Are you sure about that? Couldn’t it be the case that early human groups were groups to help enhance overall survival? And we are the apex predators and have been for a very long time.
Perhaps you should consider the thought experiment of the veil of ignorance by John Rawls. Behind the veil of ignorance you know nothing about yourself. Not your gender, your abilities, physical characteristics, etc. Nothing. Now, design a political system in which you’d want to live. I think most of us would want to pick a system where the system if “fair” no matter where we end up once the veil of ignorance is removed. If you don’t like Rawls, then try James Buchanan and Gordon Tullock who used the same concept but called it the veil of uncertainty.
The point is that sometimes people can end up in a crap situation through little or no fault of their own. Is having some way to help such people? Of course there is the potential for a moral hazard problem here in some cases, but when it comes to physical disabilities of the type we have seen ITT…I don’t think that that is really a big problem. I’m pretty sure the people who have gotten some really bad deals life sometimes hands out are not “living the easy life”.
Why are you crying? Its obvious that you shun the wealthy elite because its not fair that they are born into their wealth and you have to provide them with their wealth over yourself or you go back to nature of living in the caves.
So what thought experiment were you referring to again?
Nope. Without people who sit there & chill not enough resource comes in to make stuff.
Without people who sit there & chill not enough is made.
Without people who sit there & chill not enough is found.
As for it being used up that is why the big fleet battles happen, but…
If you squish the little man you have nothing to put on your ship for that fleet battle on Saturday etc.
And if the little man is leaving, because he/she can’t chill, then you are stuffed.
I am gob-smacked that so many EVE players have got so bad that they are actually strangling their own game now. How on earth have you not burned your real-world homes down?
The bigger game is full time pvp and a real working market. Your idea kills both and therefore this game.
Check the sub numbers over time. Before the ganking nerf and the wardec nerf this game’s playerbase grew every year. The carebears you’re worried about were never going to stick around anyways. They never have for 15 years. When eve was in its golden age it still had poor retention for new players just because its not like other mmos. Instead it had a hardcore playerbase that would play this game longer than any other.
Players are not quitting because they are being shot at (ccp found players getting shot actually stick around longer). They are quitting because they are bored! The hard core playerbase is bored.
Eve is a pvp game. No matter what, that is the ‘essential core concept’. Most players learned how to pvp in hi-sec with 80% of it’s playerbase living in hi-sec. Ccp nerfed pvp in hi-sec to the ground. No newly trained hardcore players. No more pvp upstarts. No drama. No fun.
Instead the game dies slowly as older hardcore players leave due to real life or becuase they are sick of how soft the game is getting and are not being replaced by newer hardcore players.
No. The bigger game is players actually enjoying themselves.
Which can’t happen if newbs get smashed & herded out to Null by long-time players.
Because, in the real world, people have less money to spend these days. & are often tired due to changes over the past decade.
EVE has to allow for that, or it’ll fall by the way-side. What if you actually like flying in empire space, & are willing to spend real-world cash on it?
As for money PAYG is the new cool. So Plex is the right move. But…
If the older players are just strangling the game ( 60k players drops to 30k players ) then…
Clearly they have no intention of stopping either, so…
Easy & Hard mode. Because the older players still here are, in no uncertain terms, bat-sh*t crazy.
Except that happened every single year that eve was growing. Becuase it was new hardcore players shooting at new carebears.
New players enjoy pvp! Or do you think every pvp game ever made is played by the same handful of people?
Take yourself for example. You wont be here in a year. Even if you get what you want. You will still get bored when you have run all the pve you aren’t afraid to run and goto another game that has more immersive npc’s. And a guy called bodvar who wanted the bowhead to be tankier to resist ganks. He got exactly what he wanted. Then he quit anyways. And it’s like wow. Once all the pve is done it’s subscription base plummets (it even halved at one point because the new expansion did not release a new area and new toys. It was a rebalance expansion).
The players keeping eve alive are not carebears, and never will be. The only people who stick with eve are the ones who come here for what they can’t get anywhere else, the full-time pvp sandbox.
Why do new players consider themselves “Hardcore” if all they ever shoot are Rookies in mining barges?
That isn’t hardcore at all.
Hardcore is going against five Pandemic Legion ships in a Talos and making them call in reinforcements. Which for once they didn’t drop a Titan or Carrier on the single Talos.
The Real World has changed since 10-15 yrs ago. There is less money in people’s pockets these days, and it is harder to find a place to live now-a-days.
So when someone gets home from work they are usually tired.
They aren’t going to spend the next 3 hrs ‘working for the man’ some more.
And they aren’t. 60k has dropped to 30k. They’ve walked.
Old Players aren’t gods. Far from it. Many of them are the problem in reality. BECAUSE of what they get up to.
They have the power, they have the skill-points, but they aren’t allowing for Real World changes.
