As the title says, bring back the old abyssal proving grounds! As I am not sure where to put, I put it into feature and idea discussion.
I know, this is not the first thread about that(and there will be more coming for sure), but there are people who liked it, and so it should come back. There was nothing wrong with them, really not! I dont understand, why content, which is great got replaced with these filaments. Why was it not possible to keep the old arena?
to be honest, I was thinking about running for this CSM. Assuming, I got elected and possibly one of the first things to learn is that CCP removes content you enjoyed for over a year would have been very depressing and demotivating. I dont know if CSM would be that productive at all with me beeing salty all the time and whining. Imagine you come to CSM to bring feedback to them, and then the following happens:
CCP: Here, we are taking away great content and give you filaments for cheap ships!
This was not the feedback I saw on the forums often(or reddit). Anyways, I am glad I did not candidate for CSM, would have been such a depressing experience for me and not so fun for the rest of the CSM and CCP.
All began, when CCP released the dev blog in June, saying they replace great content with content that is not so great at all. I remember, waking up in the next morning with(WARNING: TEARS INCOMING) a tear streaming down my face. I really could not believe what actually was happening. I never expected that to happen, never. There was also no reason for that.
What I also dont understand, is that CCP did not listen to feedback when they first came out in 2018. The same points came up multiple times, which was not matchmaking, solved meta or accessibility:
- Stalemate issue
- Timezone restrictions
- Value of loot was not enought
- adding a small arena after tier 0, 1 and 2 sites for cheap ships, not making all cheap only
I made about 5 threads here in the forums and another 2 or so on reddit in first half of 2019. And other players made that too. There are like 20+ threads here on the forums with more or less the same points brought up. None had stuff like direct entrance, solved meta(which is a ship balance issue) or matchmaking system. Old arena was more like FW Plexing. You never always got a fight. Sometimes you got, sometimes not.
The real reason abyssal PVP became unpopular was that CCP did not do anything to fix it. It took 4 months to fix a bug making the gate not spwn often enought. Rest was not looked at all, even if I brought it up to CSM back then. And in early 2019 a lot of people liked it. Summer 2019 has driven away a lot of people because of the gate only spawning for 1-2 hours per day.
If you dont know how great this content was, check this out:
There you find a lot of clips from great fights happening in the old arena.
Please, bring it back! This is great content you removed, not a balance change or so.
CCP should know that the reason this became unpopular wa becuse they did not listen to feedbck and did not do work that would have taken a few hours of coding.
On a side note, dont do the same misstake with pochven too. Looking at zkill indicates that most kills happen by npc’s, which indicates a low population there.
Edit 08/29/2022: Since its 2 years since the old arenas are gone, I made a quick video about them: Eve Online What was the old arena like? - YouTube
Edit 02/19/2023: Also, as CCP did not do any arenas in the past month, my state of mind on that is: If you don’t want to continue the PG’s, then return the old arena.