Welcome to Photon UI - SiSi

will this make it run faster on MacOS? right now for laptops it really lags and fps is around 18. (with minimum settings I get around 25)

If it is not broken, why try to fix it?

that’s cause its a mac, they don’t run games… Go edit a picture

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Well, about that…

That’s TQ right now. Still no excuse for the war on information density.




The base window “background” color is the same across all color schemes, but the “focused” window color is different between each. This causes some awkward contrast, especially with the Amarr one.

Image Examples

— Suggestion: Provide a different base window “background” color for each scheme as well.


While the whole UI is now more unified in style, some windows still cannot be stacked - as they continue to use a “second” kind of window, which I’d wager is still a separate kind of “window” in EVE itself.

The inability to stack this “second” window type now feels somewhat arbitrary, now that the style is more unified. The Agency uses yet another “third” type for itself, which seems more reasonable as it is not resizable.

The Skill Window, Map, and Activity Tracker are among those using the “second” type.

  • Suggestion: Change the window type of these other windows to the new standard one. This would allow for consistent stacking of windows, which helps immensely in sorting and effectively viewing/navigating necessary information - something EVE has a LOT of.

Additionally, the in-window “window size and position” and “always above fullscreen views” toggles, as well as the “light background” toggle accessible by right-clicking, have all been moved to into an additional “more” button. Resultingly, these settings can no longer be toggled for the Station menu window or any other window that lacks a top bar.
The “second” type of window mentioned above also lacks these options, and also lacks them currently in the non-unified UI. Vexingly, the “more” button has been added for the “third” type window the agency uses, but not the others.

  • Suggestion: restore these options to the station menu, either by adding the “more” button to it somehow or with a right-click option for them - and add the “more” button to bar for the “second” type windows used by the Skill Sheet, Map, Activity Tracker, etc.

Padding/Spacing/Margins are overly large or unnecessarily added in many places. This leads to a significant increase in unused space for every window. Take a look at the showinfo window in particular:

The window name is the most enlarged, though slightly less when a window is stacked.

  • Suggestion: Trim the universal padding for windows by half. Demonstration:


Bug: The different main tabs of the Character Sheet can no longer be navigated while stacked.

  • Suggestion: Restore this functionality while stacked.

Weird Bug: Both currently and on Photon, the last of the implants listed for any given jump clone ALWAYS jumps down to a newline, taking up a lot of extra space.

  • Suggestion: With the UI being totally re-unified, I’d be pleased to see this fixed.

I’ll put some of these in bug reports ingame as well, but it’d be a lot less concise or readable.


Size comparison with two windows. Window made as small as possible without cutting out letters in tabs or words in bio.

Feedback: I do NOT like the “noise/static/film grain” effect in the background of the windows.


Just resizing them down from 4K sizes with a good algorithm would be fine with most people. I’m sure anyone at 1080 or below wouldn’t care if they’re a little less sharp, especially if it’s the price to pay for not having the entire client turn into the blunder that is the skills window.

For the mostly flat UI graphics like the neocom, it shouldn’t take that long to remake them as vector graphics and it would be a permanent solution.

As for scaling of UI elements… you just apply a factor to the size of everything. Draw bigger buttons, bigger borders, bigger text boxes, bigger text. Or smaller, for low DPI for example. There’s no raster upscaling involved, so no, it wouldn’t “look like minecraft at 4k.”

Yes, the fancy-looking UI with more graphical effects is going to run faster. It’s MAGIC, just like your Mac! Think different!


I like the style, I like the clear indication of the active window, I like the unified theme.

I do not like the wasted space; a number of windows/dialogs are no longer as efficient with the screen real estate as they were previously. Here is one example:

There are a number of instances of this, it is present essentially all over the UI.


Some customization features are missing on the test variant versus the Tranquility variant.

Personally I think this Dark version makes more holes in the game view.

Also the colors of things like the undock button need to be different from the rest so one can see it instantly. Some of the buttons don’t make sense. Three Colors is interesting, but its kind of lacking in some ways. Can we just custom chose 3 colors to our preferences?

If you insist on having massive window headers give us an option for a UI without the window headers, or at least drastically reduced size. The best thing about the current UI is information density and relatively little wasted space in the older windows. The current iteration on SISI has a ton of wasted space and useless bloat, especially window headers, that makes having the same window sizes result in less information without scrolling or drastically increasing window sizes.