It’s just a game, and when you are shattered it’s… Just too much.
If you want EVE to just be a retirement village then fair enough, but some of us can see A LOT more being possible with this 'verse.
And that is why we are asking for a CCP intervention. We like EVE, & are willing to spend money on EVE, AND us disabled pilots have the time to learn stuff etc too. But we did not sign up to ‘work for the man’, & too many older players are just too ignorant to get that.
Needless to say I don’t mind Hard Mode, but… Others do. And that is Pilots leaving.
The world has changed Grandpa. I’m sorry, but it has. Evolve or die.
Playing the snowflake card wont help you. You’re whining is circumstantial to the country you are in.
People are tired from work? Are you that ■■■■■■■ retarded? As if thats only a recent phenomenon! It never occured to you that some people like to shoot at other players as a way of recharging after work? Of course not. You cannot believe that anyone is not as helpless as you.
Players who want easy mode won’t stay with eve even if it had an easy mode and even if easy mode didn’t ruin the economy (which it will. Just like it did ultima online). They will do all the carebear stuff there is to do and quit for the next wow clones or ‘easy mode’ game. The only players sticking with eve are the ones who come for the full-time pvp sandbox. And it’s the decline in their numbers that has caused the 60k-30k player drop you’re talking about.
And maybe you should check the data. Lots of stuff is made by people in NS. In fact, last month 51% of production took place in NS. The top 5 regions for NS production accounted for a bit over 30%.
So the idea that production is dependent only on these chill guys hanging out and not doing any kind of PvP is…dubious. Alot of production goes on in NS. Most of the mining value (37.5 out of almost 50 trillion ISK or 75% or so comes from NS). Most of the regions with net import numbers are NS regions–i.e. NS is buying alot of what is produced in not-NS. Much of the T2 components come from NS.
The game economy is an ecosystem, it is interconnected/intertwined. This is why having “hard/easy” mode or a “safe space” won’t work as it can be easily abused. The only way for it to work is where you cannot farm very much or what you farm cannot be brought back to the main server…not unlike playing on Singularity.
And the price of the game has not changed in that time, so in effect in real terms the price has declined. And trying to effect social policy via a video game is just stupid. Go look at other policies that can help with this problem vs. implementing “easy vs. hard” mode in a video game.
You mean like 10-15 years ago.
They don’t have too.
Not for the reasons you are suggesting, if anything for the reasons you are promoting.
What does this even mean. Nobody is forcing you do to anything in game. Play how you like, just be aware others are too and it may very well involve you whether you like it or not…and if it is that much of a problem, then quit. And no, changing this aspect of the game has already been going on and leading us to undesirable results.
Actually you don’t, not if you want to change it’s core philosophy you don’t.
Then don’t…the only rule in this game, really, is “Do what thou shalt”. Of course if that means shooting you in the face…well that is part of the game.
Hulls are cheap.
No you don’t just grind like the rest of us.
Missions don’t work? Mining doesn’t work? Invention doesn’t work? Or are you just lazy?
Oh for God’s sake can we leave these things out of the forums? Those problems have ■■■■ all to do with the game. Seriously…why is housing IRL so expensive: Derp RL Devs (called politicians) messing things up via land use restriction laws? Why is student loan debt a problem, maybe due to decades of policies pushing college education as a way to increase incomes and turning a BA/BS into nothing more than an ultra expensive signalling device? Not to mention the stupid college rankings which just add to the costs and no other substantial value? Why are wages “depressed”…because health care is part of an employees compensation and is generally increasing faster than the overall rate of economic growth? And why are health care costs increasing at a rate faster then economic growth? Maybe because there is little competition in health care systems? Teckos’ rule for economic policy: We don’t have bad economic policy by accident; we have it on purpose.
The cost of living crisis in the UK is real. It’s nick-named Generation Rent. It’s easily provable that older generations had more resource to play with in their personal lives.
There is a US version to, as I have just shown you.
When you can’t afford holidays and BLAH you get less rest, which means that generally people are more tired. They won’t have the stamina or cash to sit there and dook it out with you.
And, quite frankly, life is short.
If your end-game is to destroy EVE then CCP will have no choice but to intervene.
Players are walking. That is also a real phenomena.
Clearly you aren’t intelligent enough to understand that.
Which takes me back to Easy & Hard mode. If you won’t play nice then CCP will have to take your toys away. Or EVE dies.
Does CCP really want to lose their jobs? I doubt it.
This isn’t complicated. I don’t get the problem here. Hard Mode means the old bitter vets can kick each other half to death as much as they want.
Whilst people with less stamina can play in a place where High Sec actually is High Sec; and where Low-Sec is safer to go into ( due to there being less pirates around ).
It really does take a special kinda stupid to think that the answer to EVE getting smaller is to hit the new person even harder. It’s proper insanity.