Finding Peace In These Troubling Times

Russia has started its invasion of Ukraine. It’s like the clock has been turned back to the days of the Cold War.

I remember these times. I remember how stressful they were when I was younger, worrying about what will happen. I wondered if there will be a future for me, a family I will one day raise, a career to one day choose and enjoy working in.

I found talking helped get me through these trying times. I talked to my parents, my friends, my guidance counselor, just to get things off my chest and vent my spleen. I also buried myself in my hobbies (programming, model kit building, listening to rock music, jogging) to keep me grounded and focused on myself rather than let the outside world pull that focus off me.

I know we can’t control what is going on today. That’s in the hands of our leaders and ultimately in the hands of God or whatever deities you might believe in, if you follow a religion. What we can do, now more than ever, is put even more time in doing the things that will help us escape the new normal, to talk to those who we love and who help keep us grounded. As I did when I was younger and what each of us must do during these troubling times.

I wish you all the best and hope you find nothing but good fortune, happiness, and health. I’ll see you in game.



our leaders were raised by elves, power rangers and a street fighter…

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That’s insulting to elves. Especially Night Elves.

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Just shoot some spaceships (player or NPC) or some rocks (if you’re a masochist :stuck_out_tongue: ) to ease your mind. :slight_smile:


Yeah this is what I do too. Eve’s an escape from reality. Whoever is writing our reality story needs to be fired for sure. Fire the whole writer room.


Things are so much better and so much worse than you describe.

peace be within you too

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Humanity writes its own history… so “firing the whole writer room” would be an apocalypse event I guess. :upside_down_face:


I practice elite PvO. :rock: :boom: :wavy_dash: :gun:

Just keep in mind that all politicians are bad guys. When Politician #1 tells you that Politician #2 is bad, that doesn’t mean Politician #1 is a good guy that cares about you.


@Brisc_Rubal can confirm? :stuck_out_tongue: :smirk: :blush:


but I am sure you would like some to be gone faster than others.

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I have very little ability to determine what is going on. Our media is so highly filtered that everything is just a conceptual brand. Some people say Putin is evil. Other people say Trudeau. Some other people think Nanci Pelosi. All three of them would probably make fine dinner guests. But, in their roles, they all seem pretty tainted.

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World War III. Guess who is invading who.

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Usually the victim is the person who lives there. Everybody who has to travel there is some sort of aggressor.

Also, it isn’t WWIII until China invades Taiwan.

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I am a loveable ball of fluff.


Yes but what about the rest of the politicians? :slight_smile:

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Like everybody else, some good, some bad. Some really bad.


I’ll bet the good ones don’t get very far.

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There is a reason I keep losing races.