in reframing and problem solving. Essentially they ask for an example of:
- A false positive
- A false negative
- A true positive
- A true negative
In more elaborative terms:
- There was a problem and CCP did not identify that problem
- There was not a problem and CCP identified there was a problem
- There was a problem and CCP identified that problem
- There was not a problem and CCP did not identify a problem
You might find questions like these easier to answer in context. For example how is this true of capital ship balance, Ansiblexes and Force Projection, and or Market Fees and Taxes.
I’ve asked using the term wish which I’m using a synonym for want or need.
i.e. There was a NEED and CCP did not identify that NEED.
The last two questions are relevant to the Photon UI and I just wanted to know what the candidates thoughts were. These questions were for me.
- What has CCP got correct?
This question is definitely a struggle, because there are issues they struggle with even when they’re doing right. Overall, they do seem to listen to us somewhat. When we have issues, whether it’s CSM or the entire community bringing it up, they do listen and act on it. For example, the P2W crap they tried recently. We immediately went into an uproar and they took it out. Another example, FW. They did the big release and continued to iterate on it after receiving feedback.
Not going to name everything, but a few stand-outs are changing cyno’s to recons only and more recently the Uprising/Veridian expansions. FW was a good improvement, I won’t say its perfect but it’s good that CCP finally addressed the old FW system.
In my opinion, CCP is doing the right thing by continuing to work on improving the gaming experience, and the visuals of the game also play a major role!
I believe CCP has done a lot of good over the years but thats all trial and error. They keep adding to the game in an effort to bring new life and that shows they really care about the game.
Continue to itterate on the game and keep it as balanced as possible while using data in addition to listening to and using feedback from the community.
CCP has at times been very good about listening to the player base, and properly responded to concerns raised by us. The recent “golden ammo” thing is a good example of CCP listening to player feedback. As was the creation of the CSM.
They regularly add changes to EVE, work with the community, collect feedback, make EVE “live and active” for a long time, experiment (Dust 514, Valkyrie)
Focusing on the new player experience. By engaging new players and teaching them how to do basic things, we’re setting them up for a better future in New Eden.
These questions are way too broad and not really answerable in anything besides the most general, meaningless terms.
- To be fair Angry Mustache was my first pick on my ballot last year and probably will be again this year. Having said that this was his entire answer to all 8 questions. His characterisation of the questions as meaningless cracks me up every time I read it. Angry Mustache is an example of a facts based thinker.
Distribution of minerals across space, creating bottlenecks that the market adjusts to. Muninn Change
For good or bad, not being afraid to try new things. From Pochven, or twitch interaction so we can bet on the Alliance Tournament. There’s plenty of interesting things always happening.
Keep this game running for 20 years, looking like another 20 more
Their commitment to non-intervention outside of actual cheating and limited edge cases is a huge boon to eve, on a fundamental level it is what allows EVE to stand apart from any other sandbox game, its why the universe has such a rich and diverse history
I think CCP’s dedication to Eve is their biggest gold star. They make mistakes along the way, but the enthusiasm and excitement you can see from CCP employees is always very telling.
Most stuff actually
CCP runs the best and most impactful sandbox virtual world ever created.
Talking to players. Not just the CSM mind you although that is part of it, roundtables at Fanfests, surveys (such as they are), talking to player experts who were NOT elected when need be, and hiring from the player base. All of these make for strong lines of communication between CCP and the players.
not rejecting new content in paid product
They still try to change and reinvent new eden with expansions. Keeping the game evolving is vital for it’s health
They recognize that player driven events, politics, and content are what makes EVE stand out and they leverage it accordingly in their marketing.
CSM changes to the current election process (adding the two additional randomly appointed who fall outside the top 10, finally gives a chance to get more broader representation hopefully).
A good framework for flying spaceships with friends and an economy based around that. I obviously enjoy most things about EVE.
- What has CCP got incorrect?
