Leaving the game upset


It is in fact a good example of the virtue signaling that’s going on in these forums.

It reminds me of that one case from a few years ago when some kid got falsely accused of sexual assault, then the accuser started going back on it but was coached to stand firm because otherwise it would “hurt the movement.” Or the recent Smollett case that had essentially the same theme.

For all we know, the OP had issues with three different sets of players because he was throwing the n-word around, and others got upset and told him to get the ■■■■ out of their corporation and kept his cut of the ore from their mining op. And that’s the point: we won’t ever know unless this person tells us. By default we’re limited to checking the kill board, and we can see that mean sociopath griefer gankers weren’t the cause of this person’s “hardships.” But for some people, just the accusation is good enough, because their entire platform relies on a “doesn’t matter what the truth is; we’ll use it!” attitude.

It’s ■■■■■■■ shameful, quite honestly.


the op apear the like my contribution

for all i can say he is a fully functional adult human being and can articulate his dissatisfaction without needing MR pure soul to be offended for him


ive heard about him
he is a famous French actor right ? :rofl:

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Yet another happy customer…

To be fair, whoever quits an online game because of “bullying” needs to spend a few days in the Ultraviolet Skin Reconstruction & Thickening Device or yank out the Cat5 cable from his PC’s network slot because Online nowadays is 80 percent Salt Mining and EVE Online is just the beast to draw it out of whoever is naive enough to start such a game expecting a nice walk in the park.

Players are also encouraged to be imaginative enough to not get caught in the process of stealing and lying.
“Anything goes” doesn’t mean you’ll have other players’ blessing to steal their sh!t otherwise it wouldn’t be stealing, now would it?

No. you’re not ok. You’re a lying troll, twisting things around and distorting the facts…

You jumped in trying to be Mr. WhiteKnight for Aiko Danuja, started a forum flame war with me and tried to pass off the sarcastic insults she posted about the OP as being done all in fun.

How about we have some real fun. Let’s make you the brunt of sarcastic insulting crap, then you can laugh it off while we all laugh at you instead of with you.

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Sorry to break it to you - A sad troll, maybe. Funny, yeah Not.
Personally I think troling (or making jokes as you see it) to a new player is the lowest form of forum poster. Your time would have been far better spent trying to help the guy not belittle him. But then one has to have a modicum of self respect to help rather than laugh at someone in need.


Is saltmining real? I’ve heard some horrific urban legends not seen anything on this thread that goes beyond the pale.

I would be surprised if no one had a private DM with OP to fill them in on what was going on and subsequently back-fill with their personally profitable value system.

The most fun topic in recent time. Thank you)


I really like to hear that story! It even sounds like OP is completely innocent! (/s)

pinging the “toxic revengers” @ZAMMAS , @Isaac_Collins

In the words of the OP proven well true in this thread:

From top to bottom.

The utter harrassment here is as obvious as it is pathetic.

Yet, I hope EVE never dies. It is a kind of sieve which holds back toxic filth from infesting other games.

For some that is probably the highest compliment I have delivered to them.

Right. As if the story itself is not common enough AND we cannot see him being cool under the pressure of being actively harrassed right here.

I cannot believe you drug virture signalling into this and futher mentioned a topic that could get you slapped with a ban.

As for the killboard, its obvious he was playing EVE wrong yeah. But that does not make that garbage better. That’s EVE though, going as far as podding you just for being in low sec mining, or not realizing that little low sec pocket between hi sec systems is an intentional BS trap laid by the makers of this game.

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Far from true.
EVE has both the best and the worst of what humanity has to offer.
Navigating EVE is a test of character. Some fail.


Please understand, I was not accusing all EVE players, merely saying that some of the worst have stuck to the sieve.

I agree that both the best and the worst are here. I am thankful the worst are stuck here.

Oh, the irony of hearing this coming from you.

Stop trying to gaslight the mods, lmao. What I said was done in a purely academic context.


This one is too much for me, folks, but I really must chime in again to give thanks to the mastercrafters who made this possible. Cheers!

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Would have been better if you left the game silent.
Eve got some of the best communities. Its a pity you didnt find a way to connect.

without chat logs, i don’t know what the OP is complaining about. in my experience, most deaths in low sec end with a “gf” and pirates are usually happy to provide feedback to their prey. it keeps the low sec ecosystem alive. my guess is that OP is not telling the full story.

My stomach hurts from laughing while reading this post. I demand to be compensated for my suffering!

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One less space baby…grow-up.

You wont be missed…

The hundreds just like him won’t be missed either will they?
It’s not like Eve needs new players, from my 17 years in the game subs are at an all time high. We should all be doing our best to discourage new players who have a couple of bad experiences because that’s just Eve.
(being sarcastic in case you missed it)


No no you are right. CCP should change Eve to suit the needs of every little perfect snowflake that can’t handle more than the challenge of doing up their Velcro™ shoes in the morning. My god why do we even have weapons in this game? I mean al that does is encourage destruction and where there is destruction, hurt feeling are sure to follow and we can’t have that now can we. Luckily this little drop of sunshine will have no problems out in the real world where stealing, cheating and lying doesn’t exist. Life is not a sandbox, just Eve.

(being sarcastic in case you missed it)