SAYR Galactic Hosts Myrskaa All-Mountain Labor Convention
This evening workers of the Kaalakiota and Suukuvesta wing of the Caldari State Workers Union, collectively identifying as the All-Mountain Workers Committee, have announced a new partnership with SAYR Galactic to hold an urgent labor convention hosted in the city of Myrskaa. The Myrskaa-Ashiiga-Ruusaka Greater Metropolitan Area remains a JSL Partnership stronghold hosting more than 40 million Kaalakiota and SuVee workers. Due to expansive reconstruction efforts following the Kyonoke outbreak, it remains one of the highest concentrations of State Workers in the cluster with an atypically high percentage of laborers and technicians relative to the number of local managers and executives.
Hosted throughout the week, the Myrskaa All-Mountain Labor Convention aims to gather together disparate elements of the JSL-wing of the State Workers Union to determine a clear policy towards the adoption of Upwell’s advanced cloning technology. Compared to workers of TNO and PKN affiliated groups, JSL remains divided on the proposal put forward by the Upwell Consortium. Kaalakiota, in particular, hosts a large element of radicals struggling to synthesize the ideals of Caldari sovereignty with the need for a strong, technologically advanced State backed by an empowered Workers Union. Suukuvesta is expected to be a more temperate, stabilizing force capable of steering the Convention toward a moderate, workable policy. Both camps however aim to advocate for JSL utilizing both corporation’s experience in advanced clone technology to take a larger part bringing Upwell’s proposal to the Caldari State. With PKN and TNO at loggerheads, the All-Mountain Labor Convention aims to gain greater concessions for JSL over how this technology will be adapted and managed in exchange for breaking the stalemate within the Chief Executive Panel. While the final verdict ultimately remains in the hands of each corporation’s executives, workers hope that their suggested policy and concessions may influence their decision in the coming weeks.
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