Eve's proper done

I’d ask you to stop whining like a little girl but that’d go against your nature.

And concerning the “hurr durr u cannut disput that hurr durr”, I can. Things have been going better since the last few updates, and CCP have apparently decided to take care of the mess that is Delve and Querious with their ratting farms, plus QOL updates.

I wish you good luck also o7.

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Taking care as in, delete said bot farm until it reappears a week later ? You might check out the state of lowsec and FW space is in as well …

Eve’s security team can only do so much at half capacity.

I’ll whine all that’s needed to, as it’s still a 10+ years time investment and dedication, this game, something you might know about ?

Probably not.

Meh, bots doesnt scare me like they should scare CCP. But it looks CCP are making enough bucks to not care more about RMT or other bot farms.

Dont try to be more saint than pope I say.

Yea that’s well agreed upon that CCP wins some on the shorter run at least, until it’s effectively nothing but bot farms and a tiny handful of real dedicated players. Kinda like worms making a quick feast off of a dead caracass.

Welp, OP - cherish your good memories of your time in EvE. All the best to you. o7

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The fact that very few people care about some random dude leaving the game, no matter how many time he invested in the game. You’re gone, good riddance.

Thank you, I will and I am.


You can keep saying that some more I think.


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Can I get your stuff?

Who knows how many times he will leave the game for good. :laughing:

Niceone, :blush:

To be frank, over the years I’ve lost count.

But seeing as I dont find any form of reason to continue supporting CCP, nor any form of former gameplay found, nor any and all the groups and friends and i used to play with ingame, now all gone, I remain hopeful that it should be it.

You dont leave EVE, EVE leaves you. :sunglasses:

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Everone has something “value” for me

He can always donate his frozen corpse. :skull: :slight_smile:

Everybody trolls out once in a while. Even you, or you, or that guy, or this dude right here, or this chick right there even …

Another Eve is dying thread?

Lets play basketball Erik

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