Off-Topic Thread vol. 2

Eh-- not a hull I was (or am) very familiar with. (Even with its neurological fangs pulled, Sansha stuff makes me really uncomfortable.) If I remember I’d gotten it from a friend, along with the fit. There was a particular technique it was good for, which I don’t really remember. This was during my first year (that I can remember).

So, sure, “asking for it.” Don’t know that it’d have survived either way.

Somehow I doubt that entirely honest and reputable characters such as “Grunt 1” and “Gladiator 1” of the bandit excuse for a corporation “Dark Necessity” would be willing to “open up a dialog”.

One wonders if they are capable of such a thing.

The mind boggles at the continued rationalizations you must make for the continued stargate connection of pirate regions to core space.


A naval blockade is needed at every civilized system adjacent to Syndicate. I will be making my case to the DED as soon as my schedule allows.

I may be missing something amidst all the stupidity on display here, but how exactly is being shot down by local independent capsule pilots justification for the blockading of the Syndicate again?

The funny thing is, high security gates already are blockaded… against those with poor standing to the relevant empire.

This capsuleer has yet to learn the reality of life as a freelance capsuleer. There’s a lot of freedom involved, including freedom to experience consequences, that legally the empires have no business interfering in. This will be a make or break lesson.


Grunt 1 is the CEO of Dark Necesstity (note the spelling). and they regularly do NPSI fleets. Which means he is, blatantly, open to cooperative overtures before you’re in their targeting reticles. Heck, their corp info even lists a publicly-accessible channel for asking to get into the NPSI fleets.

That’s basically a big sign with 10m tall flaming letters reading ‘OPEN A DAMNED DIALOG WITH US’. Makes one wonder if you’re capable of putting in even minimum effort to avoid dying, or if you just blythely stumble about in ways that’d get neutrals shot in 6RCQ-V.

Once you’re being shot at, it’s always too late to talk standings. As a member of a null bloc, you should know that. Syndicate is nullsec. Treat it like nullsec. Go to Venal, the locals will shoot you. Go to Stain, or Curse, locals will shoot you. What in blue blazes makes you think Syndicate is any different?

Well, as a member of WE FORM BL0B, your whole alliance lives in pirate space.

Did you think Clown Ring was some peaceful oasis? Some part of space where the empires have said ‘hey, we should totally let these guys have unfettered control because we’re nice like that’? Of course not. It, like the rest of nullsec, is pirate space.


Get the picture?

I mean, you didn’t hesitate even a moment before podding dadoxa, did you?

Of course not. And you shouldn’t have. Still, both his pod and his Phoenix Navy were killed, by you, without any formal Declaration of War filed with CONCORD’s DED between his alliance and yours, or even between his alliance and Sev3rance.

So, congrats… pirate.

Ok, so, just so you know… you’re an independent capsuleer. That means the DED only wants two things from you;

  1. Your money
  2. Your head.

The DED doesn’t care about your opinions any more than they do those of anyone else on these forums. Heck, the DED doesn’t give a fedo fart about the opinions of eggers who have been honored by their head of state, like Mitara Newelle or the folks in PIE.

They don’t care. You pay them what they demand, when they demand it, you do the work they offer, and you go away. And when you step out of line, they shoot you.

This is one of the negative aspects of joining a bloc like B2 in the middle of a protracted, low-level war: they don’t really have time to educate you.

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So, would you rather the gates just be shut off?

As an independent capsuleer, it’s not the responsibility of the DED to ensure your safety in travel.


You are the only person that can look out for yourself and your assets.

If I may make a suggestion. The Star Map is your -best- friend. Learn the different statistics and metrics available to you. Learn how to read them in context of your own specific operations.

-Pilots in system last 30min (who’s in space)
-Pilots Docked last 30min (who can be in space quick)
-Ships destroyed last 1hr (who isn’t in that space anymore)
-Pods destroyed last 1hr (who -REALLY- isn’t in that space anymore)
-Jumps last 1hr (traffic volume)
-Station Count (an absolute VITAL stat when traveling in Syndicate or other faction space)

The Star Map can provide you with more up-to-date intel than anywhere else without having to speak to anyone. Check it before you undock. Check it often. Situations change quickly, and unexpectedly. On a travel operation, it can literally make the difference between gate camp, or Arriving at your destination alive and intact.

And you had the AUDACITY to go into their territory unannounced, without invite, intentions unknown, in a TENGU. As far as they knew, you could have been waiting to light a cyno.

Never underestimate the capacity for violence of those ignorant to your intentions, and hardened to shoot first.

I appreciate the spirited defence of Syndicate’s capsuleer residents on display here (even if ‘uncouth’ doesn’t seem too wide of the mark).

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Former friend of mine used to style himself ‘The Lord of Syndicate’. Had a small moon empire centered around FD-MLJ that he’d defend with about a dozen or two capitals and between30 and 4001 subcaps, depending on the ambient conditions in the cluster.

Being civilized and responsible residents of Syndicate definitely doesn’t prevent them from being ‘uncouth’. Shutupandshave was always both… but he had a wonderful singing voice.

Seems he’s over in Minmil these days. Guess he decided Horde was a shitty fit for Black Omega.

1. Yeah, that’s an accurate range there. It was 10 years ago, and GSF was up in Deklein. When we were at war, he couldn’t get a lot of people to help defend his moons, so he’d usually lose them. When we weren’t at war, he’d get other FCs in Space Violence (the SIG he ran at the time) to form up multiple subcap fleets while he formed up a small carrier gang.

