COSMOS Sites Are Broken AF!

Especially ironic that he’s decided to take on someone who’s been in the game far longer than him that has actually contributed to bettering the new player experience among his other accomplishments.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

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I don’t care if you don’t kiss my feet. But when make statements that are simply not true - especially things about the quality of the current folks who work for CCP when you have zero actual knowledge of this, you shouldn’t be surprised if the folks who do work with them try to correct you.

I’ve been in the game two years longer than him, and my record speaks for itself.

Seriously, is this is all you two have to do today?

Well, guess this discussion is over for me since you’ve resorted to censure.

Like I said earlier, most of the Cosmos Agents worked fine and yes, some needed a nudge from CCP to be activated but that doesn’t mean they’re all broken like you stated.

Anyway, let’s check out the links you posted that supposedly proves your case.

Broken Epic Mission chain? That was somebody trying to run the level 1 Epic Arc which has nothing to do with Cosmos. Also my statement of ‘A few Cosmos Agents are somewhat broken and access requires assistance from CCP’ doesn’t mean they’re all broken like what you stated.

COSMOS Missions and Eve University COSMOS Guide seem to be Broken That player tried to run the Amarr Cosmos Agents and didn’t have the standings required for access.

Pre-CSM Summit Open Thread - #15 by Alhira_Katserna That player was just throwing out a bunch of suggestions, didn’t post any specific issues and wasn’t even sure about Cosmos. However what’s ironic is the last post by that player is pretty close to what I posted earlier to which you disagreed.

Fix long broken mechanics, starting with FW and wardecs. Afaik cosmos missions are broken too. Maybe LP stores and ESS need some love. Fixing the general issues this game has would help a lot more with player retention than stuff like the abyss could ever do. A new player won´t stay forever in a game where he cannot do half of the stuff or enjoy his evening when being faced with broken stuff left right and center.

COSMOS missions are broken That player was complaining about not having standings for access and also about Cosmos Agents not giving Faction Standing increase. That’s not broken, there’s a few Agents mixed in with Cosmos Agents that don’t give Faction standing and will offer their single mission repeatedly. They aren’t really Cosmos Agents even though they’re in the same location.

Anyway, I’ve completed all High Sec Empire Cosmos Agents and almost all of the Low Sec Empire Cosmos Agents. Yeah, I had some problems with a few Agents but it wasn’t major, only one Agent was completely broken and a couple more just needed a little nudge from CCP to become active.

What really bugs me is how some people will talk about stuff that they have no experience with, will blow things completely out of proportion and intentionally misrepresent the facts in an attempt to prove themselves right…


The forums are a place for discussions. Please follow the forum guidelines and refrain from personal attacks.

Thank you

ISD Bahamut


I agree with you on this one. Like, when they accuse folks of “lazy nonchalant attitude and unprofessional shoddy programming” or otherwise presume that everything they suggest is easy to do and it must be incompetence that is stopping them from doing basic, easy, obvious things.

It’s funny because you seem to be arguing that these missions aren’t really broken at all, so they don’t need to be fixed, but CCP isn’t fixing them because they’re incompetent. Those seem to be mutually exclusive positions, don’t you think?

You can argue that they’re broken (which you seem to admit they are, because content that requires a senior GM to fix isn’t exactly working as intended) or you can argue that they aren’t (which you seem to be claiming just to have an excuse to contradict me) but you can’t argue both at the same time.

All I have said, and I stand by this because it’s based on my direct knowledge of how they triage major fixes, is that they aren’t going to spend six months fixing legacy content that isn’t working because that is not a good use of their resources when they have much bigger things they are trying to do.

I don’t think that’s incompetence talking, I think that makes perfect sense. This is one of those situations where I’m willing to take what they’re saying at face value.


I can’t disagree. That’s why I didn’t vote for you.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

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Most of the info in those links should still be good. I remember a short time after I completed Cosmos (this was before CCP’s ‘Agents Made Easy’ expansion) CCP moved a couple of Caldari Cosmos Agents, think they were the ones located in Ihakana system (Low Sec), pretty sure it was listed in a Dev Blog.

Dude, just stop already. You keep blowing things way out of proportion and now you’re misrepresenting and twisting what I said into something completely different. I said a few Cosmos Agents were buggy and one was broken, hell there may even be a couple more now but you keep making it out that all Cosmos Agents are broken.

