I’m backing Dual Universe, the French founder seems honest
Great concept too, Voxel based MMO, hope it works out.
And then a corporate betrayal from inside by someone robbing and dispanding them, EvE style!
The parallels of SC with the F-35 JSF are somewhat surprising.
After years of delays due to having to meet a multitude of conflicting requirements and the inevitable scope creep, these fighter planes are finally entering operational service, albeit in reduced numbers and slower than expected. However, this is after the program went over budget and behind schedule resulting in substantially inflated costs over the projected lifetime of these aircraft. Consequently, the USAF is trying to export as many as possible to bring down the per unit cost to compensate!
Does this sound at all familiar? xD
Bigger question is ; Why are we using technology invented in 1859 to STILL power our cars, get me the tin foil hat, cos people are scared to tackle that one
Eve already had walking in stations and it was just as useless as it is in SC.
Tesla is using technology from 1891 in their engines.
The company is called Tesla for a reason; you know, that Catholic guy who tapped into unlimited free energy, and so the powers that be took him to the Old US of A and he died alone and destitute.
imo,… it cant… SC and Eve are two different game environments, and I dont mean the in game environment. I mean out of game.
Its the same difference as why some rappers like Dr Dre make it to death row records and some like Tu Pac get ganked at the street light.
we are talking on the scale of millions of dollars and tbh Cris has A LOT more experience making video games… IIRC his first game was out before I was even born…
In game, the environment is space but SC being procedurally generated, is a new thing not yet even finalized… and that technology will change gaming forever!!!
How many other games out there are doing it? Im not really sure myself so Im genuinely asking here from a state of ignorance. When something or SOMEONE is mainstreamed into the spotlight in our society, its really hard to out shine the millions they dump into those projects.
Eve, is also in it own category for me at least, I dont know too many other games LIKE Eve, which is why Eve is unique, at least to me and my ignorance it is. So Im not sure we can compare them.
like fruit, apples to oranges. both are fruit but each have a unique taste and are totally different in color, smell, etc. The only thing is you can go to the store and easily find both maybe even right next to each other.
The last game Chris Roberts released was Starlancer (2000) and before that, he was responsible for the Wing Commander series. He also consulted on Freelancer (2003), a game which he started but didn’t finish. Hence, prior to Star Citizen, he has perhaps 10-15 years experience developing space sims.
CCP has spent a similar amount of time developing and supporting EvE but their is experience current and up to date, not 15 years old!
Also, procedurally generated environments aren’t unique to SC. For example, EvE uses PG for planets, Elite Dangerous uses PG to create unmapped solar systems and the entire universe in No Mans Sky was PG.
And for map, stars location, it was procedurally generated with a seed.
But its really old tech with these planets in EVE. Have you done Planetary Interaction? Or flied very close to them? You cant bump off of the planets and moons, you just fly thru them like they would be not there. Planets structure is smooth ball, without any bumps and structural variation. Textures are smol. Very smol res.
If I would do planets in EVE, I would at least add polar ice caps, auroras, improved atmoshere effect, higher resolution textures and make planets have colision spheres (they are ignored when you warp anyway). I would add ability to land on planet like you would dock in station, with custom environments around specifically for each planet type, there you could pick up the planetary products. I would leave POCOs in place, but would make it into a structure to dock you into the spot on planet. Sort of terminal. Tax would be still deducted from transporting materials to and out of planet, but it would be so when loading materials to the ship. That was my original take on the Planetary Interaction redesign.
But they would rather make games for virtual reality in the meantime, instead of improving what people actually play, and would play for years.
I think keeping and improving environment here is an investment, and as EVE is more recognizable on market than any of these other attemepts at games, I think its better investment.
Procedural Generation is full of bull. It produces endless heaps of “meh” content, plus any faults inherent to the algorythms being used. It is appropiate as a filler content, but as main content it’s downright stupid.