Torvald Uruz
They can seem very disconnected from their playerbase. They chase crap that we didn’t ask for or don’t want, but they seem to think they know what’s best. A big example of this, the entire customization of citadels the paragon/dailies. Aesthetics/customization is the easiest thing in the world to monetize, and they decided to go the complete wrong way with it and basically make it this entire system that we didn’t ask for. For now this is only on structures, but they showcased a ton of stuff at Fanfest 2022 (heraldry), which is an easy monetization item that they passed up completely on to justify this paragon/evermark crap.
Another huge issue with CCP, timelines and tunnel visioning. They made scarcity last for so long and that’s really the only thing they focused on during that entire time period. They have a horrible habit of taking way too long to do stuff, and putting everything else on the backburner while they work. They have all of these development teams yet they seem to focus them all on one task. For example, right now they’re working on these grand narrative story arcs.
Stitch Kaneland
This is a much larger list, but I don’t feel like typing all day, so i’ll add some bullet points
- Up until recently (and even still maybe), CCP has an absolutely glacial pace in regards to iteration on problem areas. This could be ship balance, ecosystem, QoL etc. It feels like we’re destined to suffer through terrible changes for years until someone wakes up and tweaks some numbers.
- Nullification change was terrible and really not needed, especially in how it was implemented. It nerfed actual tackle ships and for some inexplicable reason, made DST’s near immune to any kind of interdiction.
- CCP’s left arm doesn’t seem to know what its right arm is doing. Hence why we repeatedly get issues where CCP’s marketing department releases special boosters as part of a booster pack that provide in game benefits for real money (aka gold ammo) without the other departments seemingly realizing this. CCP nukes all their community goodwill, CCP’s departments acknowledge each other, realize this was a mistake and pull it. This has happened several times now
- CCP’s refusal to admit when something is wrong/bad for the game, but are too stubborn/prideful to admit it. So instead of changing it in a reasonable time frame, we have to wait years (typically with management changes) to finally get the bad/broken thing addressed properly. Currently, this is scarcity, or the remnants of it (why are T1 BS almost 400m?!)
Nala Queen
They change a lot of things at once, which makes some players overwhelmed by these changes!
RGC Godfather
skill injectors
Dutch Gunner
I don’t think CCP does things incorrectly. They might not execute things ideally, but that doesn’t mean they do things incorrectly.
Grima the Mad
I feel that at times CCP can be blinded by a potential avenue to make more money. This can be seen in things like the initial wave of “luxury cosmetics” for our characters that came around with Incarna. Direct sale of SP doesn’t quite sit well with me, but that’s neither here nor there in the grand scheme of things.
Kilyavi Alaailaa
Unobvious or uninteresting aspects of the game lie on the shelves for a long time without changes.
Strange and obscure changes come out periodically without explanation.
Kshal Aideron
Starting things and either not tying up loose ends or… SQUIRREL and we’re off to something else. The NPE is a really good example of this. After adding mining to the NPE and tidying up the career missions, we were supposed to get an exploration tutorial. No idea if this is even still part of CCP’s plans. So I guess we can also throw communication in here.
Gideon Zendicar
Isk generation should scale with risk/reward - High sec abysaals currently break this concept and Null is severly underpresented here, Ansiblexes. T1 ship balance (esp. T1 dreads, carriers and t1 Battleships), monetisation
Gotta say that it’s primarily developer/playerbase interaction. They’re getting much better at it than before, however. But it is something I would like to see expanded.
Medicine Tetro
Pandering too much to null blocks and multiboxers instead of new and potential users.
Drake Idon
CCP’s communication, both to players and within its own company is disgustingly poor, we see the end result time and time again where CCP puts its foot in its mouth and fucks something up on something so fundamental, we saw this in the evermarks system, the ship sales, and more recently the widom of gheinok booster that was sold for real money
Dark Shines
Some of there, what i’m assuming are, management decisions about game direction and development have been absolutely atrocious and the messaging around it tone deaf. Scarcity being one of the biggest ones.
