Miasmos mining frigate ship bay (packaged 2,500 m3)

You’re asking for a Porpoise again basically. You’re not going to get an alpha version of an industrial command ship. The Porpoise fills this niche, fleet hold, ore hold, and boosts.

Alphas can benefit from the boosts. Alphas therefore are encouraged to fleet already. Being able to fly a command ship is an omega feature.

I’m def not asking for a Porpoise. This would be nowhere as capable. My experience of trying to recruit alphas and seeing the turnover of them burning out tells me this is a good concept that should be looked at. You can argue all day over the attributes and restrictions but essentially it lets them try fleet management while at the same time only getting a very minor advantage.

If you are an alpha engaging in PvE even when I started playing then you could fly a BC, now you can fly a battleship. Meanwhile if you happen to be an industrial type you are told to fek off and lump it. This is a tiny concession which actually could make quite a difference.

How does adding a frigate bay to an industrial help alpha players contribute more to the fleet?

Found your mistake.

Making the game easy for solo pilots is not a goal. In fact doing that generally harms the game.

Make friends or get an alt and play with yourself.

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…is what made EVE Online bad!

Voice comms made Eve bad.

Alphas don’t need to be able to fly fleet support ships, what they need is to find other players to fleet with.

Per one of OP’s crossposts:

Polishing the art of Venture mining is not going to lure players into EVE, make them stick around, or expedite them onto becoming Omega. I can’t tell you how many newbies I’ve helped become Omega within a few days of them joining EVE without giving them any seed ISK or ships or assets - the only thing I gave them was knowledge… and nothing that they did involved any mining at all whatsoever.

If you want to help newbies/alphas, show them better opportunities of simultaneously having fun and making ISK. Don’t ask CCP to empower stupidity (Venture mining in hisec) or solo play. Mining in fleets is the way to go - doing everything in fleets is the way to go - this is an MMO! You don’t need to join a corp or an alliance to make friends and hang out with others.

And that is all that I am putting out, to have the ability to have fun because you can do a thing and still does not break the game in any spectacular manner, thanks for that consideration.

Only assembled ships can go into that, the fleet hanger yes, the maintenance bay no.

No mention of boosts, bursts, farts, or smells.

No fleet hanger.

No drones.

No bonus.

Nothing, except room to carry a packaged mining frigate, to allow it to store assembled ship and carried would the bring it more in line with a command ship, it would allow rigs to stay intact which would give a bonus, that is NOT a request either if someone wants to rig it then they have to do so after assembly, if they want to take their mining frigate with them then they lose their rigs.

Again it is not ground breaking, it only gives the ability to move a unassembled mining frigate to a desired place, if I could bring a mining frigate with me I’d visit low sec more because I could get ore I normally don’t have access to and the pitiful haul in a mining frigate is not enough to justify the risk, a Miasmos full, yeah that’s worth a risk.

Or you could just… use the cargo hold of a suitably sized industrial and accept the loss of some loot hauling capacity in exchange for actually being able to have an income-generating ship with you.

I genuinely don’t see how adding a ship bay is a balanced change, and have yet to hear a compelling argument for giving Alpha accounts access to additional features. Any argument based around improving solo gameplay is voided by the MMO aspect of the game (please stop trying to make EVE into a single player game). How does this change fit into an MMO? How does it improve fleet mechanics? How does it support small gang ninja mining operations?

@zazzmatazz_Xu is set it his ways. There is zero point is discussing the matter with him further. This is a lost cause and a dead thread.

@Destiny_Corrupted said it best (also in relation to OP on a crosspost):

Not every comment in the world is directed at you.

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Correct, it’s only an idea, that is what “player ideas” is for.

In another thread such as general I already posted that as a separate thread since this thread is only specific to the Miasmos,

No matter what there are many who choose to be soloist and I’m fine with that, the moment they undock they go from soloist to MMO regardless of what they want, again changes nothing.

If you already have an adequate way to achieve your goal, then making changes to a ship is unnecessary and can in fact cause problems.

Again: what is the benefit here to MMO play styles?

For you, don’t know, probably nothing, but if you live in low or other areas then this could mean more targets, I spent time in low mining some good ore, I stopped because it became a hassle to keep jumping in and out bringing ore by the mining frigate load, the Miasmos can move and thus suitable to run gates, worth the risk to go day mining, otherwise it became a chore to move the ore running away from that Onyx always camping the gate.

Corp: Planetary Extractions S-Corporation
Alliance: Unknown
Faction: Unknown
Destroyed: Epithal
System: Aurohunen
Security: 0.4
Damage Taken: 2705

Involved parties:

Name: Teh (laid the final blow)
Security: -10.00
Corp: Caldari Provisions
Alliance: None
Faction: None
Ship: Vigilant
Weapon: Heavy Neutron Blaster II
Damage Done: 2705

Security: -1.5
Corp: Blue 332
Alliance: None
Faction: None
Ship: Onyx
Weapon: Warp Disruption Field Generator II
Damage Done: 0

Destroyed items:

Medium Trimark Armor Pump I
Inertial Stabilizers I
Medium Trimark Armor Pump I
Inertial Stabilizers I
Medium Trimark Armor Pump I

Dropped items:

Inertial Stabilizers I
Inertial Stabilizers I

My Alt.

in a mining frig?


You wanted that thread closed, now you are here still looking to keep rolling with it, for someone who doesn’t like my post you sure are standing close to have a reason to be unhappy, sheesh.

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