I started playing Star Citizen, and

I missed out on Dust, think they were just closing it down as I started with Eve, shame really as I used to play some FPS games back in the day. Also Valkyrie looked very nice, as I understand it it was limted to only a few combat arenas tho.

If they released both tomorrow and they were both tied into the Eve economy/universe, all 3 affecting each other then I’d def give them a go. But I can see trying to develop & maintain all 3 at the same time would have diluted everythng. I hope the experiments with Hadeon & Aether wars actually turns into something good.

Just because people wish SC to be a good space game, and just because the company promises it to be a good space game, doesnt mean it will.

Yeah, the difference is, No mans sky didnt take a hundred million dollars worth of funding in order to get to where it is. Star Citizen has already used up a large chunk of their crowdfunding money, and its still barely entry-level to all the promises they made. After spending, what, 200 million dollars, they finished maybe 10% of the game. How do you think they will finish the other 90% with only 20 million dollars left, when it cost them 200 million to finish just 10%? And this was back in 2017, when they said that they probably only had around 14 million left in the bank.

The only way is for them to open up to corporate sponsorship, which means the investors will both cut back the features, and add in a bunch of money-grabbing monetization schemes.

SC is a clusterf*ck. They chose an engine that theyve been struggling to work with, and theyve burned through most, if not all of the crowdfunding money, without getting even close to a finished product. Even if EVE devs all went over to RI, theyre on a different game engine so they wouldnt be able to help much.

The problem is with Chris Roberts himself. He promises too much. There is no way he will be able to deliver on most of the promises he made with the amount of money he has left. He is a bad manager, both in terms of personnel and also in terms of spending. I dont expect this game to live up to even a quarter of the hype that its playerbase has been trying to build.

Thing is, it already happened before. Freelancer was a game that had to be sold off to Microsoft in order to finish it because it kept getting delayed. Roberts kept promising a lot of stuff, but they had to be cut in order to bring the game to market in a realistic timeframe.

Now with star citizen, we have a game thats been in developement for, what, 10 years now? Chris Roberts himself said that if they raised 23 million, that would be enough money that they wouldnt need outside funding. Lo and behold, he got like 40 million in outside funding after raising close to 200 million, because he is running out of money. He is incompetent, and his game will reflect this when it finally gets sold off to another company and they reign in the features and spending and release a sub-par experience.

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that is incorrect!

Chris Roberts was hired by Microsoft to make Freelancer.

In the end Microsoft kicked Chris Robert off the Freelancer Project because of his poor management of the project. Basically what you see in Star Citizen is what he was doing with Freelancer.

Hate to say it, Chris has a very bad habit of micro-managing the development of games, and adding new features during early stages of development instead of focusing on getting core game engine and key features completed first.

It’s a standing joke about how SC has feature creeps and moving promised deadlines.

Ideally SC under a publisher could have been released 2 years ago, and extra features added yearly to keep player interest.

I hear players complain about what they spend on EVE, SC is worse, I know of players spending over 50k on ship packages and most of those ships haven’t even left the drawing board yet. There are ships from the original Kickstarter that haven’t even been started.

many friends that had brought kickstarter packages, haven’t played/tested SC in years, others have just said that money they spent is lost now. (due to changes in end user policies, making it impossible to get money back from purchases)

Look I hope it does come out, but myself I’m starting to feel what I personally invested in SC/SQ42 is lost money now.


Please try to separate CCP’s marketing hype from the reality of the situation. CCP didn’t give a **** about WiS, they just wrote a bunch of marketing fluff pieces to take advantage of the new engine they were building for the WOD game. There was never any realistic plan for turning grand ideas about WiS into useful and enjoyable game mechanics, only a rushed attempt to throw some EVE art assets into the WOD software and get people stress testing the new engine. Once WOD development ended all of the interest in WiS died with it because there was nothing left to care about.


Not ALL marketing hype. I disagree, and stand by my words.

Then what was the viable path forward for implementing the marketing hype?

I think he is aware of the scope of the problem… I’m just as bugged as anyone by overly-optimistic release dates long past, and feature creep. I’d recommend another look at his 2018 “Road to Release” presentation, discussing the functional blocks/milestones/pillars he thinks are necessary, on the MMO side.

i feel like this is akin to a “coming out of the closet” kind of topic. TC its ok to admit it.

