Please Wait 9 Hours to Give More Likes :psyccp:


-walks into thread-
-looks around-



>>>I<<< personally can be trusted with these powers

But most of you cannotā€¦

Which thread? No idea what youā€™re talking about

WTS: EVE forum 0-day exploits, accepting ISK or Bitcoin.

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Color me surprised.

User titles are poo, thereā€™s no option for bitter vet or old git.


Aurora knows what sheā€™s doing. She said all this is on purpose. I just donā€™t think they appreciate the extent to which this is a bad idea.

:red_circle: If that is really on purpose, I donā€™t want to know what they would do unintentionally. :thinking:

What are they even doing?

It is not a bad idea.

It is a GREAT IDEA! I like it. Thank you @CCP_Aurora :kissing_heart:

Youā€™ve upset @Katarina_Neeko by modifying her topic titles


What now? Didnā€™t CCP kill their own wiki years ago because ā€œit would be better in a player owned Wiki than a CCP hosted wikiā€? Why should people start a new wiki yet again only to have it removed later if CCP feels itā€™s ā€œbetter placed in player owned wikisā€?

Why should Likes be a reason for someone to gain higher trust levels? I have seen the most ridiculous posts garner tons of like and the most reasonable suggestions getting flagged-hidden and receive no likes at all.

Just look at your post and how many likes it got for basically rubbish, for contradicting a CCP stance from the past and for invalidating player effort or causing more busywork for players because they have to create something again that is already there.


we need help now or else we are doomed X_x Rip

Do you know how to change your own thread title? Because you should be able to do that. If not I can fix it for you with your consent :stuck_out_tongue:

No you are not, my powers have run out. :neutral_face:

Need to wait for them to replenish.

But it was worth it. :psyccp:

Reddit has a lot of flair you can assign to yourself and your postsā€¦

But itā€™s Redditā€¦

@CCP_Aurora Is it intended that Iā€™m having now moderator rights (editing, categorizing, moving) forum threads? :wink:

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Why do you even ask? It is obvious you are worthy.

Yes that is an intended feature for ā€œVeteransā€. We are trying to convince her to disable it.