if i recall correctly we are all individuals sharing common views on the world , any world real or visual with all do respect to mr Solomon but i am more human then he is and such an idea Could damage your world , in fact that is what i am pointing out , Damage , when new players cant see the world for what it really is when they are being flushed to the side or made in to drones when they quick quit after misunderstanding the Game …that is damage and that is a fact if it was not those people would stay and enjoy or not having to be excited after i show them how to right click hit info to read about factions for an example , or take them on a few missions to show them that they can make Isk on their own rather then having to obey some big ship flyer , do you understand what i am saying ?
THAT is the only way to give an honest critic with allllll my respect you also seem to be a nice person and i am Really thankful for your effort to reply to me but … there are ways to carry thing to places , you are not doing that and again , if you had to ask me that question i have to question how far this dialog could go
i did read all of what you said but it will take me days explaining other things to show you why and how THEN explain this to make the connection which would take me days , like actual days…sorry i am not gonna but i urge you to keep this dialog going in your mind or try to carry it with in in game , see how it effects your game play , see if it does some thing good or bad
just a note
if they them selfs dont enjoy it and the only joy they get is from enforcing it on others , while alot of them dont even seem to be enjoying that as well that returns us to the question i asked… WHY DO IT in the FIRST PLACE ? if some one can answer that for me and figure out a way to cure it so we all could have fun that would be great
again i didnt just asume so i asked many and many and many pilots from blowing me up from blowing other people from chatters from corporations from public channels etc etc etc etc i gave a fe examples of answers i got , so you should not be talking to me… but more to them and its not just the aggression but rather EVERY thing else i just said , if i used any insults it is with in the context of that , its my view and like i said prove me wrong , i mean i didnt give a perfect view on how i want things to be i wanna understand what is Going on and why so many people are choosing to be this low with in the context of the game and outside of it , playing on both your in game content and by false selling you ideas that would turn you away from the game or water what you enjoy down or stright up LIE so you dont get involved in it ? …you get that right ?
Yeah, you’re starting to bore me honestly. You don’t understand anything about the game nor about its players. Not genuinely, not even remotely. “Result of this community” - lol. Don’t be such a lazy one-dimensional thinker.
As it was said pretty clearly:
So what? What’s your point? Language is a living thing. People develop it further. The term “rats” does not originate from the animal. And even if it would, who cares? Space pixels, made up by programmers, and you*re defending their honor? Take this discussion into the right subforum: roleplay or whatever it is.
There are rules which limit the kind of interaction players have. Most important: no threats of real violence, no harassment and such.
No need. People who come here are human beings and bring their own set of morals. They can differentiate between a game and reality. No need for the game to teach them “correct behaviour”, because they are deciding that for themselves in the real world.
I don’t play other online games, because they’re boring. EVE is at least a challenge. It’s like space chess in a team-version. I wouldn’t mind a physical component, like some boxing or grappling, but that’s maybe an upgrade for 2050.
Yes I should. As far as the game goes, I’m not harassing other people, not trying to make them feel bad about themselves. But I shoot them, sure. If they are so clingy to imaginary property, it’s good for them to learn to let go.
That’s your interpretation of others people motivation and you know nothing about their motives.
Personally, I tend to stay away from new players, because I don’t feel challenged by them. What I’d maybe do is switch to a T1 frigate or whatever ship they’re flying and give them a fight on a more equal base.
simple: PVP is the greatest fun you can have in this game. Try it out before judging them.
Evidently not, or we wouldn’t be having this discussion.
with all do respect to mr Solomon but i am more human then he is
shakes head
That is a CCP dev, I can assure you that the sentiment expressed is shared by many of the current devs. Eve is not just another game, it’s one that’s lived 15 years by those words.
and such an idea Could damage your world , in fact that is what i am pointing out , Damage , when new players cant see the world for what it really is when they are being flushed to the side or made in to drones when they quick quit after misunderstanding the Game
This has been happening since beta, in 2003. The idea you so dislike is what drove continuous year on year growth for a decade. IMHO any damage started the moment CCP decided to try to appeal to a more mainstream audience.
You think you have it bad? Back in 2009 there were many more fun and interesting ways to die at the hands of an older player, and the tutorials consisted of here’s your spaceship, there’s an NPC, try not to die.
…that is damage and that is a fact if it was not those people would stay and enjoy or not having to be excited after i show them how to right click hit info to read about factions for an example , or take them on a few missions to show them that they can make Isk on their own rather then having to obey some big ship flyer , do you understand what i am saying ?
Eve is not only a game about space ships, it’s a game of discovery and social networking. The best way to learn about it is to ask.
Be warned Eve is an unforgivingly brutal ■■■■■, forget everything you’ve learnt from other mmo’s because here they are a weakness.
You are but a little fish in a sea of violence and chaos, bigger fish will try to eat you, and yet bigger fish are trying to eat them.
Certainly not. Be assured that the community is very diverse in its opinions about the real world. You’d probably be somewhere between delighted and utterly shocked.
No, you are not. I hope you see how horrible your statement is.
Only if you don’t differentiate between game and reality.
Did you ever wrestle for fun with friends? Or play chess? Or something like that? It’s a friendly fight that you choose to have. You don’t live in EVE, you come here on your own choosing.
i did and the answer was because i can
when i asked again the answer was because i am bored
how i feel was based on those response , which is again , why
i made my point several times that is why i said prove me wrong …gosh
so what space pixels are bad or some thing ? they have value other wise you wont be paying to enjoy them this is not how you talk to people about anything man
but that is exactly what happens i just explained how it happens and how far it goes and why people seem to brush it off as a part of the game , its damaging to it and insulting to a lot of the content in the game , again i explained that
i agree morality is subjective and not objective but when i POINT THAT OUT ooohhhhh boooyyyy how dare i and they react as if it is… makes no sense its silly which is again , a part of my study as to why or how do you go about making that logic
some of those people who do this nonsense claim that eve is boring there for they do this , you should show them what you do for fun , they are the majority of eve online according to every one
thank you tell that to more people and try to avoid terminology that implies that alot of them need some where to build a sense of wight and persona presence its destructive for them to see it happen in a place like what you call not so real , and could be LIFE SAVING when thy see that with enough hard work they can get anywhere rather then telling them you YOU CANT YOU JUST CANT DONT EVEN BOTHER IT DOES NOT WORK THAT WAY
i got that answer alot by the way even in eve university … it was a question about what is P>O>S and how can i make one , i made one and i made a ■■■■ ton of money from it too … and i am happy they are updating it , every one told me BUY A STATION BUY A STATION YOU SHOULD NOT DO NOT DONT TRY ETC ETC me a new player who started 1 month ago buying a station would have been a money sink … yeeaa…i can go on giving examples for ever that does not make it a rant there just si too many
i am tried of typing … you really need to do some review on a few things rather then have me do it for you…its hard that is why i said you are the result of this community , you just agree without question
i am if my view is more humanitarian and merciful lol saying no i am not does not make it so ,
Do you have any idea how offensive that is? That sentiment is the root of much evil.
he can speak for him self do not be offended for him , i said that only to reply to the one i am replying to and i added with all do respect to the man since i dont know him but from what this guy said, it seem like it
if i did the man any dis-justice , then it could be from the one representing him
No. You are not more human than another human. By saying that you contradcit your own statement that you don’t like this kind of harassment. So you don’t want others to call you something, you but think it’s okay to say that another human is less human than you? You should check your own morals, while you are busy pointing the finger on others.
The Dev made the statement about the game. The freaking game. And you conclude he is a lesser human than you? That’s close to fascist ideology what you’re expressing here.
read what i said here