I’ve already admitted in the sentence after what you quoted, that their path to goals turned out not to be viable. It turned out to be much more difficult & expensive to implement than they hoped it would be. The CEO has admitted to some hubris. But that doesn’t negate their original beliefs and intentions, which were not just marketing hype. The character creation engine and “Carbon” tech proves it, real code still in use today.

That doesn’t really prove anything.

The character creator is something that desperately needed an overhaul anyway, character portraits weren’t even close to acceptable for a modern game and clashed with the graphics updates everything else had received. Making the new EVE and WoD character creators simultaneously was something that was obvious even if WiS wasn’t in the plan at all.

The rest of the code definitely doesn’t prove anything. CCP had to make the code for WoD anyway, and once they’ve made it why replace it with something else?

It turned out to be much more difficult & expensive to implement than they hoped it would be.

I don’t think “difficult and expensive” is the correct description. It was impossible to implement, for fundamental game design reasons. There was never any viable path forward to make the WiS hype reality, no matter how much time and money CCP was willing to invest. And this is a pretty obvious fact if you spend a bit of time thinking about implementation plans. So which is more plausible: that CCP was so utterly clueless that the entire development team missed this basic fact, or that CCP knew WiS was a dead-end project but cynically exploited it for marketing value?


The automation to do tasks should be at least what we have on iPhone :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Dual-use code is great! Certainly they hoped to develop WoD in parallel, sharing some tech. The character creator goes beyond what is necessary just for making a new face; it includes a full body simulation, and idles. I forgot to mention the CQ, where you could walk around, sit on the couch, and stand in front of The Door, wondering if it would ever open.

What was next? Game mechanics, things to do beyond the door. Tons of 3D modelling to flesh out interiors. People to do that. Management that understood that workflow better. Money and time. Not impossible. Enough to satisfy everyone? Never, lol. We argue in these forums every day about how the spaceship game could be made better.

Again, I disagree, but that’s ok. I look at the work that was done, WIP screenshots and other art, past developer comments, and come to a different conclusion about their intentions.

But, again, all of this is just WoD code. WoD code needed a full body character creator, so it was easier to just put the entire thing into EVE regardless of future WiS plans. Even if nobody ever sees your EVE character’s legs there’s no drawback to having them there, and no need to make a special EVE character creator that only makes a character from the waist up.

I forgot to mention the CQ, where you could walk around, sit on the couch, and stand in front of The Door, wondering if it would ever open.

Yes, and that’s what I mean about low-effort investments. CCP could easily throw that into EVE to stress test the WoD engine because all they needed was some pretty generic EVE art assets. The character animations, environment rendering, etc, were all already there because WoD needed them.

Game mechanics, things to do beyond the door.

But the point is there wasn’t anything to do behind the door. The claims otherwise were pure marketing hype that had no viable path forward, even if CCP had spent billions of dollars and unlimited development time on making something behind the door it wouldn’t have seen more than the same ~1% use rate that CQ had.

Considering the fact that as you exit the ship someone can snipe you in the head and take your things…it’s not going to be that tedious at all. It’s a space game with FPS elements. I’m with the OP–SC is going to be revolutionary.

Sure, it won’t be for everyone. But, I absolutely imagine it will be for me.

I’m not sure how you think “spawn camping the exit and one-shotting someone as soon as they exit” is supposed to be a great idea, especially once you account for lag issues that an MMO will inevitably have.

I’m with the OP–SC is going to be revolutionary.

Ok, sure. Feel free to keep throwing donations at the vaporware project, let me know if the hype ever becomes reality.

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Let me know when it’s ready … although I’ll probably have died of very old age by that time.

Hey, did your “pretentious SC fanboi” satire detector malfunction ?

It’s going to be great, just so long as the ultra-negative types stay away from the game upon release–it’ll be sure to have the best community in existence too. Lots to look forward too with SC’s release.

Until then though, Eve is still fun :slight_smile:
Take care!

Translation: When this scam switches from pipedream to an actual game cos someone else took over and made it happen I hope the people who say things I don’t like stay away so I can be…

Just fk off.