A prime example of bad UI design is the current character panel. The 3D model window is fancy and all, but it’s mostly useless and/or redundant information. The 3D model window currently shows:

Character DOB: This is pretty useless information and is indirectly shown in the history tab.
Total net worth: Not entirely useless but not exactly crucial information. Especially not when its much easier to track total net worth via 3rd party tools like jeveassets which do a better job.
Sec Status: The only actual information that’s kind of important and (unless I’m mistaken) not shown anywhere else in the UI.
Home station: Redundant information again, shown in the Home station tab.
Total SP: Redundant again, shown in the skills window.

In order to get the character panel into a usable and compact state you have to dock it into another window. Why does the collapse button hide the actually important windows instead of hiding the useless 3D model?


Will the Photon UI be the only available choice on TQ when it gets pushed, or will we have the option to stick with the current UI? Because I have a small monitor and run multiple accounts, and even with EVE-O Preview I will not be able to fit enough windows onto my screen with these massive window headers and other space-wasters.

EDIT: It also seems that the transparency slider under General Settings > Window Appearance does not work on Sisi. Obviously, fully opaque windows are incredibly annoying to have, so I hope this gets fixed before a potential push to TQ. There is no “Enable Light Background” option either.

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I have tried the new UI on SISI, and while I like the design, sadly it makes too much of the screen into a border or padding.

I have made these 2 the way I run as logi, with all the relevant windows. And you can see that the padding makes windows of the same size show way less useful information. And that is a problem. If you could make it configurable, so that we can reduce the padding/margin on the borders and make window borders optionally visible, that would help.

The new UI is nicer for people who don’t have many things opened, but more veteran players will have these opened:

  • overview + current target
  • fleet or broadcast history
  • drone window
  • saved locations
  • dscan
  • anomaly list (to see if any new sig pops up)
  • fleet chat and logi chat (cap chain)
  • watch list (most important as logi)

This issue is best seen in the saved locaitons window - half of the window is taken by its header and padding below it. Useless. If doesn’t even need header - make it hideable. We need more of the screen to be useful while in space.

I’d argue that going window-less might be even better, just ditch the headers and let us have just the “content” blocks movable on the screen.


This would be great.

To me, the most important part of a new UI is that it shows the same amount of useful information, visible in equal or less space compared to the current UI.

Headers are not useful information to anyone but new players, let us toggle them off.

Ditch the headers, borders, and any buttons you can cut, let us see only the useful information floating on the background of space.


So basically you want a dynamic space wallpaper with a status overlay like Conky.

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No idea how conky looks, but if it is like what I described, I guess it could look similar.

It would look like a desktop environment


That would be good. It looks simple, clear and efficient to me.

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Here’s more extensive feedback.

  • Good: Current tab easily distinguishable, less whitespace
  • Bad: Check marks too small
  • Bad: Colors less vibrant than before (for Amarr theme)
  • Bad: Less color themes than before
  • Bad: too much whitespace inside buttons
  • Bad: too much whitespace around windows
  • Good: icons in menus
  • Good: menus bigger (note: menus are temporary items; when a menu is open, the user’s intention is to quickly select an option, so bigger is better here, to an extent)
  • Bad: text in station tabs is not centered
  • Good: highlighted item in hangar more distinguishable with the border (as someone who is color-blind, that’s a great change).
  • Bad: probe scanner window—icons in buttons are too small, too much whitespace
  • Bad: market order window broken
  • Good: top border of active window highlighted, making it easier to tell which window is the active one
  • Bad: items in item hangar sorted vertically instead of horizontally
  • Bad: Lines in Logs & Messages window have different heights
  • Bad: layout in Fitting Management window broken
  • Bad: layout in People & Places window broken
  • Bad: layout in Divide Stack window broken

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That is only partially true. While headers like Selected Items don’t tell you much useful information, the header of the Overview tells you which overview setup is loaded in a given tab. Hangar windows headers tell you which hangar you have open, like Item Hangar, Ship Hangar, Ship Maintenance bay (important here, it tells you which ship it is), Ore Hold etc.


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This. We already have the compact size option in windows. Just make it useful.

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