The end of CO2?

And you might even get your parking space revoked!

There is a big difference in what punishment you can get for espionage. It varies because there are different levels of harm that can be or was done. All depends on country who caught spy. You can get executed even. In my country officially in the worst case its 25 years in prison. Officially. :wink:

Why are real life punishments and consequences even being discussed here? It’s very irrelevant.

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For perspective purposes. Why should anyone escape the effects of his own behavior in the game? I think there may be some ways of showing how people love The Traitor.

I think he may have some love letters for example. :wink:

They shouldn’t. As long as it stays in game.

Hey dont talk about my Typhoon that way. LOL

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oh yes keep telling me how real life spys compare to a video game that gets most of its people because of it. You are the reason we like kicking over other peoples sandcastles.

Dont worry, it will be ok, at least if you do that in game, you will be rewarded in the game. :wink:

I mean ill be rewarded in real life also :stuck_out_tongue:

If you sell the ISK for real life money, then you are a real gangster! :stuck_out_tongue:

In real life you can get some coffee. But for spying, there are some other things. :smirk:

Of course it’s not because you’re a douche bag in real life. It’s because of how some other people are. It’s their fault. Except, in EVE, it’s just how the game is played. CCP said so! How could you possibly disobey them? I’m sure if you ever did it at a store or restaurant, to the staff, it would just be because they were not giving you what you were paying them for. If you ever did it to a loved one, it would very likely be a one-off event or just your way of trying to help them. No way would you ever be a person who kicks others’ sandcastles just because you enjoy causing others grief. You probably go to church every Sunday and volunteer at a puppy orphanage. LOL

“The point of abuse is abuse.”

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He’s just pointing out that if carebears weren’t such whiney bitches, blowing up their stuff and stealing from them wouldn’t be nearly as fun as it is.

I’m sure you regard me as a sociopath for delighting in the rage and tears of other human beings, and you’d be right to do so if it weren’t for one massively mitigating detail; the tears of the bitch-made are hilarious.

Seeing another grown adult in great distress is very upsetting for me, I empathize, I want to help, but should I then find out the person is upset over a video game, the whole thing suddenly becomes very funny. I no longer empathize at all due to the sheer ridiculousness of the person.

Sorry Bozo, you may be a sad, but you’re still a just silly clown!


Well, the line members of CO2 suffered very real life consequences. The very real life time they spent for CO2, and the very real life confidence on the eladership, and the very real money in subscriptions, and the very real emotions they felt when they learned that all was lost because of one man and CCP’s shoddy mechanics.


As clown and whiny bitches are talked about, there is no greater committment to the casue than your constant bitching at carebears, its always making me smile. :smirk:


CCP did not decide to give Judge the keys to tear everything down. CCP didn’t force gigx to ask for personal information in alliance chat and then threaten to cut off Judge’s hands. Any blame placed on CCP is misguided at best. gigx was simply a terribly short-sighted alliance leader, and yes that sucks for the line members, but it’s not the fault off CCP.

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Sounds to me like those line members realized all was lost because of their own hubris in joining an alliance that hinged entirely on one man.

Were these shoddy mechanics not previously known? Did they not watch the trailers? Where is the disconnect here?

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Your assumption that people end up in social structures they choose rationally and with perfect information of past and present is cute, but completely idiotic.

I bet you half of those 5,000 line members didn’t even knew who was The Judge.

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At this point people have content. Some will become really disilusioned when it comes to big alliances leadership and move to other parts of the game. Some will try to find the luck in CO2 still, and some will try luck in other big alliances. The real question is, can we see the continuation of the plot? :thinking:

It doesn’t matter if they knew who The Judge was. Didn’t they know that stuff like this happens in EVE? If not, they really really should have.

Are we supposed to pity their ignorance?