Streamer stops due to grief


The title says Streamer (who you don want to talk about) stops due to grief (which has not been identified in the video).

Whats the issue with the thread being mistitled?

:rofl: :clown_face: :wink:

Here: Streamer stops due to grief - #257 by Xuixien

And here: Streamer stops due to grief - #256 by Io_Koval

And here: Streamer stops due to grief - #265 by Ramona_McCandless

And here: Streamer stops due to grief - #268 by Apo_Bong

You’re getting absolutely wafflestomped in this thread dude. You should reflect on that.

Until later, see you.

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I was callous? lol care to quote me?
pretty sure I called for those players to be banned & said its not an ok thing

You can take away what you like from this thread however I will once again direct you to my answer
This is about harassment

sorry? I am getting wafflestomped in a discussion? o.O confused face
I don’t get what you mean?

Actually it literally is the topic

In my experience, when a thread of this sort goes the way this one has, I feel that certain truths are exposed that may otherwise remain hidden.

The first of these is that the original poster often will not tolerate being anything but the chairman of the meeting, in fact is under the impression the thread belongs to them in some way.

The second is that there is no tolerating of investigation into what and why. The position that is presented is absolute (Example: Greifing is bad and must stop) but malleable enough to mean many things. However, the OP will use this to decry any challenge as Off Topic, which is helped by the topic being unclear (Example: “Griefing” as an ill defined entity).

The third is that the only form of “discussion” the creator of the thread will tolerate is one on the various ways to punish, torture or drive out those they determine as unwanted (Example: “Griefers”). And thanks to the amorphous designation and determination of the unwanted, they can be anyone the OP doesnt like.



maybe or i am just tired of hearing about people getting swatted etc

also I don’t see the point in making a post & not replying to it that was why I created it

Happen much does it?

Or do you just hear about it?

I hear about a lot of things.

Doesnt mean they happen.

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can I answer without being accused of being over reaching my chairman powers?

It can be tho.

Re-read what I wrote earlier until you understand it.

The main difference here is he chose to stream. He put the target on.

Mm no he clearly explained the difference. Either you aren’t that bright or are deliberately trolling at this point.

Bruh I’m from America. That should tell you everything LOL.

Dude hateless should have been stoked. Adrien is an EVE celeb too LOL.

Chip truth omae.

The rules do enforce things. Adrien broke none of them ROFL.

Nope he is actually saying the opposite. But you knew that :smiley: Arguing in bad faith again LOL.

Aw man. This gave it away bro. You gotta work harder if you’re gonna troll.

This also gave it away. You’re getting too far a field from the topic my boy and trying to incorporate what others have brought in.

I get it, you tried to troll and bit off more than you could chew :smiley:

If you were accused, why would you care?

Besides, if your the chairman, your powers are absolute.

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Good point good sense of humor

If you had asked me in 2002 if toxicity was that bad had I heard of that much I would have said no

now days yeah you hear about suicides & swattings a heck more often especially in these hard times

Either way we can all accept their are toxic situations in & around eve even if you dont agree with my post or even think I am being legitimate ---- I think thats a good take away

Yeah, but hearing about it and it being real is two different things.

If the situation is as bad as you say, then providing an example of the behaviour you are talking about should be easy, then we can talk about… well whatever it is we need to discuss ONCE we determine what the problem actually is.

Its wierd, where I live, there is no way someone could or would even think about swatting, its stupid, and the police would already know if it was true.

:slight_smile: example from right here in this very thread from earlier
apparently they just ‘deal with it’ which is completely messed up for any game I was hoping more would come forward with similar stories but err… lol

same where I live the police dont seem to react that way

Well, he flew up to me in a retribution on 8/27, engaged me first, I killed his retribution and podded him.

Time stamp doesn’t seem to work embedded, 6h19m35s.

I also didn’t email afterward, which he “bet money” would happen.

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Ok well lets look.

First of all, this is an example of “hearing” it. There’s nothing any more real here than if I said “Winston Churchill never did anything to the Dutch during the Boer War”. As every school boy knows thats untrue, but Id have to provide more than just me saying it to prove otherwise.

Second, while I dont doubt that Aiko has had threats sent to them, youll find a bunch of folk wont believe them because of who they are vOv.

I also dont get how it would be possible to carry out such a threat.

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Yes, one hears a lot more about it, or claims of that nature at least. That’s the consequence of having the freedom of using the internet and its social media. Some cases are undoubtedly verifiable and real, others are unfortunately unverifiable, still others are false and only meant to serve some questionable purpose. Increased sensitivity to that subject is far from a bad thing, but only up to a point where it remains reasonable and verifiable.

The thing we all have to watch out for is for calls to curtail actions and speech in the “unverifiable” category. Those would directly interfere with normal personal freedom and being a normal individual. However well meant and caring these calls may be, the danger they represent to the above is also real. EvE Online is a great environment to learn to make that distinction, btw. Not all “WOLF !” cries are warranted. That does not take away there are wolves, just far fewer and often hard to catch while they’re doing their thing (meaning collecting hard evidence).

Anyway. I have loot boxes to open now. Good luck with running this thread :wink:

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Nah bro you exposed yourself already dude. You just trolling.

Give it up LOL. I give it a 3/10.


This is the reality.

The gankers are not the griefers.

Highsec miners are toxic.