For Folks who are 'Leaving'

That’s easily resolved. Call it the Love Ship and all capsuleers can put their favorite sweetheart’s name on a short note and once the Love Ship reaches Jita, after having spent several days in all the systems, the notes are returned to those whose sweethearts have responded ( just like a proof of discovery ) and they can then decide to fleet :heart: together or keep sending and receiving the note until the sender and recipient are a match based on the empire they’re serving or the amount of ore mined or ships destroyed…
The Love Ship. I think even Cypherpuss could like that idea and CCP could open an isk sink by charging for every letter on the notes. Everybody wins.

I agree with you on that part and the bit that you quoted wasn’t about new players leaving but about the responses I read concerning your exposé on the importance of in-game community, to which I readily agree.

Yes I agree and it’s been happening for more than 2 years.

I think vets have been leaving for a while ( granted a lot of them were botters ) and I think, by judging their monetization tactics that breathe desparation,
CCP is already in trouble. I think they’ve been in trouble for long time but the fact that the head-honcho couldn’t get half the price he hoped from P/A tells me they’re all in hot water until that money is somehow made and in comes the marketing department and… you know the rest.


Someone that leaves has obviously given up the hope that (A) devs will listen and (B) the game will change for the better. Such a tantrum could offer the devs at least some insight into why the player left. That particular account can not be salvaged, that player is gone. I have offered contructive criticism when I was still playing and if CCP would have taken it to heart, I would still be playing. But you can’t expect a corporation to cater to everybody, so I eventually quit as the game changed away from my preferences too much. I never had the feeling I was in a position to affect any change. I can get why people leave in a huff of rage when they spent so much effort on a game.

Made me realize that playing games dedicatedly is a recipe for eventual anger as sooner or later, you will quit.


Eve has its share of passionate players. That passion will boil over into forum posts, especially when they throw in the towel with frustration and many regrets.

While the passion may be called “a tantrum” for the sake of convenient simplicity, CCP would be remiss in not digging past the emotion and into the underlying reason. That reason is not the feeling shown in a post, but the cause of that feeling. It’s genuine feedback if they care to look past the entertaining, distracting or annoying emotions. That requires effort to do.

If they pride themselves in creating a game with passionate adherents, that passion should not be taken lightly whatever shape it takes at any moment. It doesn’t mean the underlying reasons are always valid, but at least the reasons should be identified.


Those reasons will never be identified because ISD constantly locks and buries those threads asap.

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To a degree. Few are buried. Most are locked because there is no discussion possible, and they become a session of mud flinging. But a locked thread still holds the data point ccp can use to the game’s benefit.


That’s due to a select few who blatantly disregard the forum rules.

Course then again one could surmise that those threads are locked and buried to keep the game from being presented in a negative aspect.

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That’s possible, and at times it may even be necessary to avoid unfair representation. Overall it’s not like we are prevented from speaking our minds on the official EvE forums, as long as we follow the rules of (more or less) decent discussion and posting. Perhaps I think there is even more room for the display of passion and opinion than you seem to give the forum managers credit for, but I could be wrong, on both accounts :slightly_smiling_face:


Be careful, you’ll be called an ‘Alt’ and a liar by those who have their heads in the sand.
As I already posted, the “why” is written all over their quitting rants and even though CCP et shills couldn’t give a hoot, the rants are lasting testimonials on how a player feels when he realizes that there’s no more room for his hope to be heard and that the game he’s been playing and sacrificing for maybe years just isn’t the game he played when he signed up all those years ago but a pale and sorry excuse for it. Again, perceived correctly or not. What one perceives become his reality and when what is perceived is substantiated by experience, good luck reasoning with him.

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Yeah, I’m still not fully understanding the negativity here.

I came to eve many years ago for the challenge and the player-driven narratives in the game. In particular, the tale of the fall of Bob was what really tickled my fancy. These narratives are still formed, and lived by the pilots creating them.

What’s up with risk and reward? There is near infinite Isk to be made in near total safety in a multitude of ways. Abyssals, manufacturing, trading, hauling, incursions, exploration, high sec structure bashing, NS wardeccers, freighter ganking… Very low if not zero risk. Potential for billions in profit. Yes, some changes have come in, so there’s some things you can’t currently build for profit. So what? Build other things. Show me a playstyle in Eve that hasn’t been altered in between the last industry patch and the most recent one.

If you have marginally higher risk tolerance, you can make countless billions easily and safely in nullsec ratting, or mining moons / ice. Even more so if you join a lowsec group and get that sweet sweet crokite. Industry becomes even easier, PI is a passive quarter billion per month, per character without trying.

You can’t have a fleet battle without 4000 players? Come to wormhole space, there’s 20-pilot brawls all the time. Take an NPSI fleet out of Jita, you’ll get some good content. Better yet, take a few friends in a nano gang and go mess around with people’s ESSs or jump bridges. Yeah, you’ll get blobbed on eventually, but there’s entertainment aplenty in seeing how many you can take down with you. Or take a few frigates out into FW space and go hunting bots, try out tactics to bait blingy losers into a trap.

If you’ve seen all the above, done all the above, and aren’t motivated by the late-game stuff of forming groups and passing on knowledge etc, then maybe it’s time to move on. But too many of the complaint rants I read are about a person having one specific way of doing things in Eve, and if that can’t be done then the game is awful, useless, terrible, Devs don’t know what they’re doing, everyone disagreeing is a shill or sucking up and so on and so forth. While I have some sympathy for people so stuck in a rut that they actively refuse to look over their self-imposed horizons, this is not - and has never been - how Eve works. In 12 years of playing this game, there has always been change to how the game works, how the systems and mechanics affect in-game life, and what activity is actually worth pursuing to make some isk.


Yeah but what happens when we come back?

Pretty sure most have lost it and left, only to return.
Few though actually write out a suicide note for their character blaming literally everything but themselves.

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I only gank miners in Highsec.

Not sure what else the game has to offer.

Ahh dear Aiko, that is because your calling is for greater things than mere “fun” or “profit”. The burden of saving highsec must be great indeed, but it is a worthy task - and thankless.

That you have dedicated yourself so can only be a credit to yourself, your followers, and the almighty Bob who has so clearly blessed you with such abilities mere plebians such as myself can only dream of.


Clearly no coincidence that yours is post 315. Bob truly works in mysterious ways.


When you come back, you find out that three quarters of your sh- is stuck in an NPC station in Pochven and you further find out that you shoulda never left the game in the first place and that three quarters of your stuff you can’t get to is held hostage by a soulless, heartless entity to whom you’ve been paying money for upwards of 10 years… Welcome back!:smiley:

I wouldn’t doubt it. The addiction is so strong that the mere mention of ‘EVE dying’ sets a lot of EVE cultists into a religious frenzy where they have to hurl frenzied verbs, adverbs and adjectives at the poor soul who merely suggests such an abominable conclusion.

Oh YES. I did read one of those character suicide note few weeks ago while browsing the forum… I…still don’t…know… what to… think of that, smh.

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You know all the major hauling entities will extract your crap from Pochven now, right?

That’s what I read in the thread my example is taken from but unfortunately I don’t think the OP came back to tell us how it turned for him.
Can you name a few of those hauling entities, please? I got sh- to move around.

PushX and Red Frog are the biggies. I’ve used em both extensively, very professional services both.


Much obliged! Thank you.

Or just filament it out yourself. Its really easy tbh

Yea… it’s not the difficulty, really. I’d rather watch a pizza being cooked to perfection in the oven and then sit down and savor it than do that chore myself.