Also I don’t care how tight you are with CCP Devs, you definitely don’t know how long it would take to fix the issues with Cosmos and your recent interactions here as a CSM member shows you definitely don’t represent the interests of the players.


lol I enjoyed your turn of phrase there, though I disagree that it accurately describes what I consider a realistic approach to the problem. Anyway…don’t you folks there have to maintain a minimum level of politeness or risk being summarily deported? :wink:

I agree with you there, and actually with a number of things you have said - but remember, this is ccp we’re talking about…they have of course made quite a few decisions that seem very strange at least (dust/ps3, cq, etc etc). I kinda think Brisc is right in trying to deal with what (unfortunately, imo, but que sera sera) is rather than what should be. Were it within my power, I’d offer you the chance and budget to do the stuff you refer to…but of course that’s not gonna happen…
This thread has made me sorta curious to check out the cosmos stuff.

@Brisc_Rubal - You seem to have something of a Realpolitik approach to dealing with things. I like that. :+1: Keep it up, I say.

Some of you folks seem like you won’t be happy until there are no csm interacting on the (supposed) official EvE forum in any way. I like Mike, but we’re already down to two…

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I’m not blowing anything out of proportion. I explained to people who pinged me that I didn’t see CCP ever fixing this stuff because it’s ancient, it’s hard to fix, and it’s not really worth the resources.

You said “the content wouldn’t need to be fixed if CCP hired competent programmers,” and I took exception to that because I think they’ve got a lot of programmers working for them now who are competent and since we are talking about content that was literally made more than a decade ago, I don’t think it’s fair to say that.

You say things like “the benefit to fixing broken content and removing bugs is having a good working game that will attract and retain players” but I’ve seen no evidence of that. If that were true, CCP would just stop making anything else and just fix all the bugs and people would be flocking to the game, but that hasn’t happened. Nor have I seen ANY MMO do that. Frankly, if I did see them do that, I’d say the game was dying and this was just “maintenance mode” stuff.

I know what they have told me when I have raised these and similar issues before. I represent the players 100%, but that doesn’t mean that I have to agree with everything they say, or that I’m not going to tell them they’re wrong when they’re wrong. CCP makes plenty of mistakes, and they deserve to be called out whenever that happens (and I do it often). The players often think things are super easy to fix when they’re not, and they aren’t always consistent with what they want or complain about.

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Actually, it’s not some. It’s lots.

And it’s not off the forum in any way. It’s done. Over. No more. A thing of the past.

The CSM served its purpose as a distraction from bad dev behavior. It is now years past its expiry date and needs to be tossed in the bin. See above post as a perfect example.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


Yes you are and you’re still doing it, doesn’t matter what is said, if it doesn’t fit your viewpoint then you’re immediately against it. If the topic is about content that doesn’t fit your chosen style of gameplay, you’re immediately against it. If there’s complaints about issues and bugs that don’t affect your gameplay then you’re immediately against fixing it.

My statement is completely correct. Doesn’t matter if the stuff is new or old, a competent professional would not implement untested unfinished work and would make sure it was compatible with existing stuff before releasing it. You say these new programmers are highly qualified and competent yet every single new change is riddled with bugs which breaks something that’s already working.

And don’t say it’s due to old code because that excuse doesn’t fly anymore. CCP has stated a few times in the past that they’ve updated and upgraded their systems allowing them to easily apply fixes and make changes to existing code. And no I’m not going to waste my time listing all the new Dev stuff that shows their incompetence, that list is rather long and most players already know it.

OMG… Are you seriously saying a game that’s riddled with bugs and broken unbalanced content will attract and retain players? You’re completely off base if you believe that load of crap. Don’t know what type of smoke and mirror show you’re trying to pull here but I’ve seen enough.

You claim to be a CSM member for the players but the only time you actually represent the interests of players is when their interests align with yours. All you’ve done here is proved yourself as a glorified CCP spokesperson who’s nothing more than a company shill / con artist.

Definitely not going to waste anymore of my time with you.


@Destiny_Corrupted I think that the comparative differences between whats been allowed to stay in Mike’s thread and whats been flagged and hidden here does lend a certain weight to your theory, though I never rule incompetence as malice until I have solid proof.

So what I’m taking from this is that instead of revamping the new player experience CCP should have fixed Cosmos missions because that would have had a bigger effect on player retention?

That seems an odd hill to want to die on


Don’t know where you got that conclusion from, I don’t remember seeing anything like that said in this thread.

As for removing bugs and fixing broken content, multiple times CCP has promised to do that, usually their effort is too little and too late…

Then we are reading very different threads

More like you’re reading much more into what’s actually been said…

Or perhaps you just got a little argumentative for the sake of it and embellished a few things to try and make a point?

The explanation made that CCP does not have infinite resource and needs to prioritise what developers work on is valid. It’s common place everywhere. Even windows and Mac OS have bugs that have been around for years. These are deemed less of a priority than developing new features. That CCP operates to the same industry standard shouldn’t be this offensive to you.