If CCP cucked Chris Roberts

Thank you all for your attempt to genuinely answer my question, despite some delightful prickliness. Truly, you are the tsundere of forums. It’s quite adorable and I hope to serve you well in the future.

That said, one more question. I think the answers sum up to it might be a bad idea for CCP to try and build another engine to implement this stuff in EVE online.

Does that necessarily go for VR as well?

Yes, because the fundamental problem remains the same: once you get past the initial “oh wow that looks so cool” factor there’s no gameplay depth behind any of it. And so you get people to use it for a few minutes and then go back to doing the normal stuff, which is an immense waste of development time and money.


Wouldn’t surprise me if they did trawl other games for ideas especially when some things look very much alike. Venture and Immensea Nebula from this game come to mind.

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…I don’t know if I want to look up what cucking is…the regret for looking up blue waffle learned me…

Well, there’s more of a modern definition for it than the traditional.

Thanks. I now know that blue waffle means, too. And I hate you for it.


Yeah, I think the traditional sexual definition is more common than the new less-sexual one.

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Well, there are three I know of. The original, where it could be called cuckoldry even if the parent didn’t know it wasn’t their child by blood, the next one being explicitly sexual and referring to situations where a partner was cheating on someone who knowingly allowed it, stood by or was forced, and the most recent being a catch-all term for both the former definitions and situations in general including non-sexual situations where a simply undesirable result occurs to a victim, usually with someone else taking their desired outcome as their own.

“CCP cucked Chris Roberts when they took the initiative and copied Star Citizen’s features.”

Assuming Chris doesn’t or can’t do anything to take back the initiative, that would fall under the recent definition of the word cucked. If he doesn’t even try, that would make him a cuck.

I disapprove of your word choice, sir.

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Are you attempting me to cuck me out of the discussion surrounding my word choice?

I’m not sure if I hate my curiousity, my inability to learn lessons on looking things up or Google more. Or forums.

I will never recover from learning this.


Cucked you say.
I don’t think you know the meaning of that word.

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what is a Chris Roberts?




Where are you living?

1950 us?


If you REALLY believe this you are either stupid or should ask your doctor to alter your medicamentation dose…

You obviously don’t see the reality as it is…

Show us another MMO with the grand scale combat, full player driven market and intricate economy. Show us even one that comes remotely close to that.

You play the game, not the graphics. And actually graphically the game looks fine, the UI is balls but then it HAS to be that way as there’s so much information that needs relaying there’s very few other options.

If you want Guildwars or Witcher III in space then please, feel free to give your money to Chriss Roberts.

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…because I and only I know the truth here. It is shrouded in darkness but I alone can shine a light for you to see. Follow me and my weird ramblings and I shall reveal the truth to you.
Also, give me all your money before the mothership comes to take us all to paradise. Would you like some of this tasty punch to celebrate our enlightenment…?..


Edit: “medicamentation”. Lul.


I’m off my medicamens!

Shut up Balos.

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