#SaveMike ANOTHER WIN FOR THE GOOD GUYS! Leadership keeps hiding avoiding situation & responsibility. SKIN Giveaways for helping the cause!

I don’t know about all that.
I did go to Nullsec and looked around to try and learn some more of this game in general.
I did find plenty of dangers. Besides the rest of the content geared towards Omega players, the mining doesn’t seem fruitful. I visited several systems and was disappointed to find out that most of the ore could be found in Lowsec.
Maybe I ought to make a deal with a corporation to help them mine moons.

At any rate, as a Gallentian, I am appalled by the treatment #SaveMike has endured! [ unintelligible rant followed by choiced colorful words ]

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@Tanzubbora_Adran_Quzx_pon @Anyone Doesn’t look like her Warp Core Stabilizer I saved her. Why was it fitted in the first place? Could CPU/Power Grid have been better used with another Low-Slot module instead? Which?

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If a ship can’t align fast enough, put tank on it, if it can then put WCS. Also depends on how fast the attackers can kill you. Edit: if you are being ganked you want enough speed to escape as soon as you see the slightest hint of danger i.e a heron/interceptor scanning, a catalyst, etc.


I’m eating these bad boys :popcorn:

If a ship…

I think @Yuzima knows her ■■■■ tbh. Just friendly pointing it out. :grin:

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Im eating these bad boys :popcorn:

Yeah. You know. Just an example for what mining content could look like.
Is mining ever fruitful really tbh.

At any rate, as a Gallentian, I am appalled by the treatment #SaveMike has endured! [ unintelligible rant followed by choiced colorful words ]

RIGHT?! #SaveMike

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If you actually risk your ship and go into low/wh/null then yes. If you bum around highsec, then no.

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See! Thank you for your support. This post once again proves that our movement is onto something here.

Honestly, I just think every miner who’s ever complained about PvP in any capacity here needs to realize that it is simply a skill issue. I do not support nor condone ganking, however, I do agree with the points that people need to be more active as well as preventing botting and abusing miners who frankly don’t deserve it.

Essentially, I don’t agree with everything you’ve said, but you make some good points that people should hear out.

Then it’s too late. Chances of escaping are slim to none.

I want enough enertia modifier to enter warp as soon as possible, under 2sec preferably.
That’s why I pointed out WCS, it didn’t seem to help.

I’m getting there. Starting to understand that just because it fits doesn’t mean you have to wear it :wink:

Just my opinion:
It feels like a waste of time, it’s boring as hell plus makes you the easiest target in the game. I do mine sometimes but I’ve scammed enough lately to have enough ore for the little industry I do.


Pissed off? Nah - You freed us. We all are happier for it and enjoying the content it provides!
I want the rest of the people under you who don’t know any better to experience this too.

anyways… i got myself some skins


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Our movement appreciates the support.
It’s good to hear that there are people with good hearts and Eve-player spirit still left in New Eden. Content/hour & fun/hour is high here indeed.

Our movement has received intel that capsuleers of Citizen’s Star Republic are searching for new homes. Homes where they are protected. Homes where content is actually made for them. With them. Together.
Best ship is the friendship. Leave no Eve-Online player alone!

Please. If you know any corporation or alliance out there, who support content-rich mining activities with fellow space friends, please be in touch with Kirin Adonis. Let’s make New Eden great again.

@Dingle_McPhee a ship skin has been sent.


Fleet above USTOTU

Listen slaver.
That is a picture. That is not an actual Eve-Online fleet.
Our movement don’t appreciate this.

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Of course not its a Hell Diver Fleet…


#SaveMike movement has very, very good news!

The members of Citizen’s Star Republic are disbanding!
With great effort from multiple organizations and private capsuleers we have, together, managed to free our first slave! Friendship is the friendship. Leave no player alone!

Our movement is giving it’s greatest appreciation for the support, help and the effort of everyone out there fighting against this heresy at the front lines of New-Eden. Together we’re creating actual content, making New-Eden a better place for the players of Eve-Online. Stop slavery, bots, un-unnecessary mining without actual profit for the workers and hateful tax exploiters. Freedom of speech for everyone!

Here we proudly present the proof.
Capsuleers name is removed to protect the victim.

Our movement would also like to bring up some new very worrying topics. The fight isn’t over yet. Not even close. It has come to our attention that this hateful ■■■■ @Max_Deveron is indeed actually leadership figure of this heretic cult. For all the New-Eden citizens. What kind of talk is this from a leader? And we quote:

Max Deveron
LMAO, playing too much HellDivers 2 to pay attention to this garbage much…
and yes, Mike plays it as well.
But really I just now saw this was a thing… Mithras, Tav, STigz, Dingle, you guys are a hoot…pissed off cause we cut you off easy mode, in fact considering the screnshots on discord… is this Tav?? if it is ? does your wife know you are swiping your bank card for a personal grudge because you are stupid?
Hate the game, not the Players you toxic F***ks

Max Deveron, the “leader” of Citizen’s Star Republic doesn’t seems to care about the members of this “alliance” There’s work on the desk and this responsible adult here is playing video games while others under his reign suffer. Posting pixels about virtual fleets that doesn’t even compose of any known doctrine.
This will end. We will save everyone. And there isn’t nothing you can do about it.

Max Deveron
Of course not its a Hell Diver Fleet…

Look at this? We’re having malfunctioning bot, installed with leadership software that has gone haywire.
Lost it’s attribute points for empathy, intelligence and other necessary functions that are required in all 4 empire space.


Shuna ‘Oni-hime’ Tempest
Oh I should let everyone know mike is safe now and free to spread his wings like all are members.

We’ve confirmed this as a LIE! These hateful liars.
We have. Today. 20.03.2024 (03.20.2024) CONFIRMED that iMike is still unable to communicate with other players. He’s held captive and all the measures are taken so he’s is not to speak for the public and bring this truth to the public. The leader slavers of CSR know that this would be their ultimate downfall.
Here is the proof.

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I don’t know what the hell is happening, but it’s entertaining.


Sounds like a Frostpacker thread. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Sounds like a Frostpacker thread. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

This has nothing to do with @Felix_Frostpacker @Iceacid_Frostpacker @Spencer_Frostpacker @Marco_Frostpacker @Jimmy_Frostpacker or @Chad_Frostpacker.
This has something to do with packing ice to a ventures cargo hold though.

I don’t know what the hell is happening, but it’s entertaining.

Don’t you really know what’s happening?
If so. We can gladly explain everything in a compact form of couple sentences.

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No no, it’s much funnier if I have no clue what’s going on. It means I don’t have to worry about any subtext or anything.

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We apperciate the support. Though we are worried that you don’t care about this game or the players playing the game? But we’ll choose to live in the belief that you do. Just a bit worried. #SaveMike