Tranquility, Serenity and Singularity – An Update

dont make drama befor it happens ok?
of corse they all think about make more money
they need to make money … more money … its our system
you cant make EVE pay2win … you cant win eve …
skins, extractors, plex, daily injectors are “monetization”

Serenity has a 2 years+ eve release … think back where we was more then 2 years ago … so first our stuff goes tho serenity … thats i load of monetization and its not a problem on tran

so lets see what happens and then make drama


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If you think injectors are only way to make eve pay2win you got no can add special ship insurances custom skin effects like nullification speed damage etc.
You got no idea how much pay2win you can make EVE

Golden ammo. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yea insurable pods new shop only implants the list of posibilities really is endless.
My guess is they’ll start with a few things that seem harmless at first.Alot of games begun their journey to full pay2win with mounts.
Maybe a recoverable shuttle like the leopard or something but with far better stats maybe a yacht type for having interdiction nullification.

They’ll begin with a pay 4 QOL type things like shorten travel times

I LOVE PAY TO WIN, I would like a module that makes me immune to everything so I can fly past the gate camps and laugh as their weapons have no effect.

See its this kind of reply once people experience the changes on singularity that’ll have it brought to TQ.

It’s literally bait why seed Singularity for Serenity changes when the Singularity demographic is mostly westerners.
People will go out of curiosity some will ask for it or CCP will make sure to hide the poison in a very nice looking apple then they’ll say ‘‘you asked for this’’

But on top of that instead of PLEX it will be Pearl Abyssal Tank Hardener, only purchasable in the PA rl-cash shop. :stuck_out_tongue:

Now you’ve seen the light, now you’ve seen the PATH to victory. :smirk:

You will get more SKINS and monetization options for both servers. Is that a bad thing? It depends on what will be monetized.

CCP will obviously want to get bonus millions from PA.

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You don’t get it do you?

Even if you pretend to yourself eve will not,it will still be reconstructed into a loot box selling ,real money buyable market compatible typical ftp game.

And there is nothing you can do about…

1st thing. it is their game, not yours/ours

2nd, you can always walk away if they do that, or if it becomes an issue to your enjoyment. you can already play for free as an alpha. deny them your money. dont invest any real cash in terms of a subscription.



custom skins??? NICE!!!
individual - corp skins - alliance skins … would be cooooooool


Is it really the Asian market or not just the Chinese market?

Well, I don’t want to be drama queen - it is too early, but still I am a bit curious what is going to happened to EvE. They can either kill the cow and took it’s meat or they can feed the cow and take the milk. I hope they are going to choose second option, but we will see. For now, monetization sounds dangerous - for me.

Chinessee are coming!!! Run for your lives…

The fact that they are continuing Serenity is a much better prospect compared to if they hadn’t.

Now Pearl AByss’ decision to buy CCP could be to corner the Chinese market where p2w and massive grinding is readily accepted, and leave TQ mostly alone p2w wise. And to be able to actually make Serenity work it need to get updates just like TQ (unlike it has now) and to make sure this happens they bought the whole of CCP instead of only just the Chinese bit.

Not saying that this is necessarily the case but from a strategy point of view it makes sense, and is a damn well better concept than “EVE’s going full on p2w”.

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Honestly yes. I would love* the idea to have second server where I can buy anything and everything - just for lulz (don’t mention test server, it sucks). But I still want to have main server as it is now - because you lose interest to the game pretty fast if you can just buy everything.

So is it the start of “We won’t be pushing any more updates to Tranquility” and only support Serenity.

Because the monitization is only gonna be on Serenity… ?

And later… “To simplify QA, we are merging the Serenity client with the Tranquility client, so you can all enjoy that lootbox goodness?”

That looks slightly uncomfortable for me to see that additional layer of complication will be added to test server. Who else thinks that we will get even more bugs after that change?

Yeah that is why I am also concerned

sniff sniff

Smells like Drama Queen.