Archavoinet Archive: Franchise Holding Capsuleer Corps sell Orbital Customs Offices in Archavoinet
In a surprising move, yesterday around 2215 NEST Wolf Brothers INC, and other affiliated capsuleer corps holding various franchises within the Unified Principality of Archavoinet memberstate have sold of associated capsuleer administrated Orbital Customs Offices with the Archavoinet system to Deep Space Scrap and Salvage, this sale also coincided with similar sales in the system of Algasienan to the same.
Though initially causing concerns about the commitment of the franchise holding capsuleer corps, when reached for comment, the noted spitfire and head diplomat Lauralite Anne Brezia had this to say, “The sale of capsuleer customs offices should not be of particular concern here, as they represent only the main connection points for most capsuleer traffic too and from planetary surfaces, and not primary general incoming and outgoing traffic and shipping infrastructure. Wolf Brothers INC, and other members of the UNF remain committed to its franchise holdings in the system, and on maintaining the UPA’s System of Interest claim in the neighbouring system Eugales.”
Though some remain concerned by this, the statement from Ms. Brezia has helped to assuage many fears that the choice of Shipping, Security, and Astromining Franchises may have been poorly negotiated.
Magra Thea, Archavoinet IV, YC122 May 25th, Archavoinet Archive
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