PLEX GER vs RU 43% more expensive. why?

Why are people like you in Germany get it so cheap? I probably pay even more than you. Should the price for EVE increase even more for you just because people in my country earn more on average than in yours? That would be fair then according to you right?

That would totally be RMT, as you sell in-game currency (in form of PLEX) for real-world money.

and what is what ccp is doing? they do exactly this?^^ ( i dont do rmt…)

It’s not RMT when CCP do it, it’s one of their income streams as a business; when you purchase PLEX you agree not to sell it outside of the game.

The PLEX isn’t yours to sell outside of the conditions imposed when you agree to the EULA; characters, character attributes, items, currency, and objects etc remain the property of CCP.

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we all know… that many people do it and ccp dont care, as long they earn on that deals. maybe that was the reason for the current plex crash…

They do care, RMT takes money out of their pockets. However, like any developer that tries to combat people selling their exclusive products they’re not likely to reveal the how of what they do to combat it

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but people buy it from ccp and ccp earn with each deal… plex is made buy ccp. with every sold rmt plex, ccp earned his full price for that plex EVERY plex.

Is a lost sale.

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no it isnt… its normal market offer, you offer several things and the BEST CHOISE offer is the rmt offer. people stay in game, ccp get his sells, everybody get his stuff.

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Nope, that’s not how it works.

If I buy PLEX from CCP and sell it on ebay, I’m likely to make a loss because nobody is going to buy it for more than CCP sell it.

If I buy PLEX with ISK and sell it on ebay, CCP have lost a cash sale because someone has purchased from me and not them; in this instance they’ve lost out on a sale because the PLEX I’ve sold on ebay hasn’t earned them any money at all.

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there i no matter who sold it… ccp won already when they sold the plex, no matter to whom. and if a person buy plex to resell it, and a person dont want to buy it from ccp, then if there were no rmt guys, ccp would have maximal still only 1 sell… and with these rmt things they get much more sales. rmt guys are not the bad guys, they help ccp to sell their stuff and get some % for their sales…

a complete other thing is, when people bot their isk or what ever how and sell that isk for $, and the person who buy this dont spent that isk to buy plex and do other stuff… that its a lost for ccp.

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So you’re condoning RMT…

Thin ice my friend, very thin indeed.

how can i condoring rmt? i am not ccp.
its just curious, why all the rmt site still exist and there not much needed to shut them down…
if ccp would loose so much with these site etc. then they would only hva eto do a test buy and they would know who is behind all that network, but NOOOOOO they dotn do it, also that bring them more money, then to shut it down, maybe ccp is self trading on these rmt sites… and only do as a holy knight.

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not complains, just CCP losing their revenue from those regions. There is a difference between getting 1 customer paying 100% price and 2 (or more, because it is now more affordable for people in that particular region) paying 70% each. CCP chose the money and there is nothing wrong with it.

Did you ever wonder why there are so many illigal streaming sites?
Why doesnt Hollywood just shut them down? /s

Because its pretty ■■■■■■■ hard to shut down a website, that doesnt want to shut down. Even the FBI/CIA had problems shutting sites down, so how should CCP do it?


Especially considering one of the sites that PLEX, amongst other things can be found on is /was ebay.

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Following this argument, the CEO of my company is probably earning more then 4 times of my salary. Why aren´t the prices of products increased 4 times for him as well?

What if oleg is a Russian oligarch and actually makes 488946637 Airos.

And gunter is a low skilled factory worker and makes 20k euros?

What then?


Then Oleg :ru: should use all those Airos to increase the standard of living and purchasing power of the people in his own region closer to parity with those in Günter’s :de: region.
If he does this then it might increase the value of what he has more quickly than if he simply increased the number of Airos in his bank account.
If he does not do this, then he might end up hanging from a lamp post.
Inequality -> Insecurity