#SaveMike ANOTHER WIN FOR THE GOOD GUYS! Leadership keeps hiding avoiding situation & responsibility. SKIN Giveaways for helping the cause!

If I didn’t care about the game I wouldn’t have an Omega account. As for the players, most of em are pretty nice. Had a nice encounter with someone who jumped me while I was gas huffing, they were pretty chill. I just express my dislike for the players I do not like more than I express how much I like the nice ones.

Self-proclaimed leader.
That kind of talk would be shameful even for a pleb.
And it may even break forum rules though I’ve said nothing at all. Wasn’t me.



Please don’t confuse me with anyone else!

This is why we can’t get along!

I was sitting on the edge of my seat, "wooden-head Mike over there is telling us that "Any time you want somebody to ping you to a thread, you’re completely not able to avoid their discussion as Miner Mike thinks that he owns our hindquarters.


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But… but why can’t we all just get along? :confused:

The #SaveMike does? How distraughtful! Must be the inhumane conditions in which the poor sap is being held messing with his head. He needs help to escape the evil clutches of the Slavers!

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Max Deveron

Yes. For democracy. That is one of our goals we’re slowly but surely achieving here.

Felix Frostpacker
This is why we can’t get along!

Our movement gets along with almost everyone.
So we can get along just fine. We’re aiming for freedom and happiness for all citizen’s of New Eden.

But… but why can’t we all just get along? :confused:

But we can! :slight_smile: Our movement is glad to see that you didn’t end up leaving us.
We’re happy that you’re here giving your support for our cause.

@Yuzima Must be the inhumane conditions in which the poor sap is being held messing with his head. He needs help to escape the evil clutches of the Slavers!

Yes this is correct. We’re currently doing our best to free the members of this cult.
We’ve spent millions of ISK just for locator agents to see if these bastards are hiding somewhere else, than where they keep their slaves. But it seems like the majority of the alliance are bots docked up in the safety of space stations, while their slaves are getting slaughtered at asteroid belts without content or goals in life. It’s very sad to see. #SaveMike

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Dear members of the movement! Lets see how’s the slave we rescued yesterday, doing? Not good at all ! I’ll say, we need to save him again! :clown_face:

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I think they’re just a moron, it takes a, er, special person to mine in lowsec around Hek in a barge.


Dear members of the movement! Lets see how’s the slave we rescued yesterday, doing? Not good at all ! I’ll say, we need to save him again! :clown_face:

Our movement hopes that his new corporations leadership will SRP the ship because they’ve clearly didn’t take the required measures to protect their miners.
And hopefully do better job in the future.

It seems Kirin has mistakenly ventured to the low-security space alone, without informing his route or current location to those responsible of protection. Content was clearly lacking.

Our movement doesn’t want to take too much of a stand with politics outside of our current focus in the region on Ruomo and the situation with Citizen’s Star Republic, that we’re currently concerned with.

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Like telling them to not mine in S.Red space

Your movement is trash, and will only get Mike ganked…


Wow that’s some neutron blaster shots fired right there (and by a Frostpacker at that), someone call 555-CONCORD immediately!



Sir. Our movement would like to suggest reading through this post one more time, but this time reading between the lines.

It’s been clear from the very beginning that yes, we are ‘ganking’ all members of Citizen’s Star Republic, for the greater good. To save them from this horrible corporate-slave faith they’re all facing.

We would also like to point out, for those whos implants aren’t tuned to understand text that well, that ‘Mike’ isn’t a capsuleer.

It’s been pointed out many times. Mike is a symbol for freedom and content. For us Eve-players ‘Mike’ means so much more.


Indeed. But our movement understands. Neutron Blaster is a tool widely used in New-Eden. #SaveMike

Oh… hit penetrates and causes 9001 points of heat damage to Frostpacker who melts and instantly vaporizes as a result, it’s super effective. :eyes:


Edit: completely unrelated…


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At least Mike doesn’t need to Mine for isk, though Mike just likes to mine for the relaxation that mining in New Eden offers.

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Sir. You are mumbling. There isn’t a capsuleer named Mike in Citizen’s Star Republic alliance.
Trust us. You would be surprised how much we know about them.
Here is just a glimpse of our project table.


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If Mike to you doesn’t exist then why are you trying to save imaginary Mike?

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From my understanding, Mike is a bit of a figurehead. But then again, you could probably write a book on the topic of ganker psychology and still not know what’s going on up there half the time.

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