Statement regarding my CSM campaign

Ms Valentine,

I take issue with this attempt to whitewash your image to save your political career.

No, not a promoter. But by accepting the sanctuary of an alliance who deals daily in violence, you are giving it tacit approval. And yet, you took umbrage at my corporation removing derelict MTUs from our constellation - something we are very clear and open about in our mission statement - and refused to do business with us. So removing neglected MTUs is “unethical”, while allowing a violent capsuleer alliance to harbour a wanted criminal is fine? Then that is the morality you will judged by.

So purely by accident you jumped into the sovereign space of an alliance whose director just happens to be a sponsor of your Frarn workhouse?
How convenient!

Don’t worry, no-ones portraying you as a terrorist. You don’t inspire terror in anyone.
We can legitimately call you a criminal though.

You could’ve always said no. Y’know, stand by your principals and all that. Defining who you are is simple - you say one thing, and your actions say the opposite. You’re a sanctimonious hypocrite.