From the outside looking in it appears to be a lack of knowledge on the actual in game reality, something I would hope to be able to help with if elected.
They sometimes waste good opportunities
Gustav Manfred
Failed to communicate certain things, like the thing with the arena or the exact reasons why the old arena was removed
The company occasionally encroaches upon the sandbox with extremely poisonous monetisation schemes, I hope they always see reason and cancel like they did recently.
Mike Azariah
Well the blithe answer would be ‘not always listening to the players’ in spite of my answer to number 1. But I think it goes deeper than that and is an internal problem of growth and age . . . I think CCP at times does not communicate internally enough so those who do ‘know’ cannot warn marketing when they have some ‘great new idea’ to generate revenue.
Yondu Quill
Not rejecting new content in paid product and delivery of above
Velonad Tyldamere
Trying to shill gold items/in-game advantages for PLEX/money
Microtransactions for direct in-game benefits is something I will push hard against.
The Oz
Frequent reckless marketing / monetization campaigns are threatening the in-game economy and testing and crossing player loyalty limits.
To many Skillpoint bonus pack offers.
Dujek Oneye
Any way of limiting or regulating the number of “special” things. Titans, sov, people in a coalition, anything that stops you from making everyone blue, or groups from monopolizing certain areas of the game. That isn’t to say I wish to make titans 1/alliance or whatnot, but there are things that might warrant a more even distribution, that holding corps make impossible to limit.
- What do you wish existed in-game that doesn’t?
Torvald Uruz
- Honestly, a ton of out of game tools. It’s annoying that we have to use Dotlan because the in game map isn’t as functional. Also, Pyfa. These are all great tools that we should have access to in game rather than relying on the awesome player developers to do CCP’s job.
- Another thing that comes to mind, I want more dynamic PvE. The abyss is awesome but it’s problem is that it’s instanced content that is done in high-sec. I want to have stuff like the abyss outside in the universe. All other PvE in the game bores me, so I stick to abyssals because it’s challenging and dynamic. CCP needs to add fun PvE type content outside of the Abyss.
- One of my huge wish list items is the ranking system in FW. I’m a huge advocate of progression systems, and I love FW, so I’d love to see the ranking system actually be used. This could be a great way to give players in FW something to work towards, while also rewarding players for hitting milestones and achievements in FW.
- Also, this is maybe a strange one, but I’d love to see chat channels in Eve with the ability to display roles. Much like Discord, I’d like to see different people in chat channels names show up as different colors to identify them based off of roles in that group (corp/alliance/public community player ran channels).
Stitch Kaneland
Objectives, content drivers, reasons to fight people at larger scales. People only fight out of necessity, instead of for fun or to take something they find useful. It’s why the entirety of null has become stagnant with essentially 3 groups controlling all of it, but not doing anything.
I also have multiple ships i’d like to see implemented depending on the meta and need that fill certain roles that don’t currently exist. Super Heavy interdictor, T2 Attack BC, Utility Battleships etc
Nala Queen
As already suggested by Elinore en Divalone, a processing of corpses would be a useful addition, also that there may be a small chance (5%-10%) to recover implants from the processed corpses.
RGC Godfather
T2 variants of T1 battleships that dont get enough love (ie Maelstrom, Rokh)
Dutch Gunner
As per my original post, a shield equivalent of the Nestor but it’s part of the EDENCOM ship line.
Grima the Mad
Exploration missions, I think it would be fascinating to have missions geared specifically towards those of us who thoroughly enjoy the exploration game play loop. Exploration missions could be things like searching for lost ships, recovering this, that or the other thing.
Kilyavi Alaailaa
I find it difficult to answer. Perhaps boarding ships in battle
Kshal Aideron
The ability to schedule fleets ahead of time on the fleet finder. One of the largest problems with getting new players connected to fleet activity is visibility to groups actually putting on the fleets.
