Who are you referring to? I am not a supporter of terrorism.
@Aphrodite_Sexy as I can see, you are the CEO of a very suspicious corporation: Tax Evasion Corporation 21
To be honest, I don’t think you can talk for the Gallente council, but I accept your compliments
(Yes exactly, which is my point in my post, where you cannot claim to have contact with an Agent T. Since you refuse to go OOC, You must show IC sympathy for millions of slaves dumped, which you ignored for the reason of some “Agent T” contacting you. I am confident that Xu’s screenshots are correct, and advise you to respond to the whole of my text, not just the funny bits that make you laugh.)
While not an advocate of the Amarr, I do understand some of their legal system, and a Holder could in theory legally order the mass execution of slaves, but Ms. Xuxe Xu is not a Holder, and if she is doing such excutions, she’s doing so as a capsuleer, outside the bounds of the Amarrian legal authority, and has likely, in similar vein to Nauplius the butcher in the past, bought the slaves she mentioned(if she’s actually fully gone through with this at all,) off of Secure Commerce Commission markets(which are not sanctioned slave sources to the Empire,), and not the quote unquote ‘legal’ Amarrian sources.
As deplorable as such practices are, the Amarr hold a disturbing reverence to the process, and tend to look down on breaking from that process.
Customs authorities do scan at gates pretty damn quickly… so unless your ship is immune to scanning, if they see slaves present they’re totally fine with it
The legal system is defined and enforced by those who exert and maintain power. The Amarr empire is the largest and most powerful of the four empires. They also have stronger alliances with other factions than the other empires do.
If You’re Happy And You Know It - Pod Amarr
If you cannot find Caldari, Pod Amarr
If the Minnie are frisky,
Gallente is looking shifty,
Jovians are too risky,
Pod Amarr.
Ah - but it is very much not “just because”. It is for the best reason…my amusement That it also causes you consternation is a nice bonus.
I should have stocked up on extra slaves, I’m actually running a bit low on livestock on hand… Don’t worry, though…folks around will give me some short-term and the livestock supply chain will replenish my slave stocks quickly. I forsee only possibly a very few short service interruptions due to supply issues.
Not really, but would if I asked…and they’re called “friends” - quite the concept, hmm?
I admit to being tempted to streaming jettisoning a load of slaves and then frying the container with blessed Conflag just to irk you…maybe…CBA factor might prevent…
Good plan!
Sweet! I will gladly coordinate with observer folks and split Komi’s money! Also…so much for your claim to only have 2 billion isk…
Boy, Interpol really missed out when you took your investigative skills elsewhere despite all their begging!
Yeah…I passed through there today…
…Hold on to your socks! This might blow your mind!: Some people might use different types of ships during the same gaming session! Some people might go into different places during the same gaming session! Some people might even - gasp! - use different characters during the same gaming session!
I struggle to find words to convey just how much I don’t care what you think of me.
Oh? Huh…ok…but I thought I was all simple minded? That doesn’t put you in a very good light, then.
You can’t multitask or is it you don’t care much about answering folk’s questions? Either way that doesn’t bode well for a CSM.
uh-huh… You should pay the creator of this thread and myself large isk rewards for giving your generally weak CSM campaign a little exposure. Bitte.
Given that @Komi_Valentine has been active but has not yet answered my questions (which were fairly straightforward), I will ask everyone resume The Hunt on Monday after downtime if my questions are not answered before then