Everyone knows that Gankers are the lowest type of Capsuleer in New Eden. Their destructive threats reign terror across all High Sec routes of trade. But no longer. Thanks to the brilliant tactic of Pipe Bombing developed by Rooks and Kings I have been able to adapt the tactic for High Sec use against CODE and any other large scale ganking operation.
For starters when you exit a station you have a :30 invulnerability timer that remains active as long as you don’t move your ship around.
With all of the ganking that CODE has done in High Sec I think that all of corporations that have been affected should come together and War Dec Code and then systematically eliminate their Citadels from any High Sec system that they are located in.
Because of CODE’s constant -10 security status they would not be able to field any type of ship based defense but would have to call upon allies to war dec alliances such as Pandemic Legion, Test, Northern Coalition and the like which would be a ver…
High Sector gankers such as CODE. should be made to pay a ganking fee for their ganking activities.
Sure they will drop buckets of tears about losing Security Status, their ships and having to wait for 15 minutes after a gank not to mention everyone chasing them when they come on grid…how is a ganker supposed to fly through High Sec like this? It really isn’t fair.
I suggest a Ganking Fee and new mechanic that would lock the account out for a certain time period if the Ganking Fee isn’t paid.
CODE. delegates itself to being the Savior’s of High Sec. But what about Low and Null Sec where their masters reside and call the shots from?
There is much more potential to increase the destructive power of CODE. with CODE. using the same mechanics in it employs in High Sec. Much more wealth and much more valuable kills such as Force Aux., Dreds, Carriers and above all else Titans. The last four ships are greatest number of ship types that you will come across in Null space in Pandemic Legion …
You have been on a solo crusade for years since you got smacked by CODE in 2013 and since then you just keep getting slapped around. You cry on the forum but never actually do anything. You remind me a bit of Dracvlad.