Runner up to this is a better way to X-UP for fleets. I’m actually having to have waitlist software programmed to help Eve Rookies manage our fleets because there’s no infrastructure within the game to help our FCs schedule and manage the actual fleet
Gideon Zendicar
Strategic topology that is not easily broken constantly by Filaments/Ansis or conduit that creates chokepoints.
The old EVE radio. Wow do I miss those old Jon Hallur songs and will still listen to it on youtube.
Medicine Tetro
Xordazh as a player ship
Drake Idon
Allowing 50kMN and 10kMN prop modules on battleships
Also holograms, skins, more customisation as a whole
Dark Shines
I would love to see a massive expansion on Capitals and to raise the overall ceiling on ships. Wether it’s T2 Titans, or some new mega titan, or non-combat capitals that could perform another task that doesn’t instantly make the biggest groups OP.
I love the idea of a new class that would siege on a wormhole and “doomsday” it, transferring massive amounts of energy into it to stabalise the Mass.
Or something
Doctrines (a collection of several fittings that can be linked)
Gustav Manfred
The old abyssal arena
Cat Ears.
Mike Azariah
Oh so many cool ideas that players have come up with. Temporary structures for footholds or player equivalent of a FOB. ‘Scan spoofers’ that would make a Titan look like a Frigate on scan and vice versa. But if you want one answer? A few more sci fi dream possibilities . . . players come into the game wanting to be a Wily Smuggler or a Bounty Hunter and we do not really have the mechanics for those professions in game.
Yondu Quill
big dynamic events that have real impact on eden.
Velonad Tyldamere
Covert dictors?! I joke tho, since that would be insanely OP.
I guess a legitimate use for surgical warp probes or similar items that have no real purpose right now.
The Oz
Meaningful wars for strategic objectives such as access to resources.
Mobile constellation level blackout inhibitors.
Dujek Oneye
Mercenary or bounty hunter framework would be really cool, but probably framework to meaningfully interact and work together with strangers temporarily, especially for new players.
- What exists in-game that you wish didn’t?
Torvald Uruz
Hypernet comes to mind. We had it good with Somerblink and IWantIsk, but CCP ruined those to create an in game model so they could make money off of it.
Another quick thing that comes to mind is dailies. These dailies for paragon are ridiculous. They focus way too much on Abyssal content when we have an entire universe full of stuff that could be used for daily tasks. Also, I don’t want so many damn evermarks!!
I don’t know if this counts, but CCP selling skill point packs. There is an entire system of extractors and skill injectors, and CCP selling SP directly in my opinion is wrong.
Also, local as intel. I don’t agree with blackout, but I do think that having an instant intel tool is not such a great idea. I’d like to see something like a local delay, maybe a minute delay before someone pops up in local. It’s a crap feeling when you get to a system and everyone is already docked up, or starbursts the second you appear in local. Give the skilled hunters a chance to catch someone!
Stitch Kaneland
Most forms of long range projection without limitations
Nala Queen
So far there is nothing I would not have wished for.
RGC Godfather
Ganking and the overall bullying of industrial and newer members
Dutch Gunner
I am not a fan of the skill injectors. Progression into other ships have improved massively since the start of EVE. Skill injectors have created the option to progress that much quicker at the expense of mastery of ships, playstyles and mechanics. This leads to much more dissatisfaction as people get into ships and content that much earlier and get beaten by others that have less skillpoints but a better understanding and mastery of ships and mechanics.
Grima the Mad
There aren’t many things that I feel shouldn’t exist in game. I have feelings about hyper nodes, but I feel like it’s a part of the game that provides entertainment for some people. I’m not fond of the idea of taking something away from people who enjoy it on my own personal feelings about gambling. It is an interesting tool which I could see being used in positive ways.
