I am sorry CCP - I have lost hope

In which case wars are of no consequence to you.

Neither would suicide ganking be a problem for you.

Is the problem that someone bigger than you can kill your stuff in lowsec?


Why would you risk your only “success” by gutting the core of the game and trying to replace it with something new? Just ask @Brisc_Rubal what can happen to an MMO that attempts that, who can tell you first-hand what happened to SWG. Those players stuck in 2003 still give tens of millions of dollars to CCP to develop this game every year.

If the world really has moved on, instead of risking their only profitable product, CCP should develop new games set in the Eve universe to capture this unserved part of the player-base people claim exists. And they are doing just that. So far they haven’t had a hit yet, but they seem to be getting closer, and maybe one day will get it right and deliver game play the OP and others claims he wants.

The real issue I see though, is that despite what the carebears proclaim, most of them really do like being part of a virtual universe where their actions have meaning. If you made a version of Eve with no non-consensual PvP, they wouldn’t play it, preferring to play on the ‘classic’ Eve server where their virtual assets have meaning and the other players are willing to give them stuff, even up to paying their game time, for their efforts. That wouldn’t exist in a happy, carebear version of New Eden with unbridled production and only consensual PvP.

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Exactly this, why making a fuss, if OP lives in lowsec. Wasted fees for the deccers … lol.

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No, only if CCP made it. CCP developers have absolutely no talent or understanding for designing PvE systems.

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Meanwhile, they’re making excellent PVP ones, and the fact that this is a PVP game, the PVE being an afterthought is not a problem.

Unless it’s a personal problem, in which case, EVE is not for you.

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Any game is only going to be able to satisfy a certain, limited target audience. Any change that improves the experience for a certain demographic may also negatively impact the experience for another demographic.

There are few games like Eve that satisfy the same demographic. I prefer a more sedentary life style, myself, but there has to be adversity to make accomplishment meaningful.

I have spent years as a Warrior of Light in Final Fantasy XIV where every victory is assured and I can get quick access to some short content where I am nearly guaranteed a victory. This feels good in the short term, but in the back of my head I know these things are not really accomplishments. In many instances, I simply can not lose.

While a certain minority may deride these games, most are content to chalk it up to different preferences and are willing to live and let live. What is being maintained, though, is that if someone has different preferences they should play a different game instead of trying to re-write this game to match their preferences.

We feel it. We understand the desire to just take a load off and do stuff. We also believe that perhaps there are better means at a person’s disposal than Eve to satisfy that goal, and invite them to explore those options instead of eliminating this type of game play.

Personally, I hope you continue to play and you find enough facets of Eve interesting to keep playing in the long term. I wish you well, as I do all my fellows behind their respective keyboards.

I suppose I’ll add one more thing. If you want to build something truly meaningful in Eve, something nobody can take away from you with their bigger ships, larger numbers, or wardecs, then build a friendship. It’s kinda hard, but soooo worth it.


I don’t know how many times I have to say this

I am not quitting Eve Online

I am simply not going to promote this game any longer until CCP steps up, takes responsibility and fixes this game

I am not going anywhere, I love my corp, I love low sec, I love PvP - I am not going anywhere


A stupid man once said :

“TSFH will never fall. So Tora, come at me, because I will wipe the floor with you.”



Never came tho did u?

Just gank the miners/explorers/mission runners and new players

Ran off the second we tried to fight back

don’t try ti big urself up - your a coward


No you !

CCP never thought for one second about the consequences even when mercs told them that blanket decs would happen.
It was the only effortless way and logical way it was going to happen…

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Then what is the problem? @Tora_Bushido and his alliance is offering you PvP, and is even picking up the bill.

I’m not sure what you define “PvP” as, but this is what it looks like in a open-world sandbox game. It isn’t honourable “gud fights” or drunken consensual lowsec roams, but it’s brutal warfare where you look for weaknesses in your opponent and exploit them. That means picking your fights, taking out targets of opportunity, and harassing the enemy’s logistics and income generation.

Has your alliance fallen yet and Tora won? Too soon to say:

Personally, I think you just need to put your Space Samurai playbook back on the shelf and re-evaluate your strategies/tactics. Protecting your newer players can be done many ways, especially by a group of your size and with feet outside highsec, other than telling them to not log in or leaving them to the wolves while you pursue your so-called lowsec “PvP”. I predict you will figure them out in short order, and be back to making YouTube content about the game you love in no time.

That or Tora will grind you down, break your will, and dismember you. Either way, another interesting player-driven story of the kind CCP intended when they designed this sandbox game.


He couldn’t take us down if his life depended on it, like at all

Your missing the point of this video and the blog - Just like everyone else is

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I guess I am. This just looks like a bog-standard pissing match between Eve players to me.

Best of luck with your in-game dispute.

How does a low sec pirate, eve online content maker, slamming ccp for screwing new players non stop

A pissing match?

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I’ve been creating Eve content for 8 years now. I have many alliances of my own and disbanded only one. Marmites itself has also been on the edge on disbanding for many times. And we also lost more than 80-90% of the players twice. They only thing that will save an alliance, is good leadership combined with a hardcore group of players.

As a neutral observer, I would have advised you to appoint a diplomat, as you clearly are not one yourself. Use your strong points (content, pr, etc) and adapt your weaknesses (diplomacy).

And yes to the watch lists being a big reason for blanket wars. And yes, about time CCP redesigned the war dec mechanism. But have faith, I know they re working on it right now.

“He couldn’t take us down if his life depended on it, like at all” is one of the reasons you need a diplo. You do not end a fire, by putting fuel on it. :wink:


You are a virus within eve online

You, your alliance, alliances like you

You are killing this game

You don’t care

You never did

I told u before, come at me, you are weak compared to us, an annoyance

Not one person has even understood the point of this video

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Compliments wont get you anywhere, but it’s a good start. :smirk:


Eve is dying,knew that.

“slaps of the forums.eveonline”
This bad boy can have so many crying babies in it

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