Just look at Earth. It is more complex than anything PG will ever create in the near future. And how are most of the places and landscapes on Earth? Meh. Dull. Bland. Not worth a second look. Just filler between the “oooh” and “aaah!” places. If you had to make a “game” Earth, you would get rid of 90% of everything. Just as Rockstar made for Gran Theft Auto V with Blaine Country and San Andreas, they’re like 1% of the real thing, but there’s a 99% of interesting content in that game map.
What would PG do for it? Add more filler. Heaps and heaps of semi-random dullness. Adding features and stuff worth moving your ass there would take a lot more of effort than just focus on a size for the map, define a series off features and implement them.
Of course, there’s another claim. One that E:D haves: find the gems in the dirt. Out of 400,000,000,000 PG systems, SOME have impressive vistas or feature exotic planets with amazing landscapes. There’s people dedicated to uncover that. But it’s a very long term project and all in all it’s a niche profession.
PG is good for the filler content, but as main content… who’s still playing No Man’s Sky? And of those who still play it, who are still bothering tmemselves to uncover new cookie cutter planets and new cookie cutter biomes and then reach the center of the galaxy to start all over again?
Not to mention that all the effort put on PG planets has somehow turned SC from a space simulation with some ground content into a ground simulation with some space content. They’ve moved from 100 systems with zone-detailed planets to 10 systems with full-detailed planets just because… and I bet 99% of their planets is just a thin coating of dull filler.
Procedural techniques that are directed by good art directors are very good looking, even when its just a rocky landscape or one model of a tree that is resized, stretched, rotated and seeded. Generally it makes what artist would make but in a very short timespan and in massive amounts, but art direction is very important, because everything will look like directed.
As for structures, SC will have procedural cities. Dont know about content in those and missions, I think they should be also procedural.
Right now they are still developing the tools and the tech for all this PG stuff and have a very long way to go. I would imagine once those tools and tech and resources (textures, meshes, physics for different worlds etc.) for the planets is all actually in place, the rate at which planets will be generated will accelerate greatly.
However, wether it turns SC into a sci-fi game with a good chunk of space sim, or a space game with a good chunk of general sci-fi remains to be seen.
I also looked at their business model and I don’t see how they can continue decent development after the game launch without selling ships. Yet, to my understanding which may not necessarily be correct, there will be no ship sales after the game launches (if it launches of course). SC will never have subs of any sort, and I just don’t think the UAE credits sales (not sure of spelling) will be anywhere near to what is needed to run and continually develop the game.
I suppose they could add some content sales of some sort into it, plenty of MMOs do that already with decent success.
Star Citizen Alpha 3.1 is currently available to download and play.
Additional features and updates will be released as they are developed.
Windows 7 (64bit) with Service Pack 1, Windows 8 (64bit), Windows 10 - Anniversary Update (64bit) DirectX 11 Graphics Card with 2GB RAM (4GB strongly recommended) Quad Core CPU 16GB+ RAM SSD strongly recommended
Alpha 3.2 prepares to soar into the Persistent Universe.
Live Version: ALPHA 3.1.4
PTU Version: 3.2.0
They offer me a ship for $45 and so, to be a backer,
however, I don’t have that kind of hardware and I’m in courts for it due to war against my work, so…
By the way, for all those that have hate speech against Star Citizen, 3.2 is out. 60Fps with my i5 4460. I’m having fun and will leave EvE for some weeks until i’ve nothing left to do on this SC update.
ALPHA 3.2 is out. Repeat after me. ALPHA. It’s not even in BETA yet…
and yet as enjoyable as EvE wich is 15 years old ?
So is Elite: Dangerous, and it’s a finished, released game. More than likely, your final act on this Earth on your deathbed at 90 years old will be to check on the Star Citizen website to see which version of Alpha it’s still in…
ED finished ? Yes they delivered what they said they will. But the game is empty. I’d rather play minecraft, and i’ve backed ED in their early days as well…
Since last year SC made huge improvements.
And next year will be enormous… can’t wait to be there.
But hey, i’ll leave you here with your bumps topics while i’ll play the most advance game in the industry.
Makes you wonder if SC will still be enjoyable when it reaches 15 years.