New Notifications 🔴

You’re a few months early for this April Fools joke.


Not a joke. Just doing my job.


An experienced player in EvE should not need a red dot to notify them that new items have appeared in their inventory. Therefore, I would propose two possible options:

A: A way to disable said Red Dot

B: Allow the Red Dot for new players only, having it expire after 30 or 60 days of the birth date of a new character.

I can understand how this would help the new player experience, considering the complexity of EvE, however for experienced players, it’s a PITA.


I’m mostly echoing what others have said, but:
– It’s a very intrusive notification for an event of very minor importance, and there’s no way to turn it off.
– It’s not a very smart implementation:
– -- Arrive at a station to pick up an item, red dot in Item Hangar!
– -- Move item to ship cargo, no red dot.
– -- Undock, red dot in ship cargo!

One of my alts is a trader and a hauler. That means my inventory button has a big red “7+” on it ALL THE TIME, and I have a red dot somewhere on my inventory ALL THE TIME. It is completely useless to me, while being bright red and in my face.

Finally, if I’m market trading, every time I buy an item in the station I’m in, I get the “you have a new item” tooltip on the inventory button. Annoying in and of itself, but the way my windows are arranged, the tooltip covers up the item search box in the market window. Meaning I have to wait for the tooltip to go away before I can search for the next item I want to buy. I don’t really want to have to re-arrange my windows simply to get away from an intrusive feature I don’t want and don’t need.

– Allow users to disable the feature;
– Make the red dots smaller and less bright;
– Ditch the tooltip on the inventory button.


I get popup notices that I have new items, when I repackage dozens of assembled drones.

CCCPls Just provide a means of disabling :red_circle: (keep it default-on for new players) and so much forum and reddit irritation will disappear. An entire week of it!

Also, zKill can stop putting :red_circle: for new kills, just in case we didn’t know they were new. The most recent kills… pushed into a browser window. That’s how I used to know they were new, and it was Good. But CCP isn’t responsible for the content of 3rd party websites.

CCP: “Well, at least they’re talking about our game! You know you’re in trouble if nobody is talking about it.”


No idea if this is a glitch, or if it actually is going to remain constant.

Today I tried right-clicking on the Inventory icon (left side of the screen) and selected Disable Blinking. From then on I have not seen a single red dot show up.


:red_circle: Why is there a separate feedback topic for such a useless thing? This is redundant as the General Feedback topic for the patch exists, which already has tons of feedback on the matter. If you really needed feedback, you would read there.

But if you are really too lazy for that, then:

  • The red dot is annoying. It adds nothing positive to the game and only more clicking and more unnecessary mouse movements.
  • the chime/weeping sound when something lands in the hangar is annoying and useless. It adds nothing positive to the game. It only adds noise and it plays at times when there is not even something going on in the hangar, like when I log in or when I undock.
  • the implementation of the accompanying changes to hangar sorting are glitchy. Some items I add to my hangar appear on the top, other items appear where they are supposed to be according to my hangar sorting choice but still have the red dot. This was much more convenient in the past when everything ended up at the end of the hangar. Back in the times before the patch you actually knew where new things were in the hangar. Now you have to guess, especially if you accept contracts with lots of items.
  • the hangar sorting changes are in particular very annoying with things like probes. If you recall them, they end up in the middle of your cargo, but unstacked. If you reload them into your probe launcher, they rip a huge hole of empty space into the cargo that you have to close manually by clicking Stack All or on the hangar display button. If only the probes, or anything actually, would autostack when it lands in the hangar. Implementing autostacking instead of all of the above rubbish would have actually been a sensible and useful feature and time well spent.
  • an actually useful implementation of the sound effect would be if it only played when someone takes or adds things to the fleethangar, as I suggested in the official patch GF topic already, if you had cared to read.

In conclusions: This entire work, the red dot, the sound effect and the sorting changes, are a massive waste of time because they are faulty, they are annoying, they add nothing positive to the gameplay experience, they only add more work and more wasted time and you cannot even disable them. It is a typical development of the contemporary CCP that does not know what it is doing and forces lots of unwanted stuff onto the players.

(YOU is meant as a generalizing english YOU, not a specifically directed YOU at the ISD. I am aware that ISD are getting shafted by CCP as well with every new bad development these people throw out into the wild.)


I mean if you didn’t close all those threads the second they came up the feedback would have concentrated in one or few of them already.

I don’t get why you are always so fast with the closing when there is an actual ongoing discussion for a relevant topic about a new feature for once (it’s not like there are a lot of new features recently). Are this threads taking the space away from the 10 ganking whine threads that are on at any given time or what?


:red_circle: Why a new thread about feedback?
:red_circle: Here you have your feedbacks:

:red_circle: Bring a disable option to disable ALL the red dots, new item/SP notifications + sound !
:red_circle: We dont need that red dots/new item/SP notifications, were not stupid and we know whats new in our hangars !

:red_circle: And for new players do this or something similar like this:


Red Dots are unnecessary, are distracting, are a menace.
The sound for moving an item is unnecessary, is distracting, is a menace.
Please remove or make a ‘Red Dot & Sound’ toggle switch.

And afterwards let’s focus on the real problems. Thank you!


What would you like to do with Red Dot?

  • Removed totally, axed from game, code ripped out and trashed
  • Changed to green dot and left only as visual cue in inventory window.
  • LeAvE rEd doT aLoNe, YoU MoNsTeRs!

0 voters


It would have been great to have a way to disable it , I understand the interest but it is not at the current state usefull .
I don’t know , for example if the red dot for new items could be set up when the price of this item reaches a certain amount of isk ( based on the regional price for instance) , that would make sens for the exploration
But at the moment its purpose il already shot , two much useless red dot kill it .
To be put in the experimental features …

Thank you ISD, for finally opening an “official” feedback thread on the matter of :red_circle:.

