Keeping PvE players in EVE

Well no. That’s wrong. My constant litany is to make it so players, especially new ones, be better informed for the sake of informed consent. Clearly some people never should have ever even begun to play EVE, and may if they were better informed, they wouldn’t have. Conversely, people who never considered playing EVE would if they too were better informed.

I have only one criticism of my own theory here though: I think most masochists don’t actually know they are masochists. ie some people don’t actually know they want to be the mouse.

It pleases me to think of myself as an exceptional masochist.

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Don’t forget the real and most important reason: you being a real-life sociopath and mentally-diseased menace to society. No normal people would enjoy something like this.

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You’ve got it all wrong! It was sociopaths hunting masochists, I was clearly the hunted, or the masochist, in that story.

EVE: sociopaths versus masochists online.

Enabling the behaviors of sociopath PvP griefers in video games makes you equally complicit, and a sociopath griefer by association. You might be wearing the gimp suit, but you’re still part of the gang.

Non-people like you are disgusting, and should be dragged outside and shot for functioning against society.

In a game of cat and mouse, there is no shame in being a better mouse.


There there, its 2021, we mustnt judge people for wanting to be a mouse, or a cat, or a dog, or a fox, or whatever fursuit is popular nowadays.

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I’m going to say they are easy to probe but I have perfect scanning skills and MG Virtues.

If anyone is dedicated to killing Marauders they will have a similarly prepared scanning character.

Also I’m sure that Marauder pilots of their low sig radius while bastioned but I would say that falls LOW on the things that help keep them alive from gankers. I’ve ganked just a few Marauders, so you can take my word for it :wink:

Nothing gives absolute safety (short of being docked but even that is up to debate in recent years) but every other second it takes to scan a marauder down gives more time margin to notice probes, burn sig suppressors, desiege and run away :stuck_out_tongue:
Ultimately being aware is what keeps us safe, but this kind of stuff also helps a lot.

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Oh I know.

But it cuts out the 2 week old player who went straight to the ganking with that first scan ship from exploration career agent if intro stuff done.

I put money into my ship…they can spend the money on a good ship and implants lol.

Part of the game of eve to me. You will blow up in this game. You just try to make sure they at least have to work for it lol.

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They don’t. It is fundamentally opposite to what eve is meant to be.

The risk/reward system and real player driven market MUST have pvp risk in order to work. Without that, there is no eve.

That’s not to say you must pvp. But in order for eve to work you must be exposed to pvp.

What you are asking for is something not eve. Try eve echoes.

the response is INCORRECT…i do not do any pvp, am not exposed to pvp and yes i have managed to play, build, mine, sell, buy…so you are wrong on every level where i am concerned…and if you are wrong for me then you are wrong about so many others

By exposed i mean anytime you’re in a position to be shot at by other players. So anytime you’re undocked you’re exposed to PvP.

Just because it hasn’t happened to you yet, doesn’t necessarily mean it never will.

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what ship and setup can do that… bets its an omega only everything<_<

I stopped playing several months ago after getting war dec repeatedly by a corp that just war random corps to get kill mail ego boosts, I played for 13 years with out much issue in high sec the recent changes to structures have made them pretty much impossible to run solo with random war dec corps surfing high sec for easy kill mail ego boosts. The cores added to structures that now further incentivizes this playstyle was the final ■■■■ you I would tolerate from ccp. Lets not even get into the trade hubs being disconnected by 40+ jumps. The devs here made it clear leave care-bears so we did and you can ■■■■ off ccp. I dont see why 10 dudes shooting a structure that cant defend itself with 1-2 player at the helm should be rewarded. I guess the morons left running this game think that is fun PVP. The old POS system I could run 2 accounts with max guns and chase off most lame random war dec corps in high sec now with the paper paper mache engineering complexes its pointless. The only way i would give ccp another dime is a pve server otherwise assholes in Iceland can ■■■■ off.

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You already won. Eve Online is already officially dead in 2018 under PA. CCP is just stubborn not to bury it, They just keep on pumping formalin on it.

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Huh so basically there was people who didnt know better than coring their station and dont have the stamina to do an 80 jump round trip. And who caved nuisance wardecs.

Well you know what they say;


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Man, that was a really juicy rage post up there. My weekend keeps getting better.


Maybe CCP isn’t giving the finger to care bears or industrialists but maybe… just maybe they never intended on solo players to be able to plop down structures if they can’t properly defend them.

You can deflect the blame onto other players such as wardec groups all you want but they are simply playing the game. In fact it’s you that are to blame for having some entitled whiny baby attitude. Good riddance and stay gone.