Uedama anti-gank

And yet, nothing has changed. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I’m sure Kaely will understand. She’s always been pretty insightful.

Finally someone burned the structures. Thats all people really needed to do to end most ganking. Although the fort is still up.

Gotta field some oracles I guess.

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I would agree with that, hopefully she will rub off on a couple of others.

Maybe this is the new war we fight , eve is forever changing

Maybe Uedama will test the faithful, as the sky’s burn

This is one of the benefits of the changes to bumping, it made the gankers focus on using certain systems to do most of their ganking, this also meant that they required certain infrastructure to make it more efficient or easier while excessively multi-boxing.

The war decs are definitely something that could add to this conflict, I keep hoping that more people will see the benefit of clearing these structures out.

This is a major change and it is a pity that CCP does not seem to see it.

@Brisc_Rubal, if we could have further restrictions on -10’s in terms of docking in NPC stations in hisec it would develop this further.

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Already in a corp but is there any public channel or something more secure?

And an especially good corp at that.

My group has a Discord obviously, but while it has an AG section it is more of an alliance one. But in reality most of the AG stuff is done in more private Eve chat channels with trusted participants, over time if you appear to be kosher and doing good stuff people will invite you, just give it time and activity. Please understand how easy it is to infiltrate and understand why it is like this. I have even got invited to a few, don’t know why though. :slight_smile:

Well here is one of my AG videos EVE Online - Another Iteron saved in Uedama - YouTube
See what some fit on a not very tanky ship can do? in many cases i see the possible target, i start locking and they just vanish instantly, no fit = might as well just destroy the items directly.


It was a while ago and it was just 600mill (twice) from empire ganking alt. Nothing special.
The Niarja Fortizar kill was more special :wink:

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LOL the clout chasing. Its ok bruv, people still think Githany is better than you.

Preach it brother. You out there doing the real work.

As mining channel knows, @Gix_Firebrand is a well established ganker. Ask K0 K0…

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Whose alt are you LOL. How many alts do you got KO KO?

  1. I’ve never ganked anyone high sec
  2. Never ganked K0 K0
  3. The only thing I do in mining chat is slay people in political/religious debates

Thankee for coming to my EVE talk.

You’re a legend in your own mind.

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I am indeed. And thankfully I am. Too many of ya’ll play this game in such a shallow manner.

The whole goal is to forge your own path and have your own fun. I do that every time I play.

I feel pity for you, truly. Hopefully you gave your ISK to someone who actually plays :smiley:

:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::sweat_smile::rofl::sob: :arrow_up:

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Mm. If emoji’s are all you got, I accept you ceding the field.


The situation in Uedama reminds me of the situation in Athens, Tennesee in 1946; the police were so corrupt that citizens rose up and violently got rid of them. Its too bad Concord cannot be gotten rid of in Uedama. They are probably more a hindrance to AG than gankers.

Anyway, there seriously gets to be a point of lawlessness that a system should change its sec rating to reflect its ACTUAL circumstances. Typical historical responses to such situations range from completely withdrawing Imperial forces to brutally cracking down with MORE Imperial forces, while doing nothing, as in this case, is an anomaly at best.

  1. Again with the un-needed real life references. Honestly. Get a grip ROFL.
  2. How would removing CONCORD help AGers? You know what would help AGers? If New Eden peeps fitted a tank.

One of the dumbest things ever written.

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