Just for clarity I would like to point out that :red_circle: and :bell: BONGBOLONGDONG :bell: (aka the new GONG) and :speech_balloon: YOU HAVE NEW :poop: IN YOUR :circus_tent: :speech_balloon: (aka the new tool tip popup) are all connected together. We can refer to these little monsters :red_circle: :bell: :speech_balloon: as the unholy trinity, one and indivisible, that was unleashed upon us without any recourse for us, users.

It’s a pity you did not collect all the posts of all the relevant closed threads, there was some high quality artwork and literary genius available to drive home the point.
Bottom line of all our efforts to catch ccp’s attention:

  • we do not like it, it’s out-of-control garbage, hideous, bugged, redundant, out-of-place, gratuitous and foremost, aggravating. More choice words and emotions can be found in the other threads. We REALLY do NOT like it…
  • instead of removing this unholy trinity it gets “fixed” and pushed deeper into the UI, making some of us fear that it will come to replace the Notification system we all are happy with because we can control that feature in our clients.
  • we request A) total removal of this “new system” that noone wants or likes or at the very least B) total control over them - opt out for :red_circle:, silence the :bell: and opt out for :speech_balloon:

A more elegant solution would have been to bring the :red_circle: in via the Notifications interface, which works perfectly for all of us because we … can … completely … shut … it … down. There is no added value to the extra tool tip popups introduced yesterday. You only introduced a non-blockable feature that anyone with 2 days experience and only one cerebral hemisphere working does not need anymore. For the rest of us, it’s distracting, and downright annoying.

Stop “fixing”, start “removing” the unholy trinity :red_circle: :bell: :speech_balloon: please, thank you.


very well said, and you are a funny writer

thank you, a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down :wink:

what we also dont need is a extra layer of “informations” in the ui and another ui clutter for nothing
we need LESS clutter and LESS windows in eve!

why do we stil have the anoying popup windows everywhere if you warp to a incursionsite or something, isnt the notification icon the right place for the important stuff?
or show it once a session or even once a week or once per incursion and thats enough same goes for evey overlay informationwindow
you yould implement these informations where the mission windows are in top left corner a short notice and fadong out to actual mission after few sec. you could establisch this as the primarly information place with this kind of stuff to the player.
move the local informations you get form npc there (and reduce it to tne bare minimum.

the neocom icons and menu entries with their blinking is more as enough for the highest information layer we have, and they are as i know and have on all my chars allmost all blinking off… you remember we the players have had also to yell at you as you implement these feature
and it is still not realy solved as an anoying thing…
that redeeming icon i get every day? its not only there to remember me there is something (i also see in the log in screen so yea i am not stupid)
no it is also flashing even if i switched off blinking till i do mousover in a session once and now it also got that red dot? why??? because i am stupid or what?
how do the RED icon in the darkish and colorless neocom match your ui philosophy?
do you ever play with icons dragged in the neocom because i do!
the BLUE icon on the notification was breaking it also^^ but is at least not that anoying red colored

did you ever play eve with all that nonsense on?
its ridicolous how many informations “rain” down on a player (often with not realy important informartions about what you realy do in the game right noiw)

get rid of the ding dong sound AND NEVER BRING SOMETHING BACK
just button blink and notification is more as enough for the stuff we need to know (and we can opt out of it)
you want to highlight new icons in the hangars? just lighten up the icon backround slightly (and i realy mean slightly) and fade it away after 10s
and make your system not that stupid… we dont need a information about our ammunition stack changed after we putted neew in! we dont ned a ding dong after we put replacement drones in our shiphangar WE DID IT ALLREADY we know what we did we arent stupid.
we dont need a ding dong after we finished a contact or a direct trade and get the item we tradet… we arent stupid! not that hard in your face and your ears in your brain stupid you might think we need… gamers get older… eve got allways older player base… dont thread us like a 12y child on to mutch red bull, sugar and watching yt vids while playing^^

oh and for your sorting problem in hangar and shiphangar… how about giving ALLL ships a explicit ammo hangar? our ships are more full with stuff as in the old days as mtu and depots dont existed (by the way well done wingspan with the torp size change for WH people)
you yould size the ammo hangar after a typical ammo need for lets say 1h constant shooting… and dont forget missiles got more volume so dont give them the size only as a turret ship^^

you could also bring the function we can pin stuff in the hangar to the top row or a item! THAT would be nice!!
so we have allways the ammo in line of sight in our little cargo window in the corner and allways the mtu on the same place we pinned it (tabs in cargo window?) even after we throwed it out it comes back on that spot and we KNOW the spot is empty and missing if ywe see it in the larger screen docked, how about stack that mtus again till the got realy damaged (same goes for drones) THAN highlight it as a new single item down in the windows

you can do lot better in your game tackling the real problems as taking an idear from mobile UI where the world is a step further and give us focus mode and notification only for important stuff and opt out of red dots on icons and and and…

and guys… its not forgotten you promised a refreshed sound setting after YOU STOLE us thee “old” sliders
make it 3 level of settings from global like you have now 8with grups in so we know what we are adjusting) to the groups itself, so we SEE whats in there, to the single sound in that group who annoy us… we all know its there its not that hard, you just take that devtime from stupid red dots and put it in there for a while? please?

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Please, pretty please implement an option to turn it off per client or just entirely.
For my Jita alt I don’t mind it, but for any other of my characters it’s incredibly annoying.

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Even the Triglavians don’t seem to like it… A message from Zorya…


I don’t like it.