How will EVE Possibly Compete with Amazing Star Citizen?

Oh come on, I have heard people on twitch saying things like that about EVE too. You can get zealots on both sides. But am actually surprised at the scale, so much infighting and antagonism between communities of spaceship games can occur. Instead of sharing common interest, some people set themselves as the anonymous cerbers.


I have just checked the you tube vids, i was about to back it. But it turned out that my PC specs need to be ramped up, so it’s better to wait and see what happends.

And Nana dearest, what is an anonymous cerber??

I used metaphor. Cerber was a monster that was a guard in Hades.
Players fooled by weak guise of anonymity start to attack everyone who say anything bad about the thing they choose to guard, not arguing about why and what they guard, but react by direct agression. In effect they are like a Cerberus that is unable to argue and is answering by agressive threats or acts. I could have called them fanboys, but that metaphor seemed more fitting.


Much sci-fi very spaceships.

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Aha :slight_smile: , yes quite fitting metaphor…

Dziękuję za wyjaśnienie (says google translate) :smiley:

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It seems that’s where the Money REALLY goes, making fancy JPEGS and Videos and hiring Hollywood actors for Voice overs hahaha

It’s so sad that game has no spaceships, just planes.

SC Release is on my bucket list. When it does, PvP will very much be a thing. The majority of those spendy ships have Lifetime Insurance [LTI}. Its a 100% return of OEM lost ship no matter the circumstance. You loose your upgrades and all stored items onboard [excepting of course any stored ships or vehicles also insured] but get the ship back as originally purchased.

Like EvE, players will be encourage to bling out their ships for increase performance and survivability. Also like EvE those fits can cost more than the ship it self.

If you fly in Decoupled mode, they fly like spaceships. Its coupled mode that has you flying like air plane is kinda like having training wheels on.

Hear hear! Well said!

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Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. :joy::ok_hand:

Wow! what an original design, i have never seen that before at all :D.

Easy. eve has been released, SC never will.

That’s Dwight Shrute from The Office quote :grin:

but that Drake Vulture… :joy:

CCPlease, throw a lawsuit. Pretty please, milk those mother*****. Pecunia non olet.


It even sounds almost exactly like Venture. Shameless imitation.

or dont sue them CCP, demand SC give you 50% of every Vulture they sell…what is it $140…yeah CCP demand $70 bucks as an IP license for each Vulture sold.

After I fell for this…
I will never Pre-Order anything again.

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Hmmm… As a rule of thumb, never should backup a gadget that doesn’t haves a working prototype, and conversely, honest developers should never sell a idea that hasn’t become real even in a rough but improvable form.

Looks like Kanoa didn’t had the software and crashed miserably against that key development wall… failing in the hardware part was just icing on the fail cake.