How can that be? CCP has been going after solo players for a few years now so how can anyone claim their sales tactics is meant for players who have no support ( meaning solo players )?
It’s really just one possible motivation behind the wording behind offer. We already have one person referring to it as a ‘solution’. So maybe there is the smallest chance that there was the slightest notion of a tiny idea that if players were reminded that they could replace their losses using RL money, they may be more engaged by the game.
Most likely however, it’s a shameless money grab deployed at a more emotional moment in the players game.
That doesn’t make any sense ( not your post but what you explain ).
How will a player be more engaged if he’s made to understand that each ship loss will mean money out of his bank account? I personally wouldn’t keep playing, I’d run from that notion.
Most likely it’s the case, unfortunately.
edit. I should have made the last line “Come back stranger & bitter!”
Been yelling about it all day.
No need to yell, Brisc. Just pick up the phone and ask the Devs to quit their PvP against the players. CCP shouldn’t be playing EVE, they should develop it further and make sure things works properly.
My main issue, Brisc, is that you don’t have to be a role-player to see that in-game direct advertising breaks the “fourth wall”. You essentially will have the ‘R’ removed from this ‘RPG’.
Second issue is that it is needlessly predatory marketing.
For me it’s absolutely game breaking.
The “DING DONG! CCP something or other is now starting on our twitch channel” must drive you absolutely bananas then. Or “Cluster shut down in ten minutes”. Or many other fourth wall breakers.
Mr Epeen
Agreed 100%.
No. Roleplayers use Twitch. It’s just a streaming platform. And they are in-game events happening with those notifications.
And DT is a mechanical limit and necessary function to notify players of it. Timers are also inherent in Eve so mechanically it is not unlike in-game events.
I see your arguments but disagree.
This really triggers me. I have nothing against monetization with skins, etc. But this is just disgusting and cheap.
And it worries me a lot. This is the kind of aggressive monetization only games on the end of their lifecycle do, to squeeze out the last bucks of their customer base before the game goes into maintenance mode.
Get a grip, CCP.
Fair enough. I was just curious where your “red line” was.
Mr Epeen
Happy cake day btw, glad you made it back to posting here.
Sometimes you have a knack for pointing out the obvious to the oblivious
I’m really glad this thread took off and that CSM members are aware. We need to all help keep CCP accountable to the community so they can continue to make the game we love that attracts more fresh blood, not blows their legs off out of the gate with predatory transaction advertisements.
You have to admit it’s the most honest advertisement this game ever had.
I still do not understand why they put ads in game that players have to pay for.
Cant wait for the new deployable that displays real world ads in the system and pays isk for watching them lol
They already had Quafe at fanfest. You could see the Quafe ads in game as a real world ad for a product that is not available now.
Would not go that far, it was just a marketing gag at fanfest. It was never intended to make quafe a commercial product you can buy in stores, etc.