I did notice some people defending the cemetary and its up to them to react. Like taking the matches from a child.
For me the Molea cemetary mean nothing. More important is how CCP shapes the game or how much profit I can make.
I did notice some people defending the cemetary and its up to them to react. Like taking the matches from a child.
For me the Molea cemetary mean nothing. More important is how CCP shapes the game or how much profit I can make.
If James is at molea, good time as ever to destroy his can and corpse. Pos
Sure thing, simp.
I prefer the term ‘subscriber’.
You do realise that you don’t have to roleplay to play a character, yes?
Aiko has you all in the palm of her hands, and you don’t even get it. She’s playing 10d chess against you and winning every time. Attempting to own her is futile, because she’s got something for any kind of “own” you come up with.
What’s the problem with that? It’s not like Aiko would just give away her onlyfans to any old simp.
This reminds me, if any miners are looking for bonus content, check out my intimate Discord where I hang out with my favourite miners.
It’s not that they aren’t outraged, it’s just that they want their outrage to be addressed in the form of the people they’re outraged with stopping doing what they’re doing on their own volition. Failing that, someone else should do something about their outrage on their behalf, because they themselves are entitled to not have to waste their time and resources dealing with something that outrages them.
It’s the same kind of circular reasoning (someone should do something about this because this is bad, but no one should have to do anything about this because bad things shouldn’t exist) that you’ll find popular in big, liberal cities, where people really like the taste of cheeseburgers, but believe that cows shouldn’t be slaughtered.
Confirming, it is a subforum. /Thread
Can confirm that you carebears are missing some really good content.
wth… is a simp?
Excuse for I am not up to date with the latest slang people have for each other. The only thing that spring to mind is that it is a short version of simpleton. Then it makes sense…
A (usually male) loser who grovels before people they’re attracted to in the desperate hope that they can get some pity sex (or at least attention), typically because they can’t get a partner any other way. For example: the people throwing large amounts of cash at attractive video game streamer women because a “thank you” lets them pretend they have a girlfriend who cares about them. There is a huge overlap with EVE farmers/carebears/etc, players who know they will never accomplish anything and whose only hope for attention is to whine on the forums about EVIL CODE GRIEFERS and hope that someone is impressed by their white knighting.
(Spoiler: nobody is ever impressed.)
I am impressed when a big strong highsec miner sends me isk.
Also, I am unsure which I’d prefer to be true: that there is an Aiko onlyfans full of hot miner griefing porn, or that Aiko is actually an ugly dude scamming people with promises of it.
Yeah…ok sparky, w/e. I’m not trying to get anything from Aiko and have no inclination to suck up to anybody, but you go right ahead and imagine anything you want to.
Yes, it bothers me more when people like that guy who bumbled his way into scooping cans from molea do things from - frankly - stupidity and/or willful ignorance than if someone does something like that intentionally. If that causes you an issue…welp, *shrug…sorry bud.
Aiko isn’t stupid and I think I can see what might be going on with the matter. So no I don’t really have a problem with (now Queen) Aiko. If that makes me a “simp” in your opinion, I will try to somehow live with that.
As I’ve said, I don’t like the idea of messing with the molea memorial. Personally, I don’t care much at all about the ingame-generated corpses such as were scooped from New Eden battles. Shoot, If there was a way to tell between what was that sort of thing and what was connected to either players honoring someone they played alongside or someone / something out-of-game, I’m likely to participate in or at least advocate for the destruction of the former type. I mean, I did execute a bunch of slaves ingame just to irk someone heavy into roleplay, and it was at least a little entertaining for me .
In summary, foggy old bean:
Oh, @Xuxe_Xu… you have not been as active on the forums lately… how we’ve missed you…
wth… is a simp?
Pretty much what Merin said. The mintchip situation being a good example.
Simpleton being a nice tie-in bonus.
The mintchip situation being a good example.
Jesus, what a debacle. I’m once again reminded that the safest way to play EVE is to have equal hate and contempt for everyone.
Simp is an acronym for “Suckers Idolizing Mediocre P*****”.
A long time ago young men were told respek wahmyn and they interpreted the comment as “worship the ground they walk on” this birthing the first generation of simps.
It’s like the white knights Pokemon evolved into the next stage of evolution.
If you subscribe to onlyfans you are probably a simp. The calling card of a simp is giving exorbitant levels of cash to a woman they’ll never interact with ever. Simps regularly cancel accounts for their e-girls when they hear they have a boyfriend.
If you subscribe to onlyfans you are probably a simp.
And this is just an over-use of the term that devalues it and lets the true incels look closer to normal. Buying content you enjoy isn’t “simping” any more than buying an album from a band you like. To be a simp you have to cross the line into believing that your groveling and donations are somehow giving you a relationship with the target of your creepy affection, and being pathetic enough to feel validated by the slightest token thank you message.
Or, to put it in EVE terms:
Anti-ganking because you have a valuable cargo you need to get through Uedama or because stealing loot from gankers is profitable = legitimate player.
Anti-ganking because you think that white knighting the poor innocent victims of CODE will get you forum respect and pity sex = simp.
(Not that this EVE example has any particular player in mind, not at all…)
Simp is an acronym for “Suckers Idolizing Mediocre P*****”.
Nah, it’s just short for “simpleton”, which is also a very accurate description of the people in question.
The mintchip situation
That first topic she made on these forums… high quality entertainment that was.