How will EVE Possibly Compete with Amazing Star Citizen?

No Man’s what?? :sweat_smile:

–Gadget expresses her buyer’s remorse


Definitely Fabulous Rod.

I’ve plaved it.
I liked it.
I’m not a “modern” gamer.

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People would still complain, because it would either not be good enough, or because it would be too little. We go through the same ■■■■ all the time. No matter what CCP did, it was never enough.

The problem is not the game. These people are broken.

You are trolling. : - )

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The point

Your head.

We saw footage of DNF just over 8 years before it was actually released.

Actually more than 10 years before release in 2011. I remember screenshots being spread of DNF from past millennium. :wink:

I’ve just read the latest Derek Smart on SC and found out that CIG is selling (or has sold recently) virtual land plots after 173 million $ in pledges. Also have seen their last video. Phew. It’s been a long time since this:

Thank you for placing your order with Cloud Imperium Games Corporation!

This email is to confirm your recent order.

Date 10/12/2012

Shipping address

Billing address

1x “Make Mine a Double” Ship Pledge for €48.00 each

Subtotal : €48.00 EUR
Shipping : €5.00 EUR
Total : €53.00 EUR

I am not missing those 53 euros, and the bitter truth is that I still would pledge for that game from October 2012 if it was being pitched to me now. The current SC is not and will never be a game I would had pledged for, even if they release it in some way (which is not the likeliest of things).

Probably I should ask a refund, but not without downloading and testing whatever they’re downloading now.

Star Citizen reminds me of the Fable game series. Peter Molyneux hyped that game so much but it just never met his vision or hype. It was a good series, but never made the hype.

Star Citizen seems the same way. It may be fun when released, but it will never live up to the hype and expectations.

Every employee could quit their jobs forever and they’d all be rich. I don’t think they need to even release it, much less “live up to the hype.” They’ve already been paid.

This confuses me.

I’ve never tested SC on my new computer, so I think I should give it a try before asking the refund. My old computer was below requirements so the version of SC I downloaded and tested there three years ago was very underperforming.

Do you mean “whatever they’re having now.” ?

Three years ago … money well spent into a long time investment, I see. Could you send me fifty bucks as well? They would be equally or, likely better spent, and I would not waste it on hookers and coke. : - )

I think I see what you are saying, and certainly that would be the case if the employees would get a cut of the large amount of money SC has collected on the hopes of gamers. Do the employees get a share of the take?

Most of the money no longer exists. It was spent paying ludicrously high rentals of offices, moving offices three times, firing and hiring personnel, paying for cloud computing services, investing on ludicrous amounts of stuff that was done, re-done and abandoned and then done again and again a dozen times, and lots and heaps and tons of wasted effort.

So no, they don’t have the money. Most of it was ultimately wasted doing nothing, chasing CR’s idea of doing perfectly what he wanted, just with the little problem that CR never knew what he wanted (and probably still doesn’t knows). For an instance I remember, it took weeks of angry, bitter discussions to convince CR out of his idea that the shoestrings in Space Marines’ combat boots should be done using 2,000 polygons each -which are more polygons than your average online FPS body model haves. Those were the times when they were getting 6 or 7 million $ worth of pledges each month…

I guarantee that whoever has the authority to shut it all down already has. In an offshore account somewhere.

Em… actually christianity is based on JC’s showing up after his death. :wink:

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As told from tales of desert herders that didn’t know where the sun went at night…

Didnt stop people from anything anyway. It is so more than a tale. Its a promise in both cases. EVE had a lot of new adopters when there were Jesus features talked about too by CCP. I hope everyone can see a pattern. :wink:

Yeah and today’s Atheists believe the Almighty Nothing made Everything.
I’m with the desert herders on this one.

You believe in an omnipotent tyrant forbidding the whole universe to masturbate?
