Thanks, yeah, I think, I consider trying WH space.
I fully agree that afk mining destroys the game, but that’s not my point, I need a reason to play the game with a reasonable amount of risk, lossing a few ships is ok, but let’s put it this way.
To build a freighter you had to either spend 1.3 billion isk or mine the ore and build it by yourself, you needed to buy some ore from the market, but it was okay, the ore was available.
Now you pay 3 bill. for the same ship and if you want to build it, you nearly can’t, due to the fact, that the reactions stuff is available only in low/null and you can’t get it on the market (yet), and if, you are never able to produce below 3 bill, at least that’s what came out when I did the math yessterday.
So I hope, the situation will improve over time, and the items will be available on the market for a reasonalbe price.
Everyone should make their profit with the goods they produce otherwise who would do it anyway.
But if I am taken the options to do it myself, e.g. reactions, or the risk of doing it is so high, a can not afford it, why should i do it then, that’s my whole point, eve gave me something I enjoyed but now its tryies to take it away from me.
Dear CCP make building more complex, no worries, I dont care if I need 500 items to build my ship, its all good, I like doing this, collecting stuff and putting it together, great, but do not make it less desirable by making it too risky.
If I want to increase my risks, I engage into pvp or worse, piss off people, then I can have risks all the way long…