Setting the record strainght - Addressing the Hateless drama

Well that’s a load of lies

And you can prove that yes?

Or do moral people not require proof?

Nice try but I’m not taking the bait. There’s never an excuse for being a bad person.

Bait for what?

If you had proof and presented it, theres nothing to bait.

Youre just another sockpuppet alt liar.


And here comes the flagging because you cant maintain a rhetoric.

The most immoral here are the ones with the thin skin who lash out at adversity.


Well even the battles and negotiations in it are much more interesting than the dry spreadsheet version of “space combat” in EVE… even if you auto-battle. :wink:

When they break into your house or physically threaten or outright attack someone? :thinking:

Though I personally prefer some handy tool for such occasions than using bare hands but that’s just me. :slight_smile:



“Its always the ones who seem to think there’s a moral code set in stone in the human condition that cry they hurt but cannot produce a cause let alone an unimagined symptom”

  • Dr Quimm, Medicine Woman 1990
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In the end, all what really matter what Hateless, who did for attracting players to EVE more than all 159 NPE reworks, stop streaming EVE because of regular harassment, and CCP seems perfectly fine with it.

Who need new players in long dead game anyway. /s

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Oh look, more unsupported emotive statements.

F my hat this place has changed.

I feel harassed, wheres my spotlight and cash?


Ramona harasses me, her portrait looks at me so mean, I feel emotional pain. Somebody help me! Send ca$h for medicine. Also share and subscribe as well.

:wink: :popcorn: :blush:


That’s a pretty low bar. ‘Silent Running’ was a better love story than twilight.


As always, I seem to catch only the reaction and completely miss all the community drama. Where can I find those self-righteous whine threads with pages full of tears? Asking for a friend.

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Hi short rant to make myself feel better

I wonder if he actually feels better after all that. :thinking: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :blush: :smiling_imp: :popcorn:

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Irony levels at maximum.

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What actually surprises me at this point, is that CCP isn’t just favoring the streamer and handing out banns for stream sniping. It’s not like they still give a ■■■■ about the games integrity.

Last year I punched a neighbour’s door and broke his door by mistake, he was singing karaoke songs, specifically Mariah Carey. I didn’t know that his door was bad.

His face is doing ok, he is not here anymore, he moved.

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In an emergency ? I can imagine that would be the lesser of two evils, yeah. But nowadays plenty of people with weapons on them, no need to prep the ol’ knuckle sandwich.

I mean like, morally speaking. Is it ever okay to punch someone in the face, in any possible circumstance?

Maybe a gym membership too. Build up those spaghetti arms.

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Would it be morally acceptable not to intervene in an emergency if that required giving someone a punch ? What about physical self-defense ? Morals change, of course, and not always in a direction that makes much sense.

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