JihadSwarm Declares WAR on Molea

When inflicted on politicians…


Because who’d want to shoot an indestructible monument or yet another meaningless structure in null?

And that’s the thing; You want to make a game emotional and engaging for people? You may have to trigger some emotions and engage people.


Seriously? I didn’t think you were that new.


@Aiko_Danuja - Aren’t there memorial cans to Vile Rat in Molea Cemetary? What of those?


You seem to have settled down a bit. Or is it because of who posted about it this time?

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Then why aren’t you doing it?

I asked someone else a question, stud.

No, I still don’t like the idea of messing with molea cemetary much…sorry?

No, who posted about it this time is not a big factor. I still don’t have a problem with Aiko, and I still don’t like you much.

EDIT: My views haven’t changed since this thread you selectively quoted me from, foggy ol’ chum.

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This is what quarantine does to a group. Love it or hate it… as they all say

It isssss what it isssss

Now that the state funeral is concluded, I have been conducting reconnaissance in Molea. As you can see, the locals welcome my arrival. If you happened to miss the celebration of life, then be sure to check it out:

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I will :3c

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Happy to be of service, m’lady.

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“A good actor never breaks character”

The forums are part of EVE online’s gameplay? Isn’t there also a roleplay subforum?

Yeah, Crime and Punishment is one of those subforums.


This has happened on forums, in the subjects I wanted to engage people, fairly rarely it gets into the game. The game looks like complete desert in that matter for some time, the protests arent even there, just people vent on forums and thats it… Looks like game audience is completely else what it was before 2003-2009. Only forums have some kind of continuum.

The eagerness to try and be relevant is strong with this one…

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If no one forms up, aiko and crew will burn the graveyard and all this ‘outrage’ will be shown to be as impotent and phoney as they say it is.

You can’t blame code for that.


But I didnt say anything about protecting Molea. I did something I wanted there already.

I only noticed its controversial and potentially damaging for the people who care.

I already embraced the fact that death is an inevitable change and the change that is final and irrevokable, like the flow of river. As is memory about everything dissolving into it, like a drop of water dissolved in a lake.

But you did by replying to me.

No, I repied with:

I can think of couple more suitable reasons and a more suitable objects these players should have been shooting at.

This looks more like a clueless child playing with matches in a wooden church.

There is nothing about protecting Molea. You assumed there is. I never wanted to protect it. You assumed I am religious maybe but I am not, this was just the comparison to another situation. Churches and cemetaries arent valued by me. The world is the cemetary and church for me. Just like some memories are the sanctified relics that are only being valued by me and for me it would be sacrilegious to share them.

What if the reason Aiko has chosen the graveyard is because it will get peopled inspired and to step up?

Here is the post you replied to.

And here is some words to remember.

So if all these people that are denouncing Aiko for targeting the graveyard, sit and do nothing. They are impotent at least, or hypocrites at worst.

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