Rumors! Gossip! Tabloids!

Mehatoor - 24th IC Station

In an unprecedented move, a capsuleer is being called on for back payments of child support after numerous attempts by the yet-unnamed capsuleer to contact the mother and child.

“He just won’t leave us alone, so I figured, why not? Maybe he does have some connection to her. I still wouldn’t leave her alone with him,” the mother told reporters outside the courtroom after the initial hearing.

The mother claims she had her memories wiped after several traumatic encounters with the father. Still, she believes he is of means to support child and make sure she is brought up according to the proper tenants of the Amarrian Faith.

Little is known about the father, as records in this case are closed due to the minor age of the child, but it can be confirmed he has been ousted as a heretic by the Amarrian Theology Council.

The mother is being represented by the Legal Offices of Alahmed and Rogan. We caught up with the mother’s attorney, Octantia Dadarwar. “While we do not recognize this person’s rights as a citizen of Amarr, we do feel it is the responsibility of all parents to contribute to the upbringing of their children, and make sure they are brought up accordingly in the Faith. And in doing so, he should be made to pay for that upbringing, heretic or not.”

When asked about the mother, Miss Dadarwar brought this additional bit of information to the table, “Once the child is provided for, we will be doing all in our power to make sure this poor woman is compensated for the trauma inflicted on her by this individual. Years have passed since the incident, but we have no statute of limitations on these types of crimes.”

Miss Dadarwar departed without further comment. We will be following this case with interest.