Implants keep players from playing the game

i want to, but am discouraged from it becuase im behind on skills.

If that keeps ypu from PvPing you will never PvP.


So, you basically want to be able to PvP with zero risk of loss. Sorry, but no. Players have been losing their implants in PvP for 17 years now, yet EVE keeps on going. You’re no better than anyone else who has had to replace their implants after losing a fight…

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LMAO, you forgot the ship?..

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The ship isn’t what you’re complaining about…

is your mind working?

pve is favored over pvp because npcs dont pod you. = BAD

Better than yours apparently. The new generation of players are the cancer of EVE, and CCP would be well advised to steer clear from catering to such. Players like you won’t be happy until there is zero risk in any activity, whether it’s PvP or PvE. You can’t stand the risk of loss and don’t have patience for the time investment required for such activities…

your’re the cancer of eve, ive been playing since 2008. took a long break cuz of BS like this.

Then you already know where the door is, apparently. Don’t let it hit you on the way out…

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you have no argument troll. begone! quit complaining cuz you played EVE when it was still shoit. GTFO with your elitist bs, YOU are the problem.

You should give Neopets a try.

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im good bruh XD

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Some NPCs shoot pod fyi.

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irreverent. most dont. most players do.

Most players cannot catch a pod in high and low sec, most bad players get thier pod caught in low abd high

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again irreverent pertaining to balancing.

He was actually trying to help you. PVP players almost never lose their pods in lowsec or highsec. You could load up with expensive implants and go do faction warfare and be pretty safe from losing your pod.

false, warp disruption probe. just stop thinking you know stuff when you dont. Shhhh. silence troll nerd.

You cannot launch those in lowsec…

I feel like I should insert some kind of insult here . . .

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