[NEMA Press Release] Paid Positions for Reporters

Do you see now Diana Kim?
This is how they believe the universe operates.
They think of preying upon the innocents are considered virtue, and everyone must be forced to follow this blasphemy.
You claimed, although I do feel insulted by it, you see parallels in me with the code right?
This is what I see parallels regarding the Caldari.
Caldari believes it is the corporates’, the strongs’ right to conquer the weak and the destitute deserve their suffering.

They apparently have both traits that each of us consider as evil, how delicious!
That is why no more animosity is required between us, when it comes to fighting against those vermin.
Mine regarding you and the Caldari State will cease with this transmission as well, as long as it involves them that is…

When I said ‘Don’t get dragged down in arguments’, the above is what I meant. Some capsuleers cannot be reasoned with & it will only end up in an infinite circle where one side (not you!) has the advantage simply because there is no genuine interest in the argument & only argues for the sake of it. Or worse, believe they are absolutely right & anything not part of it will be argued to death till you make a mistake nullifying everything you said prior.
Welcome to IGS politics.

This thread is now a good example on why arguing beyond the core is often pointless & once the discussion or arguments is going away from the core of the issue, it is in your best interest to cease the argument/discussion. Else things can get nasty.


Oh dear…

There I was several hours ago reading this post thinking: “Wow! A hard-hitting, somewhat sensationalist news production set out by NEMA! (full disclosure, I am part of NEMA’s security team) I’m excited to see what comes out of this periodical!”

Now the discussion has devolved into: “CODE. is bad, hate CODE.”, “CODE is good because circular logic says so!”, “Hate on Maverick Destro 'cuz he supports CODE.”, “I don’t support CODE, but there’s a story here, right?”, “Hate CODE more GRRRR”, “CODE. is gud, calm down, miner”.

Please, lets get back on track so I can enjoy my Quafe and moon goo while reading this article already. Take your grievances elsewhere. If not, then take Maverick up on his suggestion and write a counterpoint to this CODE. article already (Just remember, the bloody thing hasn’t even been written yet.).

Now, back on topic. I believe it would be a great thing to read about multiple different viewpoints, even those I disagree with, it may help sharpen my position and better my argument… or maybe even bring facts to the table that I was unaware of. And no, I’m not even talking about this article on CODE. that has rustled almost everyone’s jimmies (again, which has not even been written yet), I’m speaking in general.

So thank you @Maverick_Destro, for nutting up and doing something fresh and new (and probably much needed).

On a final note, concerning duels… The challenger issues the duel, the challenged chooses the weapon… Both have to agree on the location, AND the terms. Because the terms were not agreed upon, Diana Kim hasn’t actually forfeited. Either the duel is still on the table and up for discussion, or both Principals may back out of the challenge with honour intact if terms cannot be agreed upon.

I don’t have a stake in that argument, just clarifying the basic rules, or the “code duello”.

Now that that’s settled…


Actually, my portion of the article will not be in praise or condemnation of CODE. as an organization.

Making prejudiced statements like this shows your preconceived bias.

You assume it wasn’t intentional. I mean, look at all the beautiful quotes I have that are on the public record now. :wink:

no u…

Mr. Destro,

I look forward to reading the first issue.

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Most have just been condemning it. Doesn’t make a lot of sense to me.

The condemnation or the writing?

The condemnation, Ms. Kim. Sometimes you’re so dense you actually bend light, you know?

Ahh, I see, you look like another gallente bootlicker. It explains why you failed to understand it, especially since I explained it quite in details earlier in the thread.

The absolute irony of you referring to someone else as a bootlicker is just astounding.

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I’m guessing I’m the “Gallente Bootlicker” you’re referring to, Ms. Kim? Of course, it’s a baseless and untrue accusation. The Caldari ex-pats here at NEMA have a Gallente citizenship for two reasons. (1) It’s necessary for the Alliance SCC licensing, and (2) the Caldari State has become a fascist state.

So, as you can see, it’s not out of loyalty, but practicality. This is the same for our Amarrian ex-pats. It’s a matter of business, not politics, you propaganda pushing puppet.

EDIT: I completely forgot the original reason for this update.

The planned release date for the inaugural issue of NEMA Quarterly Report is YC122.12.01.

By saying this, though, you’re taking a clear political side, sir. You’re saying you don’t trust the Caldari or Amarr to let your people do their work without interference, but that you do trust the Federation. Those of us who’ve been reading the SCOPE for a long time might differ a little: the slant in its reporting is subtle, but. . . .

(And then Ret Gloriaxx comes on and it gets less subtle.)