Kshal Aideron
The in game ads pointed directly at new players. As a marketing professional, I fully understand the need to monetize the game. However, I think the timing is wrong and counter productive. For example, one of the offers I’ve seen is omega at a stellar 1st month price. A newbro gets it then doesn’t know what to do with it and feels like they wasted money. Pretty counter productive in my personal opinion.
Gideon Zendicar
Free targeted projection in the form of fatigueless Ansis
Jokingly, multi hour jump fatigue, but I am just a capital pilot who remembers you could travel the universe as fast as your capacitor could take you.
On a serious note it would probably be that the amarr/caldari connection system is now in Pochven and it takes 30+ jumps to get to Amarr, or a spicy jump into Ahbazon. but EVE is ever evolving and I can only shake my fist at the clouds but so often.
Medicine Tetro
Slavery Roleplay, Hisec Ganking, Multiboxing
Drake Idon
I don’t think the shuttle should have interdiction nullification, it allows for perfect information without any investment and has massively reduced demand for the fleet interceptors (except the malediction because its absolutely cracked) Give permanent interdiction nullification back to the fleet interceptors if they give the nullifier module.
Dark Shines
Auto repair timers, I wish they didn’t exist. I would love for CCP to bring back manual repair timers as part of an overall structure redesign to reduce empire sprawl, especially in Null sec.
Gustav Manfred
The monitor.
Mike Azariah
Spam spam spam spam . . . bloody vikings. Recruit spam, hypernet spam, can spam around the stations.
Yondu Quill
jita local spam
Velonad Tyldamere
Citadel damage caps in it’s current iteration. It’s brutally boring to grind undefended citadels, and likewise very stupid to reward absentee guardianship of citadels by wasting everyones time.
I’d like to see damage caps for example doubled, but also allow citadels to be actively repaired to maybe half of that new cap, to allow a counter to slow down the reinforce rate.
This is just an example that would obviously need a lot of tweaking.
The Oz
The Hypernet
HAW guns (that’s why carriers where changed… and then forgotten about).
Dujek Oneye
Perverse incentives to exploit others’ work, like seagulling in FW.
- What exists in-game that you think ought to continue to exist?
Torvald Uruz
Player-Driven content. Market, PvP, empires, ganking, mining, wormholes, missions, all of it. Other than what I mentioned in question 4, I think the game should continue as is!
Stitch Kaneland
Nala Queen
Missions, also in “0.0” where I live, and to that effect also the chance of valuable implants and ships, which you can “buy” in the loyalty shop with the points coming from the missions.
RGC Godfather
actual pvp in general
Dutch Gunner
Attributes and remaps. Optimizing the attributes and remapping them really helps with learning skills that much quicker. It is an underestimated and under utilized aspect of the game that will save players days to weeks in time. It could use with a reduction of the cooldown between remaps to help making it used more often.
Grima the Mad
E-War, one of my favorite systems in the game is doing something that keeps others from doing harm or interfering with whatever it is that I’m doing. I don’t think that there is a huge push for its removal, but I think it’s in a relatively good place, and it adds interesting game play.
Kshal Aideron
Two extremely poker hot subjects are needlejack filaments and skill injectors. Needlejack filaments help players get out into null to places they might not have thought to go to in the first place. it isn’t only NPSI groups or small gangs using them. Explorers use them as well and it helps them get undocked and into the “more dangerous” area of the game. Personally, on my newbro roams it easily saves me 30 minutes of flying through nothing and losing player’s interest.
The other thing is the skill injectors. Eve Rookies exists because of LSI. I was able to get the skills I needed to play the booster and FC the incursion fleets. The alternative would have been to buy a character with the skill, but I wanted to play on Kshal. Not some character I didn’t make.
Gideon Zendicar
Industry Bottlenecks that require input from various areas of space to build advanced hulls to prevent one region of Eve from dominating all others.
The continued advancement of T2 capitals. Let’s make carriers worth a damn again.
