Tranquility Connectivity Issues Megathread

There is nothing you can do on your own machine to fix it. All we can do is wait.

Good luck CCP

Just linking my idea here in case it gets missed

Try use ultrasurft theyproblably block ur ip i got the same problemn and i use ultrasurf for login

what country tdo you set on your vpn ?

У моего друга зарегистрировавшегося несколько дней назад, проблема с пакетом подарков, у него просроченные модификаторы опыта, их при получении невозможно активировать. Пишет что срок действия истек, а получил он их только сегодня, в чем проблема? Как это поправить?

Maybe your just special

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unlikely, I monitor my own traffic very closely :slightly_smiling_face:

Enjoy your WOW and Star Trek then. Was lovely knowing you.


Maybe ccp was simply cutting costs at the wrong place by firing staff members that actually KNEW what they were doing and instead using guys with a lesser qualification to do the job?

Looks like i’m right in my eyes :slight_smile:

Anyone here wanna play GW2 while waiting for Eve to get sorted out?

This is no valid answer to a different opinion…

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U mad bro?

Thank you for the update!

Stability and Chat working for some in Perth. The launcher doesnt kick in but old school login on main screen does the trick. problem is routing path connecting to server (some ISP routing via US)

PER>SING>EUROPE is working perfect… VPN’d it to test via the Pacific>US line and was all sorts of busted.

Havent been able to log in all day

I would like to know if you are going to replace the lost ships, some quite expensive by the way, for this reason?

Unlikely you should KNOW than that even if you do that you cannot get aware of anything…botnets are silent and not detectable 'til they get active…again you should KNOW that :slight_smile:

At the moment they become active you can do something against them…but than the damage is already done :stuck_out_tongue:

Over an hour and your stupid launcher still doesn’t work now.


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i lose moons 30 days moons for this ■■■■ some peaplo lose structures and custom officer because aparently the piratas and guys whoe have 5years in the game can logir al alts at the same time