The Federation trying to distort and manipulate what it means to be Caldari was among the primary reasons for our secession.

Stay in your lane, Culome. Adams may be of Deteis descent, but he is not Caldari, and judging by certain accounts of his conduct even prior to his treason, it’s doubtful if he ever was.

“We will not permit you to tell us how to be Caldari, and so you leave us with no choice.”

  • Excerpt from the Caldari Proclamation of Secession. CE 23154.11.22
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I at least half-agree with Ms. Malitia. For the Caldari, “being Caldari” has always meant more than blood.

(For some, like the Dragonaurs and their sympathizers, blood is a prerequisite. But nobody considers blood alone adequate.)

Adams forfeited his claim to the name “Caldari” when he turned traitor. His reasons don’t matter. He is lost; his ancestors weep.

I won’t say that the “Raata Caldari” living in isolation on Caldari Prime or elsewhere in the Federation are less Caldari, though. Not everyone was in a position to escape, and enduring despite circumstance is at the very heart of the Caldari … cultural creed, I guess you’d say?

I’d also note that through sheer determination to remain unchanged, the State Caldari in a number of ways did change themselves. Take the proud rejection of aesthetics as a value-- to the point where utilitarian design becomes an aesthetic itself. The Caldari have always been practical first, but that value exists in Caldari culture not only on its own merits but as a rejection of the Gallentean enthusiasm for aesthetics.

What would Caldari homes and ships look like if Caldari Prime and Gallente Prime hadn’t shared a star? If they’d come of age alone, instead of “uplifted” by a bubbly and arrogant neighbor? It’s hard to say. Probably they’d still be simple, but perhaps not so proudly cold.

Anyway, Caldari is a culture, an outlook and way of life, more than it is an ethnicity, one Mordu’s Legion exemplifies perhaps as much as Kaalakiota (to the degree that a career in service to the Legion is a gateway to State citizenship). One may by adopting it wholeheartedly join it regardless of blood-- that is exactly what its rigorous immigration and naturalization procedures are about.

One may by rejecting it depart. Regardless of ancestry.


See, Ms. Dallocort, this, here, is exactly why.

It’s why more conservative types question whether it’s possible for the State and Federation to live in peace. It’s why even dissident expat/exile/kinda-just-cousins-anyway like me roll our eyes when we hear it.

Nobody, nobody, gets to tell the Caldari what is Caldari but the Caldari.

And the fact you think you can makes us want to kill you so hard that your ancestors will die again.


Come at me then.

Yeah, that’s pretty much what the whole Cal/Gal warzone is, Ms. Dallocort. There’s more to it of course, but there’s a reason Heth’s invasion of Luminaire, the retaking of Caldari Prime, was so popular in the State when it happened.

As for you, personally? You’re one of probably billions or even trillions of similarly-arrogant Gallente, and I’ve long-since lost my taste for honor duels (possibly on account of someone who was … very loud about them).

You’re in EM, anyway, so we’ll probably be on opposite sides of a fight sooner or later. I’ll just wait for FC to call you primary.

And this is why the Federation must be destroyed.

This post written by my device’s predictive text facility.


#1 way to unite the likes of me with the likes of Ms. Kim: try, as an outsider, to tell us who we are and what that means.

(Of course then Ms. Kim starts arguing for literal genocide or something very close to it. There’s “Leave us alone!” which is a near-universal Caldari sentiment and then there’s “Get out of our universe!” which is not.)

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Well, first, let’s remember that Adams is a separate thing from whether there is one Caldari culture.

But while Adams may live in, and work for, the Federation, he’s not the Federation, and he isn’t trying to dictate to you what it means to be Caldari. Instead, now you are all trying to dictate that same thing to him… You’re insisting it’s so because the State Caldri say so.

Dictating right and wrong because of majority opinion… Stop being such… Feds. :wink:

He doesn’t seem to think so. And identity is like any other possession: if you want to control it, you’ve got to demonstrate the ability to stop other people from using it. Which leaves you in the unenviable position of having to enforce that claim.

Brand him a traitor. Shoot him on sight. That’s all well within your purview. But until you can stop him from doing it, he’ll keep identifying as Caldari. Good luck.

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I know being confidently incorrect is your entire brand on the IGS, but seriously, stay in your lane.

You have no idea what you are talking about.


I mean, if we’re to take that post at face value, and assume:

  1. I do, in fact, have no idea what I’m talking about, and
  2. being confidently incorrect is my entire brand on the IGS

Then wouldn’t you be making that my lane? :smiley:

Regardless, Adams has made his bed, and he’ll have to lie in it, and that includes being called a traitor and a turncoat, which I think can be said to be accurate.

It also includes being told he’s forfeited any right to call himself Caldari, but that presupposes the existence of only one Caldari culture, where there are at least two. It’d be interesting to see if he’s made any efforts to hew to the ‘Raata Caldari’ culture as opposed to the State or Megacorporate Caldari culture.

Whups! Sorry!

That should be: wouldn’t you be making that my lane, Your Majesty? :smiley:

What a very Gallente thing to say. Democracy in action, eh?

So does that political party have a fleet of spaceships or what ? Nobody seems to want to answer my question in that thread, so I may as well try it here.