Medicine Tetro
Drake Idon
Ganking, there are few candidates and alot of youtubers that decry ganking and are trying as hard as they can from getting it removed from the game, all they need to do is look at eve echoes to see what an awful idea that is, granting immunity from player intervention in hisec would absolutely cripple the economy in many areas
Dark Shines
Conduit jumping with Blops and Rorquals. This was a fantastic mechanic and I’d love to see more thinking like this from CCP.
Opportunties for content creation.
Gustav Manfred
No idea
The spaceships.
Mike Azariah
The ability for players to make a mark, leave a mark. The monuments, the cemetery, billboards, skins, logos, and heraldry. The ability to make it personal.
Yondu Quill
Velonad Tyldamere
ESI, absolutely critical to most tools run outside the game.
The Oz
A vibrant market.
Jump fatigue.
Dujek Oneye
Suicide ganking in its current capacity, wardecs and other uniquely-EVE mechanics. They can be refined, but shouldn’t be removed.
- What doesn’t exist in-game that you hope never comes into existence?
Torvald Uruz
Pay-2-win!!! No one should ever be able to swipe their credit card and get an advantage that can only be gotten from real world money. No golden ammo, no cash shop only boosters.
Stitch Kaneland
Gold ammo
Nala Queen
Above all, there should NEVER be T2 Titans, because then hardly any player would be given the chance to survive a fight, should one be led into the field.
Dutch Gunner
Any form of pay to win. And with pay to win I mean anything that gives you an advantage in the game over anyone else that doesn’t pay for the same.
Grima the Mad
At the risk of sounding like a parrot to what I’m sure many of the others you’ve copy/pasted this question to, mechanics which equate to pay money for a direct advantage, pay-to-win. I’m not talking about SP extractors and injectors, I personally feel that these are akin to catch-up tools that other games have. I’m mixed on the direct sale of SP, but it is a thing now and I don’t feel that’s a hill worth even fighting on.
Kilyavi Alaailaa
Kshal Aideron
Golden Ammo and other pay to win elements. No, I don’t think LSI are pay to win. They’ll never teach a player situational awareness, solo pvp or how to fly in a fleet. Those you only learn by doing. However, anything that you can buy and use to trump situational awareness and actual player skill is a no go for me.
Gideon Zendicar
No fatigue on Caps, Supercaps through Ansis
Personally, I am not a fan of the Pay 2 Win Golden Ammo that other games have. Implants and boosters sure, but not a special Omega Only type of ammo or something similar.
Medicine Tetro
Erotic Roleplay Cosmetics
Drake Idon
Gacha and P2W Mechanics, see EVE Serenity and Echoes, if people think this game is dead they should look over there good lord
Dark Shines
Golden Ammo.
Gold Ammo
Gustav Manfred
Removeal of the “legacy” NPC’s
Bigger and smaller editions of the monitor.
Mike Azariah
Golden ammo. Pay to win.
Yondu Quill
unknown space chores
Velonad Tyldamere
Gold ammo/modules ie stuff that is better than what is available normally in the game and can only be bought via PLEX or real money.
The Oz
Any pay-to-win items or systems beyond where we are at (which is already way too far for my taste).
A big blue donut!
Dujek Oneye
Gold ammo, things that can only be gotten from paying cash, etc.
I reached the word count limit the rest is in the comments as are the rest of the @ name
Who wasn't included?
Candidates who posted their candidacy on the thread late and may have only just received a question set. Candidates who have not responded.
It’s important to keep in mind that English may not be some candidates first language.
Candidates may have jobs and real life responsibilities.
I’m a nobody and it’s reasonable to decide not to answer my meaningless questions.
Having said that!!! These are the people that have chosen to represent us, now let’s burn them to the ground like the sacrificial lambs they are.
TLDR: Your telling the guy who read all the answer multiple times, responded to them in threads, and then posted them here. I don’t care if you didn’t read it or you think that nobody else will read it.