he can speak for him self do not be offended for him , i said that only to reply to the one i am replying to and i added with all do respect to the man since i dont know him but from what this guy said, it seem like it
if i did the man any dis-justice , then it could be from the one representing him
It’s offensive in general.
I’m not offended for him, I’m offended that you actually have the gall to make such a statement.
I do not consider the OP a rant…
The biggest problem with EvE, is yes the veteran player base.
Until the old guard can get is head out of their afocal point of of contact we are going to have issues in the community that we should not be having.
For example, the OP’s complaint with Rookie Chat…
If what he is saying to a bean makes some sense, is not inherently steering that new bean wrong…then why debase him, humiliate him, etc?
The people that toxic in this way need to just shut their mouths, or if they really want to provide advice suggestions do it in a way that does not cause personal attacks or attitude.
Become a teacher, not an arsehole.
And if you dont really want to teach or hold some new bro’s hand for certain things…then stay of those chats.
Let your professional corp/alliance/Coalition Recruiters handle that type of work and just keep your pie hole shut if you cant handle it.
Then if that new bro gets in your organization, and you feel you can help him/her, then do so…just dont be an Asshat (and i think this the main point that pisses off the OP, Asshatting for the sake of Asshatting which is counter productive in the Community retaining new players)
Eve is slightly vampiric in nature, everyone wants your stuff. Some people will shoot your ships and just take your stuff, other people may want to be your friend join your corp help you grow as a pilot and then rob you and take your stuff. Other people may see you flying a very expensive ship and decide its to shiny and blow you up just to take your fittings because they look better on their ship. Some may wander into a system you decide to autopilot through and decide that’s offensive and shows bot like activity and then shoot you and take your stuff. Eve has no safe space that allows you to grow while hand holding, it would be no fun if it were like that. The challenge as far as I am concerned is keeping my stuff while every so often some vampiric bastard comes along that tries to alleviate me of my burdensome goods. i.e. they want my stuff. People say Eve cannot be a solo endeavour in this i would disagree, I have been playing solo for nearly ten years have accrued a ■■■■ load of stuff that other people want to take. I travel all over the map not just high sec, been killed in every sector of space and lost some seriously expensive stuff from time to time. Adapt or die, don’t fly what you cannot afford to lose and trust no one. Join a corp if your scared to fly solo and want the social experience just don’t put all your eggs in one basket because at some point those eggs are going to change hands and someone is going to make an omelette with them. Fly Safe o7
its not , i didnt insult the man or called him a monster , and maybe that he got quoted out of f context i simply gave my view on that little piece of text , again could be seen that way due to the way it is presented and not the man him self since it was not him who said that , some one else quoted him to prove a point , try to have some common sense

he can speak for him self do not be offended for him
Tbh you’re lucky if you don’t get a ban for this statement.

i said that only to reply to the one i am replying to and i added with all do respect to the man since i dont know him
So you don’t know him, but you think it’s okay to call him “less human”? Your excuse is that you replied to someone and he made you do it? Really? And you think “with all due respect” makes it go away?

If what he is saying to a bean makes some sense, is not inherently steering that new bean wrong…then why debase him, humiliate him, etc?
If you see such behaviour, write a support ticket. It’s not being accepted.

The people that toxic in this way need to just shut their mouths, or if they really want to provide advice suggestions do it in a way that does not cause personal attacks or attitude.
Become a teacher, not an arsehole.
Correct, but again: if you see this happen, write a support ticket. Copy and paste the chat log. It will be dealt with.
if i get ban so be it i am pretty sure if he is a man who manged to earn your admiration he can earn mine , i worship no man and i never met the man my self and you choiceing to speak on his behalf or use his words is what led me to say what i said … silly to say whatever you want to say , that is not how it works there Friend you Quoted him to proof how ‘’ soft ‘’ i am there for the Bordon is on you not me reacting to it
we are done , stick to the topic or leave it