Today the voting starts!
If you want wormholes to be represented in the CSM, please put all wormhole candidates as high as you can on your ballot. To me it doesn’t matter as much who makes it onto the CSM, as long as there is someone on it who can defend and improve J-Space.
I’m confident Mark is both knowledgeable and social enough to really represent us in the CSM. Make sure to include him in your ballot, any position can help.
Apart from myself we have three “true” wormhole canditates that should be included on top of your ballot:
Mark Resurrectus
Teddy Gvyc
Evie Kouvo
Don’t let your ballot go to waste, so also include other candidates who you trust can not only bring knowledge but the required soft skill to the CSM to improve the game. Some candidates in no particular order that I would recommend:
Mike Azariah
A Pochven Candidate of your choosing (or all in your preferred order)