You also show your own position by describing the State as “fascist.” The State might have been fairly described that way under Tibus Heth, but his reign was brief and he’s been out of power for years. The State’s got fascistic elements, certainly, but really it’s too decentralized and tolerant of dissent for the word to apply. Most Caldari associate the word more with the Federal regime that bombarded their homeworld than with the State itself.

As for the Empire, it’s a more or less traditional feudal state with a structure that would seem familiar to many other civilizations, but modified in subtle, interesting ways to stand the tests of time-- and it, too, is surprisingly tolerant of difference. The Amarr may emphasize unity of thought, but there’s a lot of room for different ideas. The clearest example of this is in the Great Houses themselves, with their varying outlooks and philosophies. We’re even kind of watching a major discussion about what the Empire is and what it should be playing out right now. Tempers might flare, but, as someone said, it’s basically a family quarrel.

(There’s a lot of comfort in that.)

Ms. Kim’s views tend to be … intense … but in the end she’s not wrong about a tension across international borders between “freedom” and “order.” If you treat the order-oriented powers as necessarily hostile to people who work for you, you’ve pretty much declared a side.


Which,to be fair, is completely true. The Amarr are tolerant of only academic differences of opinion with many lines that cannot be crossed, and the Caldari state similarly allows expression of thoughts only within certain parameters. Some,or many, ideas are just off limits.

The Federation may not always be perfect,but it does hold freedom of expression as near sacred.

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Very true. I never said I wasn’t politically biased, only that the publication will not be.

The State was fascist long before Tibus Heth took power, and little has changed since he’s been gone. To the Mega-Corps, the average Caldari citizen is little more than a commodity, not an individual with rights. The only difference between the Caldari State and the Amarr Empire is that one is too cowardly to call their slavery for what it is while the other is, at the very least, honest.

Perhaps we’ve read different history books. Don’t the Amarr subjugate what they consider to be lessor races and force them to accept their ideologies? Doesn’t sound like it encourages a lot of open debate and new ideas.

Okay, let’s be real here. Everyone has to pick a side. Failure to do so is foolish.

That being said, assumptions are the key to misinformation, and referring to me as a “Gallente bootlicker” just isn’t accurate at all. Like all things, the Federation and our citizenship in it, are a means to an end, not a declaration of loyalty.

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It’s difficult for people to create a thing that is not of themselves, sir. I’ll look forward to seeing whether you can manage what you intend.

(Initial impressions might be a little flavored by having seen more editorial commentary than finished product so far.)

People in the State have legal rights based on their corporate citizenship or other affiliation (such as with a client people), sir. They can also be picked up by other arrangements, such as contracts. If we’re talking about “human rights,” though, that’s maybe a difference between our societies, since such “rights” basically constitute the Federal answer to the Amarrian God. My predecessor I think at some point may have offered a bounty if someone could catch her an “inalienable right” so she could have it stuffed and mount it in a display case. Or maybe that’s just an idea I had but never followed up on.


Basically it’s not clear that a “human right” is something people really have instead of something people often wish they had. Kind of like gods. I’d even say that believing in them takes “faith,” of a kind.

Otherwise, we live in a universe where wasps paralyze spiders and cram them into burrows as live food for their young. There’s no reason to think the world naturally wants to be kinder to us than to spiders.

Take it from someone who’s lived in both? That’s really not the only difference.

And to be clear, in the State I’d be considered jaalan– a dissident, and not one who’d be listened to. It’s mostly their policies on bloodline’s and marriage. But, I’m of mixed blood myself, so … probably not someone who’ll be heard.

So I’ve got problems with the State. Not like you seem to, though.

The Amarr have historically been conquerors, but it’s not like there’s been no variation. Emperor Heideran VII, who died only a little over a decade ago, was arguably the greatest peacemaker the cluster’s ever seen, particularly in terms of the sheer number of people involved.

Whether the Empire will continue in his tradition is … well. We’ll see.

Haha … I might have started off with the rare chance not to, but wound up picking one anyway. Maybe I’d have been wiser to avoid the situation that led to having to choose. But, I wasn’t that wise.

A sharp blade needs a sheath. If I’d remained as ordinary metal, unshaped, untempered, maybe I’d have been okay alone. Or maybe if I’d been a pen, instead, a traveler and writer instead of a fighter, I’d have avoided this fate. But I had to be strong … and so the world drew me in.

Some regrets. Oh well.


I have always found duty and compassion work to keep a sharp blade required only when there is a need to make a cut.

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You’ve used the word “fascist” too much. What exactly DOES it mean?
As far as I can recall, it was a word which was used to describe a regime in Gallente Federation in the official history text book, thus… why the heck do YOU use IT to describe the State now?!

I don’t need instruction on how the Caldari State works. I was a citizen, until I wasn’t. All humans have rights, unalienable and unbreakable by ANY empire. The Caldari State is little more than a slave pen run by elitist CEOs.

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