COSMOS Sites Are Broken AF!

Maybe, just maybe, I don’t like you one bit.

I had nothing to do with it. I just didn’t oppose it when CCP decided to do it and Mike wasn’t on the CSM at the time.

Yes, I agree with that statement. And it makes perfect sense, honestly. Fixing old stuff doesn’t make them any money.

This really isn’t fair. The problem is not the current programmers, it’s the old ones who originally put the broken stuff in the game. The current ones can fix it, but it would take far too long for providing little actual benefit for them to agree to do it. Everything they assign a team to costs money and if they aren’t going to recover the cost, there’s little reason to do it.

What, really? I had no idea. Whatsoever shall I do?

Ain’t none of my concern… go boil an egg or something.

Someone somewhere must have mentioned that this just leads to them (CCP) cannibalising their own player base. Yes new players come in atttracted by the shiney stuff, but they don’t stay long because all the content is broke / poor.


Ok, first off I didn’t want to jump onto the ‘Berate Brisc’ bandwagon but you just had to drag me in. FYI, for a long time most of the Cosmos content worked just fine so you saying it was already broken to begin with just isn’t true.

Secondly, you saying the current programmers could fix the broken content within the game but there’s little actual benefit for them to do it is just pure BS. The benefit to fixing broken content and removing bugs is having a good working game that will attract and retain players. Currently the game just attracts players who then leave because it’s riddled with bugs and broken content.

Not only does fixing broken content and removing bugs ensure a good working game, the initial cost for doing that would be easily recovered and produce a profit due to attracting and retaining players.

The biggest problem with the game right now is people like you constantly making excuses for their lazy nonchalant attitude and unprofessional shoddy programming. Your replies here show that you obviously don’t represent the player majority or have the best interests for making the game better.


and the grass was green. the trees laden with fruit. a paradise on earth where anything seemed possible and then there was reality……………

Being a realist helps when having to deal with a company, being able to see THEIR perspective helps you to choose your battles and fight them in a way that gives you the best chance to succeed. Doesn’t mean he likes which decisions that company is making.

Again: no fan of large alliances, Goons in particular, politicians and certainly not lobbyists (they’re all snakes) but I’d rather have someone who speaks and understands company language than some blindly raging nerd as a CSM.

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That statement doesn’t jibe with your squealing fan-girl posting.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

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We bring this up, but the reality is that new players tend to gravitate towards the content that they see being advertised, streamed, or put into youtube videos, and that’s the newer stuff. Most new players, for example, have no idea what a COSMOS mission is and are unlikely to wander across them except by accident or if they’re talking to older players who remember the content from back then. Honestly, every time I see anybody talking about COSMOS missions these days it’s to complain that they’re broken, so I would think that would deter most people from spending any time on them.

You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. For as long as I’ve been paying attention to it - which is 5+ years now, the COSMOS stuff has been broken. When was it working?

Here’s a hypothetical. You have a team of 3 designers and 3 programmers. They can work on

A. New content feature that can be used in marketing material, will be fun for new and veterans players alike, take advantage of new development systems and tools, and will take 3 months to code;

B. A new system that can be immediately monetized, that will take 3 months to code;

C. Tearing out or otherwise fixing the COSMOS missions, which will take between 3-6 months to code, assuming that they code isn’t so messed up that the can do this at all.

Which do you think they’re going to do?
ANSWER KEY: B first, A second, C never.

I don’t think this is that realistic.

This isn’t close to the biggest problem in the game, and, frankly, I have a larger problem with arm chair programmers bitching about CCP’s “shoddy programming” than I actually have with their programming, which isn’t as bad as folks make it out to be. Yes, there’s plenty of times when I want to tear my hair out because of things that get shipped half-finished, or the like, but I don’t know of any game or game company that doesn’t do that these days.

I’m hard on CCP when I feel they deserve it, but that’s not 24/7 and I’m going to call out what I think is unfair criticism.

Thanks, I guess?

I’m also a realist.

Well, I don’t know where you get this 5+ years number. Either you’re just plain flat out lying now or you definitely haven’t been paying attention. I’m the creator of the ‘Faction Standing Repair Plan’ and my thread has replies from players who had no problems running Cosmos Agents back in 2019.

Your hypothetical scenario is just a smoke screen attempt to validate Developer incompetence, especially since there’s a lot more than just 3 Dev’s working at CCP.

It’s a lot more realistic than all the flimsy excuses you keep posting in defense of CCP.

Anyway, I still stand with what I originally stated:


You just don’t know what you’re talking about and you’re not willing to listen to those who do.

As for the missions, like I said, I’ve been getting complaints about them for years.

Heh, that goes double for you…


I think I might give it a shot for old times and see how far I get. I used to do the full COSMOS story on every new character back in the day.

Any links/leads on guides that might still be available?

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

January 2018: Broken Epic Mission chain? - #3 by DeMichael_Crimson

NOTE: “In the future if you decide to do Cosmos Agents, a few of them are somewhat broken and to access them will require assistance from CCP via support ticket.”

Who wrote that?

April 2018: COSMOS Missions and Eve University COSMOS Guide seem to be Broken

August 2018: Pre-CSM Summit Open Thread - #15 by Alhira_Katserna

September 2018: COSMOS missions are broken

I mean, come on man - maybe it’s not 5+ years but it’s 3+ years, and you yourself acknowledged that some of them are so broken you have to get the GMs to help you complete them.

I mean, seriously. This is why I get so frustrated with folks on here.


I think you hurt his delicate sensitivities, DMC.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


i think its also the fact now that GM’s are not able to help with what they have to work with.

Honestly @Brisc_Rubal i think its just a lot of CCP says they are going to do something, then just drop it, that really irritates the customers. like the bounty system. its been a year since it was supposed to have been disabled for a month, and there’s been zero communication about it.

not taking up for every person on the forums, cause some come here to ■■■■■ just to ■■■■■, and half probably don’t even play anymore.

I was under the impression Mike did a lot of work to help new players vOv

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Well, ‘The Plan’ link takes you to the old discontinued Evelopedia which has various links to other pages within it. ‘The Plan’ also contains links to other sites but I can’t update it.

Anyway, off hand here’s the links used in ‘The Plan’.

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Thanks, bro.

That should keep me busy for the rest of the afternoon. Hopefully I’ll find the guide I used to use in there. It was pretty detailed and descriptive.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses: