Rumours are abound on Mekhios that a large financial transaction has recently occurred between Lady Arudvard Chailwala and her vassal-baron Holders, including noted Capsuleer Baron Onzo-Gallius of House Gallius. House Chailwala has reportedly been in financial trouble since the Sarum military campaign in the Floseswin system, having bled a significant amount of men and material after the banners were called for the protracted invasion.
With discontent growing among the Barons, inside sources have suggested that Lady Arudvard might be attempting to bring her vassals back in line with a planned meeting after the up coming ball at her family’s estate, with the reclusive Baron Onzo-Gallius expected to make a surprise attendance at his liege’s court for the first time since his controversial succession as Head of House Gallius and Holder of the Gallius Estate. Lord Onzo-Gallius’s brother, Baron Miguel Onzo-Gallius of Asham Azor, has usually represented the family at the Chailwala court but sources say Lady Arudvard’s recent actions have drawn Lord Utari away from his Freelance Capsuleer work in Tenerifis Nullsec.