I voted no, because if ISD notices I show interest in a thread they usually close it
Great! Thanks to you, we now need even more “close” votes to get this locked!
Your passive aggressive response was quite toxic. I feel offended and I’m currently in the process of biomassing my characters because I can’t handle it.
Should Karak give me his stuff before biomassing?
- Yes
- No
- Maybe
0 voters
Actually most people are non-toxic and benevolent IRL.
Most people are full of qualities.
The thing is, you notice the people that have issues more, because issues are more visible than qualities.
And since your brain is how it is, you believe that there are more bad people than good people. But the truth is, “bad” people don’t exist.
Most people that are toxic on the forum, are actually suffering deeply IRL. That’s why you must never tell them, because that would hurt them more. They are trapped inside their suffering brain and so need to try to hurt other people.
Why is there so many toxic on the forum ? Well mostly because moderators don’t ban people who don’t obey the forum rules. That is, there is no moderation on the forum.
So, we have
- people suffering IRL
- who come to the forum because they can’t find help IRL.
- who are very vocal and you notice only them
- and no moderation on the forum
And the result is, it looks like the community is only made of toxic people.
You are committing a hasty generalization fallacy…
Excuse me, but Anderson never commits anything. She’s the only one who never breaks rules, she’s the only one entitled to breaking any rules if she decided to do so and she’s the only one who is always correct. Always. Not even The Code wins this amount of always.
Someone who votes for Trump can not be wrong!
And here you have two perfect examples of what I wrote.
I made a post with explanations, without any personal aggression, and for that one post, you have two posts without any construction nor relevance to the topic. Basically two posts that would better not be posted.
Not to forget that she never follows anyone around.
She tends to do that a lot when she’s angry, but as we all know she’s never actually angry. Maybe I should start asking people if they’d been followed around by Anderson as well. That might be interesting. That list contains three people so far.
You miss the simple fact that trolling can be really fun, particularly when people overreact.
Trolling is only fun for people who are suffering. For other, they have better things to do.
No, just no., that’s way too simplistic.
Please don’t call Anderson’s way of thinking simplistic.
That’s a personal attack, which can not be tolerated.
You are on a forum making wild assertions without ANY proof. I pointed that out with a simple one line post. Sorry that you think that is not constructive but that’s on you, not me. z0ra’s post was actually funny too BTW and not mean or toxic.
No attacks…no aggression…no toxicity. But you still complained and played the victim.
Every stop and think it might be you?
Only Anderson is allowed to call people idiots. Anyone else doing it is personally attacking her.
Have you not noticed that Anderson does not require proof? Only everyone else is required to provide proof. When SHE says something, then just like when Trump says something, then it is the truth and proof enough!
Furthermore, when Anderson posts off-topic posts, then that’s always in good faith! When anyone else does it, then it’s rule breaking and needs to be flagged and curb stomped. Does anyone else remember her silly flagging sprees, where she tried censoring plenty of people, usually in one sitting?
My other favorite person here does the same…often starting a paragraph with “Most in the community agree with me that…”
Drives me bonkers…
Clearly he’s wrong, because most of the community agree with Anderson. Not to forget, when someone’s mother dies, it’s okay for Anderson to tell that person to go ■■■■ her.
I thought they all agreed with Ridiculous Knob and his many, many alts.
Fabulous Rod? Please don’t mention him! He’ll come out of the wood work eventually. That noticable increase in whine threads lately can only mean that, one day, he will be back. Hey, do you remember NoLife NoFriends NoPosting, who copied the profile picture of that other guy, what was his name? K… something?
Or Veers Belvar, who had the tendency to post with several chars at the same time, just so he can make it look like people agree with him? He was hilariously bad at it! Good times … <3
Ahh the lookilike clones, I remember those. Sadly I never managed to piss him off enough to get one of my very own, I just had to put up with the frequent love letters in my inbox.
Veers Belvar