The greatest Blog in EVE history is coming to a close

Good riddance. :partying_face:


The blog shall live on in our hearts and in our deeds.

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this would be a beautiful tribute.

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For a second there, given the hype, I was convinced that for some reason I was supposed to care. Thankfully, I don’t. What a relief.

It seems that someone set out, quite some time ago, to use legal mechanics to upset people, because he could. This in some small way gained ‘cult’ status and some of our more impressionable young people joined the cause, no doubt hoping to find some companionship in a game that was likely their only outlet for social interaction.

Well done. I’m sure someone, somewhere benefitted from the blog and content. I wish you every success for the future.

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If they do they should make it possible for the statue to be ganked, otherwise it would be meaningless. :thinking:


:red_circle: Definitely. And it would be re-erected every day and CODE will automatically pay the bill every day since it is a memorial for a criminal organization.


Yes, it would be a shame to compare it, with how easy it is to understand why objectively what James did is much bigger and impactful.

But why bother with objectivity right, better just crying and denigrating because It’s not a gameplay you like.

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The statue could look like an Iteron V and be destructible. Also could respawn every hour if it was destroyed in the meantime.

Optionally as an addition (maybe with a random chance) it might also spawn a CONCORD catalyst to defend itself when attacked.

Edit: Hmm just to make it even more interesting it might also drop James 315’s severed head as loot upon destruction.


Praise James

For the fun, for the silliness, and just for a chance to be part of the chaos that we all wanted to see in New Eden.

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CODE. was the only alliance I could find that didn’t bother with discord and voice comms :confused: What now?

Where did Lewak go?

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we are still here enforcing the Code, nothing has changed except after 8 solid years James will not update the blog everyday


There are plenty of dolls to be had in EvE.
And you can name them all Chloe

–Helpful Gadget


Bigger? I don’t think so. He wasn’t the first to utilize ship bumping. He also wasn’t the first, who organized ganking in high-sec, as Maria Sanzen’in mentioned. He wasn’t the first, who decided to describe his thoughts on blog.

Impactful? Perhaps. Surely his small PvP gang operating in high-sec forced many players to change their estabilished habits. That ganker corp indeed bring to the game some content, obnoxious one, but a content nonetheless.

The thing with monuments and other forms of memorials is, that they are raised to record something really worth recording, for existing and future players. IMHO whole James 315 story in EVE is not worthy enough. I know that many would like to make him a saint, but it won’t happen. Deal with it.

But you and others are free to petition CCP for that monument, why not - you have that right. Still, I don’t think that will happen, because by doing so, CCP would make an exception, highly controversial one. If James 315 could have an statue in space, then why dozens of other more or less famous corp leaders shoudn’t have their own? You see where is this going?

I was not objective in my statement. I’ve voiced my subjective opinion. Also I did not degrade James 315 by using offensive words. Yes, I don’t really like him, and his accomplishment (ganker corp). But my opinion about denying him a monument comes from common sense, not some hard feelings towards him.

But you choose to imply towards me something that have no place (“crying”, “denigrating”). Which is a common sign of forum troll, and I also don’t like forum trolls/flamers, so maybe grow up and start participating in forum discussion like an adult.

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:red_circle: I have a doll but it’s called Annabel.

Why do you need someone to tell you what to do? I honestly don’t get that: nothing has changed.

I hope he’s keeping his blog online. I haven’t read through it yet.

There’s plenty of things in the game that recognizes players, especially from the time before CCP started to give out useless gimmick items only, instead of actually usable ones. I believe a “physical” location simply matches quite well with *exploration". The most extreme honours have gone to members of m0o corp. They even have ships and systems named after them.


Sure he wasn’t, but when did it become a requirement to “be the first” to do something in order to consider that your achievements are bigs?

I would also argue that for many of the things he did, he might not have been the first to do it, but was the first to do it in such a scale.

Well, the thing is, “worth recording” is something extremely subjective as well. As stated by someone else in the thread, there is for instance much more players who never ever heard of Katia Sae than players who never heard about James, be it in a positive or negative way.

In my opinion, what Katia did, while great and impressive, literally never impacted the gameplay of anybody. Meanwhile James undeniably did impact several hundreds, if not thousands of players, more or less directly.

I honnestly believe he is more deserving of a monument than Katia was, from a player perspective. But not only is it subjective, it’s in addition depending of the developpers subjectivity, not ours.

Well yeah, probably. Won’t stop people who want it to try and speak about it. Deal with it. :woman_shrugging:

Fair enough. But you did not give much actual arguments, other than “What Katia did was better”, which from my perspective is hardly true at all. That does not give a lot of reason to just agree that it is only common sense.

Once again it was a direct answer to your own post which is pretty empty of any form of argument. If you want me to participate in the conversation like an adult, give me something that is worth discussing like an adult in the first place.


Any idiot can come up with a blog and have content enough to update it every day and have people create thread after thread of tears and whining? Really?

Who else has acheived this, if its so easy?

Is there another EVE blog out there that has been updated every day with fresh new content, for the past, even 5 years?

Please, point them out, because Id love to read it.

Any idiot can fly around new eden.

See how stupid your argument is?


I havent stopped playing for 7 years. Doubtful i will stop now. But sure. In 12 months i will make a new thread called “Calling out Foggy Bernstein, Code is still alive”. I expect you to post with your apology and admittance that you were wrong, of course.

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Hey, dont make fun of my micro-penis. Very rude of you.