Another ad hominem argument fallacy. I didn’t drag it off Wikipedia. Tabletop roleplaying happens to be a passion of mine. But again, personal attacks are what you are reduced to because your argument has no substance to it.
Nope. Just showing that you don’t know what you’re talking about. Just like you don’t know the history of the name of the ship in question, you don’t understand where D&D really came from. But you’ve shown that you don’t care about logic or facts here several times over.
Another ad hominem argument fallacy.
And you don’t get to assume there is a good reason, especially since you have zero evidence to support your claim. But I have evidence to support my claim. I’ll review it for you: the name was never used in the movies. The name wasn’t used in the novelization of Empire Strikes Back. If the name was important, it would have been used in them.
So… here we have a new argument fallacy. The strawman argument fallacy. You are making the claim that I think I can read your mind. I never made that claim. And more importantly, the quote you used this to respond to doesn’t talk about reading minds. It simply states what I’ve been pointing out: your entire argument is built on argument fallacies. If you don’t like getting called out for argument fallacies, don’t use them.
Another ad hominem argument fallacy. Your argument is so weak that rather than attacking my argument, you attack me. Not that I care what you think; I’m just pointing out why it’s an argument fallacy.
So, you’re up here talking about an injustice and you don’t even know what happened. Let me explain this to you. A new LEGO set is coming out. It’s of the ship in question. But instead of putting the name “Slave-1” on the box, it’s labeled as “Boba Fett’s ship”.
Wow… I’d suggest actually knowing what injustice you’re talking about before talking about it. But this explains all the argument fallacies. It’s hard to talk about something when you don’t even know what you’re talking about.
False equivalency argument fallacy.
Yeah, I’m not going away until I want to. And I’m going to continue to point out your argument fallacies too. Why? Because it entertains me to do so.